"Round back to the sword map, the bottom price is 20 million chaotic crystal, each increase is not less than one million, the auction begins!" The red robes were directly announced.

The entire auction will be instantly.

"Only the bottom price is 20 million chaotic crystals?" The sword is not double-faced.

Task, his royal is essential, and he also auctioned two thousand or three million chaotic crystals.

"Two thousand million chaotic crystals!"

"30 million chaotic crystals!"

Just two call prices, the price of the rotation of the sword is directly increased to 30 million.

This is more ugly that the sword is unbolded.

"My previous chaotic crystal is used to buy those first blood cryptic, and now I have just auctioned two thousand or three million chaotic crystals that have just been auctioned the nature of the royal ods." The sword is unparalleled. " Eyes, "I have two drops of the kings ancient gods, even if they are sold to Star Court, it is worth 3 million chaotic crystals, plus two thousand three million chaotic crystals ... Foot 5,300 10,000! "

The sword is not flashing in a bumper, and the next moment is directly opened.

"53 million chaotic crystals!"

The sword is unparalleled, and all the chaotic crystals you can pay will be shouted.

From the price of the original 30 million chaotic crystals, it will increase to 53 million, which is obviously!

But this price is just called out ...

"55 million chaotic crystals!"

From the independent room of the sword unparalleled opposite, there is a thick voice.

In the independent room, a calm man with a height is more than two meters, and the indifferent man of the cow is sitting there. It is shining as a gem-like light. "I have reached the bottleneck in the radius. This round of returning the sword map may be enough to make me break through the bottleneck, but I still don't care! "

This indifferent man is obviously a meaningful.

The price is again raised again, and the sword is unparalleled, but it is quite helpless.

If it is called again, he really took it, but this has to be exchanged with some of himself, such as the bloody, blood peak sword, etc.

These treasures are equally small to swords, and he can't take it out to exchange other treasures.

Just on the occasion of the sword, the Tianshi next to the Purple Rope is open, "said the sword unparalleled, seeing your look, it seems to be very trying to get the round of sword map?"

"Yes." The sword is not hidden. "This round of returning sword map has a lot, but unfortunately I can't get more chaotic crystals, otherwise ..."

"As long as the adults want, the chaotic crystal, I can think of a way for adults." Tianshi said.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't forget, Xingchenge will be controlled by the Stars, and you are a disciple of Xingchen Palace. Xingchen Court will naturally do our best to serve him." Tianshi smiled, "Adults please wait, I am now This matter will be told to Song Dynasty. "

Song Dynasty, is the law enforcement of the stars, and there are some starge pavilions around this Lingcheng, all in the jurisdiction of the Song Dynasty.

Just instant ...

"Adults, Song Dynasty said, 100 million chaotic crystal, you can call directly from the Starges, etc., will slowly slowly, if it is more than 100 million, you have to apply for the main temple, by Yuan Dynasty The Lord agreed to do it. "Tianshi Road.

"100 million mixed chaos? It's enough!" The sword is unparalleled, and he is again called again, "60 million chaotic crystals!"

In the opposite room, the indifferent man of the smock is slightly wrinkled, but it is still open, "65 million!"

"Seventy million!"

When the indifferent man just opened, the sword didn't call again immediately.

And this price came out, many practitioners on the auction couldn't help but suck a cold.

Seven million chaotic crystals, the idea of ​​the world is definitely an astronomical figure, even if it is true for true God ... The general God is also difficult to take out this quantity of chaotic crystal.

"70 million chaotic crystal?"

The indifference of the satellite is also a sinking. "Although the round of the sword is precious, it is 70 million chaotic crystals, but it is not a small number."

The moment is slightly, this indifferent man is awkward, "I don't know which true God is, can I give me a little face."


The auction will be exchanging.

"The dark blink is true, is it him?" Tianshi also exposed a surprised color.

"This is the true God, the famous arrogance is very good?" The sword is unparalleled to see the sky.

"It is very big." Tianshi nodded, "he himself is a big force from the Star mainland. It is the second elders of the party. It not only has a great power, but it is also very good in itself. The real God can compare. "

Because of this, he only knows that the opening makes everyone gave him a thin face. If adults are just a common spirit, I am afraid that I really have a coupling that I can't continue to compete with him, but unfortunately, you are a disciple of Xingchen Palace, Although this is a bit identity, but in front of you, you can't think about him. "

The sword is not a double brow.

In the Star Continent, the Star is a absolute hegemony. As the most important star of the star, the most important star, it is really not the general God can provoke.

"Although this darkness is really dare to do for me, but there is no need to really have to sin." The sword is unparalleled smile, and then also open directly, "the dark blossom is true, in the next star palace, the sword is unparalleled. There is a lot to me, so I can only be sorry. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole auction will sound, but it is immediately sent a lot of people.

"Xingchen Palace?"

"Xingchen Palace disciple!"

"The core disciple of the star, the genius in the genius, the proud of this day, actually on this auction?"

Many people have exposed a shock.

And that is also quite wrong.

"Is it a disciple of Xingchen Palace?"

I murried a sentence, this dark blinks have shaken their heads, "Star Palace disciples, although now is not as good as me, but as long as they grow, it is destined to have a few times better than me, such people, I can convincing, and anyway, This round of reappears is not necessarily to make me break through the bottleneck. Since this Star Palace disciple wants, give him. "

"The sword is unparalleled, this round is a sword, I gave up."

The dark blinks are in direct sound.

"Thank you."

The sword is unparalleled.

The darkness is no longer competing with the sword, and the round of the rebel is finally in the hands of the sword in the price of 70 million chaotic crystals.


PS: Today is still five more!

Tomorrow, I will fight hard, I will fight for six!

Ask everything!

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