Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1425, four sunshunches, nine days, God!

The sword is unparalleled to the Stars, and there is a turmoil in the stars.

At the beginning of the battle, the sword was unparalleled.

At that time, many disciples guess, the sword is unparalleled to be crucified.

Now that the sword is unparalleled to the stars, after the breath, the atmosphere is obviously changing in the past.

Because the treasures of the founders of the Stars, the breath that the sword is unparalleled now, it is obvious that the triple day will be available.

So, the entire star has begun to circulate, the sword has not doubled the third heavy robbery, and became the news of the three heavens.

In the stars, the number of disciples in the three heavenly disciples can be not much, especially the Star Palace disciple of the three heavens, is even more rare.


The sword is unparalleled through the building, and she didn't have to come to a great golden temple before.

Abroad of this golden temple also carved three big words "true god cabinet".

" ."

Looking at the big golden temple in front of you, the sword is not a big corner, and the spin will go forward.

At the door of the Golden Temple, a white-haired old man was sitting in the dish, which was forced to the eyes, such as the old man.


The sword is unparalleled with this white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man slowly opened his eyes, and the slightly turbid eyes glared in the sword. "The sword is unparalleled?"

This white-haired old man also went to the scene of the disciples, and also saw the stunning performance of the sword unparalleled in the battle.

"Oh, break through the three heavens god?" White haired old man was witnessed.

"Long, I want to enter the true God." The sword is unparalleled.

"You are the stars of the Three Heavenly Gods, which is indeed eligible to enter, but I have to remind you, the Temple, every time I open it is extremely unlikely, it is extremely amazing, so that it is a star palace disciple, there is only one time An opportunity to enter, and if you want to enter the second time, you only have to complete the experience and get an extra gift. "White hair old said.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled, he did not know this before.

"You can think about it, do you want to go in now." The old white hair smiled and sat there, waiting for the sword unparalleled answer.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has already decided.

"Anyway, once more than one hundred years, my ultimate disciple will arrive, complete the ultimate disciple mission, can also get an extra gift, and then have the opportunity to enter this true God Pavilion." The sword is unparalleled and smiled. I will go in now. "

"That's good, I will open it for you, you will go in, you can remember, you can only stay in the true God of the Temple, you have to rarely rarely, don't waste this opportunity." White The old man is taking the old man.

The sword has no double nodd, when the old man opened the temple door door, he took directly into the true God of Temple.

This is a vast stars.

The sword is unparalleled in this starry sky, and some doubts are surrounded by surroundings.

"What is the body of the most precious opportunity of the true temple, the most precious opportunity of the stars?"

The sword is not very dark and curious.

And just here ...! A huge and raging river appeared in the end of the starry sky, and touched him with an amazing speed.

This river is too fast, and the sword is unparalleled. It is no longer able to make any reactions. It is already completely covered.

Within this river, the sword is unparalleled, there is no impact, but it is possible to feel that there is a very small force from the eight parties.

"This is this?" The sword was unparalleled. "

He can see that the whole huge river is made up of these special forces.

And these special forces, swords are unparalleled, but what is nothing to do.

"Good mystery power."

The sword is unparalleled, and the 'river is touched by these power. "

But these power, he saw it all, could not feel it.

"These power, some are very familiar, but most of them are very strange, what is it?" The sword wore brows.

At this time, I have been parasitic in the sword where the sword is unparalleled, "the sword is unparalleled, you feel these forces, is the most pure, the most powerful, the most powerful force, they are born and the heavens, existed Within the heaven, they ... is the power of heaven! "

"Tiandao?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Tiandao, is the origin of everything in the world. We now currently chaotic world, go to Ten major cultivation holy land, down to one ancient circles, and even one thousand people, are born by heaven, and constitute the heaven cycle, There are thirteen powers! "Kings said.

"The power of these heavens, mysterious, strong, and for many cultural people in the chaotic world, naturally, it is natural, and it is extremely desirable to get this strength."

"So, there is a process of cultivator to participate in the heavens, derived from the four sunsuce, and the process of nine days."

"The cultivators of the vast chaotic world, through the four big demon, the nine days of the gods, with the strength of the heavens, so that you can burst out more, more powerful, but because of the power of the heavens, too high Test, so under normal circumstances, only the power of the real god is eligible to participate, as for the world ... "

"The general world is basically unqualified to participate in this kind of power, and there are only some real talents, some monster levels, and after reaching the three heavens, you can try to refer to one of them, such a monster, There is also little less, and the whole vast chaotic world is estimated. "

"The sword is unparalleled, I still remember the genius of the genius in the ancient star sea, did you encounter ? I have said that you have encountered the true top genius, and I will say this, that is because I saw him I have realized the killing road among the nine days! "

"Duan Lingfeng?" The sword was unparalleled. Could I think of a peerless genius who has had a passion of the sea.

At that time, Wang said that Duan Lingfeng and took out that step.

At that time, the sword was unparalleled, but what was the 'that step' said, but now he understands.

The original Duan Lingfeng is a super genius who compresses the power of the heavens in the world.

"When I saw the Ling Feng, he just passed the third heavy robbery, but he had a high sense of killing road, that is, he had realized a slashing road when he was in the second heaven. The peerless genius, the top ten cultivation holy land is also difficult to find a few come. "The king continued.

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