Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1430 Rotation

A whispering sound from those independent rooms, obviously have many people who want to move.

And the female woman also started the auction of the , the reserve price of this auction, is a million chaotic crystals.

"The single bottom price is 10 million chaotic crystals, will it be too high?" The sword didn't have a double frown.

"Adult, you are too small to see the rare level of this king ancient gods, so noble blood, don't say 10 million reserve prices, even if the bottom price is 20 million, there will be some people, if you encounter those Just need this blood, the price will be high. "Tianshi smiled.

Sure enough, there is no longer a long time after the female woman just shouted out the base price, there is a bid.

"One thousand two million chaotic crystals!"

"One thousand three million!"

"Fifteen million!"

Just a moment, it has exceeded the price of 1,500 million chaotic crystals for Star Pavilion, and it is still climbing.

Finally, the royal karst is a true god in the second floor of the independent room, bought in the price of 2,3 million chaotic crystals.

"Two thousand three million chaotic crystals." The sword flashed in the light.

According to his knowledge, a total of a general spirit is around 4 million chaotic crystals, these two thousand three million are already a hierlet of true God.

"Unfortunately, the accumulation of this ancient hero is not easy. I only have to accumulate three drops. If it is easy to accumulate, I really want to get more blood, but auction." The sword is unparalleled Laugh.

Next auction continues.

The sword is unparalleled, but it will look at the treasures of the next auction, but it is hardly bidding.

Two days later.

"Next to auction this treasure, it is unique, the value, in this auction, it is enough to row in the top three!"

The red robe woman opened, and the auction will not be able to see the past.

The auction of this Star Cabo does not have any pressure axes, and those precious treasures are also appeared.

This treasure to be auction now is clearly one of the most precious treasures at this auction.

The red robe woman took the treasure, then it was a pair of pictures, this painting volume was not open, but there was still an amazing sword to exude.


In the independent room, the sword is unparalleled. When you see this picture, your eyes are immediately lofty.

But all the treasures of the sword, he will care, and this painting volume is obviously with the swords.

The red robe woman continued to open, "There are all in the stars mainland, and many people have heard of a sense of feelings."

"I feel true God?"

"The feeling of the feelings falling in six million years ago?"

I have heard the name of the true God, there is a lot of gods in the independent room.

"I feel true God?" The sword is unparalleled, and he just arrived in this star mainland. Naturally did not heard this feeling of true God.

At this time, Tianshi next to him is open: "I feel true God, I used to stand in the most peak of the star mainland, and his name is more than just in the Star Mainland, even the top ten cultivation holy land. They are very big, and when he is in the world, it will occupy a position in the true God of the world. "

"Zhen God list?" The sword is unparalleled.

He doesn't know much about the real God. I don't know how to distinguish between true God.

But he knows the true God list.

On the god list, gathered in the top ten cultivation holy land, the top of the top, each of these real gods, every one of these real gods, a big group of true gods.

Like the thunder of the stars, it is the strong man in the spirit.

And because the strength of the Lei Dynasty is extremely strong, he will be the same as the status of the star, and even the name of the main hall, and the other law enforcement of the stars will be respectful. The main hall of the hall.

The disturbance of the auction will be smiled. The woman is smirk, and the spin is once again opened: "This pair of pictures now to be auction is that the real God list is the real god, which will take himself to the wheel. Feelings, as well as their own shocking swordsmanship to form ... round back to the sword map! "

This is a quite auction.

Next moment, it is a bit.


The sword in the independent room is unparalleled, and it is directly standing. It took a variety of light to die in the bottom of the past.

"Round back to Wu Jingchao?"

"Whole rounds and swordsmanship?"


Swordless, no pair of brains.

Task, he is just got to get started with the true temple, and master a power of a round.

And he is a genuine truthful sword practice, what is good at swordsmanship.

Just because of the previous stars, the time is urgent, his sword is very difficult to get a large improvement in the battle, so he will put all the energetic attacks. .

But no matter what, the sword is unparalleled, it is a swordsman.

He is a born swordsman.

No matter which level of his soul attack is increased, he is still a sword.

Especially now, he is entry on the wheel, mastering a power of a round, this time, the most needed, it is to make his swordsman with the reincarnation of the best, thus create stronger, more Make your own swords.

This is the most urgent, he is originally intended to make the first volume of the golden body, and the rest of him is used to enhance his sword.

Whoever thought, just when he is most needed, he actually appeared in front of him, and the round road and swordsman were perfectly integrated.

This round is a sword map, it is simply tailored to him.

"The sword is unparalleled, you just just a heavy heaven, the realm is too low, and it is also subject to some natural restrictions. It can create a third-order higher school is already your limit, but now your realm breaks through, and master a roll back The power, this is equal to that the shackles on your body will be in a breakout period! "

"This brochure period, is incomparably rare, and if you can get this round of rebel, you will be more amazing in this period, so ... For your own strength, you should also write this round. The sword map got the hand! "The voice of the King was ringing in the sword.

"I know."

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are finished, and the hands are holding tight.

He is very clear that this round will be a great sword map to help him, so the treasure will never miss it.


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