Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1429 Auction

"I have a few treasures here, you have a look." The sword has come up with a Qiankun ring.

This Qiankun is only a number of treasures, and this number of treasures is the most precious treasures of swords and many years of accumulation. Two of them are still obtained from the north of the Tiaolian secret.

When the Purple robe is simple, I will open the way, and I will open the mouth: "Adults, these treasures can be counted as five million chaotic crystals, plus just eight million, still 50,000."

The sword is not a double brow.

He has taken all the treasures that he accumulate, and the rest is his own use, but the result is actually 500,000 chaotic crystals.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are still stupid." The voice of the king suddenly sounded. "The blood of the other serum ethnic group is so precious, and you have a higher blood ventricant, you have a higher blood. Separate blood, isn't it more worth more than the blood of these serum ethnic groups? "

"My blood?" The sword is unparalleled first, and the spin is also.

I saw him thinking, a dark golden blood appeared in his palm.

This drip is blood, which is the ancient hem of the ancient gods accumulated in these years.

Although he is an ancient god, it is not easy to accumulate ancient gods. He has accumulated three drops of the year. These three drops can be used when it is critical.

And now he has taken a drop.

"Look, this is a blood, how much is the mixed chaos?" The sword did not double his own royal gods.

Purple robe has passed the blood and takes carefully.

At the beginning, the Purple Search can still remain a light, but only a moment, his face is replaced by an unprecedented horror.

"This, this is the blood of the ancient god?"

"And is also the elderly, the highest blood of the ancient nations, the highest race?"

The old violet is exclaimed, and I can't help but look at the sword.

"It is indeed the blood of the royal family. How much do you see?" The sword was laughing.

Purple robe old sighted tone, strongly pressed the inner shock, opening the mouth: "This royal family is essential, my Star Pavilion generally takes the price of one thousand and five million chaotic crystals."

"One thousand five million?" The sword is unparalleled.

In order to cultivate the nine bloods that the mysterious gold needs, he has a total of 27 drops of blood, adds only one thousand three hundred or five hundred thousand chaotic crystals, but also a bloody blood of his own.

"Adults, this drip of the royal family is a blood, if you sell to my Star Court, you can get a thousand and five million chaotic crystals, but adults you can also choose to put it in a three-day giant auction. Perhaps the chaotic crystal will be higher. "Said the old violet.

"Auction?" The sword has no double look, "after three days, this star pavilion is a giant auction?"

"Yes." The old people nodded. "My Star Pavilion will hold a auction every once, and every auction will have a lot of Qi Zhenbao, and it will attract many strong people, and the adult is interested. If you can participate, after all, the first blood of the adults, I need a period of time to get together for a while. "

"You said this, I am interested." The sword has no double smile.

He wants to wait in the Xingchenge, etc.

"Just put the .. ...... . .. .. .

"No problem." Purple robe said.

Next, the sword has been waiting for three days in this star.

Three days later, the auction of this star Court will begin.

Qili City Star Court Auction, the scale is quite huge, and there are also many attractive people.

Not only includes a large number of contest, even the strength of the real god, but also more than 20 times.

Most of these true gods stay in the second floor of the auction.

In one of the rooms, the sword is unparalleled, sitting quietly.

"Tianshi, you don't have to take care of this auction?" The sword didn't look at the Tianshi of the Purple Robe at the side of the sky.

"No." Tianshi shook his head smile.

For him, there is a matter of auction, and there is no such thing as a sword.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, but it is already a three heavens, and it is destined to become the highest level of the star of the star, and the true god of the periphery in his district, if it is unparalleled with the sword, That is definitely a great opportunity.

See the stone shook heads, swords are unparalleled, and it is not bare.

At this time, at the next auction, the auction has already begun, even the treasure has already aucted hundreds of pieces.

Already auctioned hundreds of treasures, there is no shortage of very valuable, even true treasures, but the treasures for swords are unparalleled, but they have not seen one.

"Adults, I will go to the auction of the ." Tianshi said.

There is no double eyeliner in the sword, and the bottom is beginning to look forward to it.

Someone taught a jade bottle up. The woman who was responsible for hosted auction was shout: "All the treasures to be auctioned, the precious level, in this auction, enough Before the top ten, and if it is rare, it is absolutely one! "

"This treasure, if you miss, I dare to say that you may have a chance to see the second time in the future."

The words of the red robe are spread, and suddenly the entire auction will become turning.

Many practitioners at the auction, including the appetite of those who arrived, were hanging.

The red robe woman did not have too many nonsense, and quickly took the dark golden blood in the jade bottle.

When I saw this dark golden blood, the big shootout, those who didn't know the goods were still good, but those who were in the second floor of the independent rooms, but they all set off a huge waves.

"That is ... ancient blood!"

"It is indeed an ancient blood, and it is still the most expensive royal king of the ancient god!"

"Scorpio, will there be a royal ?"

"Unfortunately, this drip royal family is not too strong. If it is not surprising, its owner should be just a five-star ancient god, and there is no truth to transition, become a six-star god, or this drop The royal family is essential, it is true, it is estimated that many powerful spirits will be happy! "

"Even only the blood left by the atrium of the five-star king, is still very difficult!"

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