Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1428 Star Court

In the secret room, the sword is unique to standing there, and in front of him, there is a bead that exudes a deep light.

With the coverage of the sword unparalleled soul, the time of the time is full of time.

These messages, it is the practice of the cultivation of the golden body, leaving in his mind through the inheritance way.

Match the golden body, a total of three volumes.

Single first volume, the three heavens are required to be qualified to practice, and after the first volume, the three of the three heavens gods are sufficient to match the true God!

"This mitigation is indeed strong, but the threshold of cultivation is also very high. Only the first volume of the three days, the realm of the three heavens, and the need for nine blood pulses can be made into The sword is unparalleled.

In the realm, although he is just a two heavens, he is refurbished. Whether it is the power or the body is enough to compare with the three heavens, he can barely reach.

But the second requirement, the force of nine kinds of blood, but the higher the level, the better, the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you only need to know the practice of practice, as for the nine kinds of blood, the auxiliary of the blood, nothing more than some strong blood group, although there is no, but can be outside the market On, it is not uncommon, and I estimate that as long as I can make nine first-class blood, I will have more than enough. "Said the king said.

Wancha Chaotic World, some of the number of ethnic groups with unique blood have a lot.

These blood venters also have a strong point.

The weakest is the third-class blood division, followed by the secondary blood group.

The first-class blood group, in the vast chaotic world, it is already unparalleled.

Of course, like a sword is unparalleled, it is the topmost of the world, which has exceeded the scope of the first-class blood division, belonging to the peak blood venters.

"I understand." The sword nodded and didn't worry.

All the practice of the three volumes of the mysterious world, all inherited in the mind, and the sword was unparalleled to leave Tibetan Classic Pavilion.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is above.

"Qiu Yue, I am not in this ten years, how are you?" The sword has no double eyed overlooking.

"The son, ten years ago, you are amazing in that battle, now many disciples of the whole star, and the maids on our swords stars, the servants naturally don't dare to bully, even if they meet To some small contradictions, we mentioned the Swords and Stars, and even some ordinary disciples will give the son a bit more difficult, do not dare to entangle. "Said Qiu Yue.

"That's good." The sword didn't have a little bit, and immediately asked: "Qiu Yue, you are also a three-day god, staying in the Star Mainland for so many years, there must be some visual, I need some waiting for blood. Blood, you know where? "

"The blood of the first-class blood?" Qiuyue slightly, followed, but also said: "My star has a star Court, all the corners of the Star Mainland, and sell a variety of Qi Zhenbao," Naturally, some blood, the blood, the son is like there. "

"Star Hall?" The sword has no double nod.

And on the same day, the sword is free to depart.

The sword is unparalleled from the old nest of the stars. After the end of the endlessness, they will go directly to the most prosperous city of this nearby.

There is a star contest in the city.

Bustic, in the city of the strong, the sword is unparalleled to the Star Pavilion.

"This is the Star Court, but it is really atmospheric."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the huge exquisite attic in front of the nine floors in front of it.

Although the Star Course is far from the top ten cultural holy land, the Star has, but in the stars continent, it is also implied that it is the first commercial shop.

Here, a lot of treasures are gathered.

The Star Pavilion, a separate room.

A violet robe is standing in front of a sword.

This purple robe is angry, and it is a true god, but this true God is facing the sword, but it is quite respectful.

"The sword is unparalleled, I don't know what to do, I need a old man to wait for it." Purple robe smiled.

Although he is a true god, but it is just the periphery of the star, facing the most important star of the star, naturally, nature.

"I need some of the blood of the first blood group." The sword is unparalleled.

"A lot of first-class blood groups, I don't know what kind of ethnic blood, how much is it?" Asked the old violet.

"As long as it is the blood of the first serum ethnic group, it does not use the species, as for the quantity, each blood is coming three drops of blood." The sword said unparalleled.

The process of cultivating mysterious golden body, if everything is water to the volume, nine bloods, each of them is enough, but in order to prevent everyone, the sword is unparalleled for each blood, and there are three drops.

"The blood of the first-class blood, every drop of the 500,000 chaotic crystals, you have to have nine bloods, three drops of blood per blood, is twenty-seven drops of blood, count, a total of a total Three hundred or 1500,000 chaotic crystals. "The old violet is smiling.

"So expensive?" The sword was unparalleled.

One thousand three hundred or five hundred thousands of chaotic crystals are higher than the whole family of many three-day peak.

"Expensive?" The old man is laughing. "Adults know that this can be the blood of the first serum ethnic group, not only rare, but also very wide use, so the value is natural, because of the adults you It is the relationship between the disciples of Xingchen Palace, so in my starge, I can buy a bloody blood in the price of 500,000 chaotic crystals. If it is sold to others, I usually take a million chaotic crystals. "

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled, but he watched his hand and took out a Qiankun ring.

The Purple Robe nodded, starting with the chaotic crystal, starting to come out, only the solution is the result.

"Adult, you add all the treasures in the Qiankun quit, the value should be around 8 million chaotic crystal." Said the old violet.

"Only this?" The sword was unparalleled.

He took out this Qiankun, which was earned by the year, and accumulated.

It can be said that his treasures of nine-year nine are concentrated in the Qiankun ring, but they didn't expect only eight million chaotic crystals, and they still have a small gap.

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