Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 143 returns

"The sword is unparalleled? He said that he is called the sword."

"This name, didn't hear it."

"A sword in the hand, the world is unparalleled, so domineering!"

"He is obviously a sword war, but he defeated Ouyang Yuyue to show swordsmanship."

A large number of weeks around is talking about.

They didn't heard the name of the sword, but they knew it today.

Not only they, but the entire Tianzong Dynasty countless warrior will soon know his name.

After all, he defeated the 21st Ouyang Yue Yue, which is full of rolling resistance, which is naturally in the world.

"What sword is unparalleled, you are clearly a swordsman." Ouyang Yuyue stared at the sword.

"Swordsman." Su Lie on the side looked at his eyes, and his voice also sounded.

And his "swordsman", also instantly proved the status of the sword.


"He is the swordsman two years ago, the purple kill killer who defeated Xiaomang, killing the bloody ripple, and finally jumped into the Shenqi's swordsman?"

"Is he not jumped into the bottom of the abyss? How is it now ... Alive?"

All people are horrified.

The sword is unparalleled is slight smile.

He defeated Ouyang Hao Yue, not to want to be famous, but he really wants to recover his name and identity.

Swordsman ... is just a pseudonym with the chasing of the bloody feather building.

The sword is unparalleled is his real name.

At this moment, he wants everyone to know that the swordsman two years ago have died, and the sword is unparalleled but the fire is reborn!

"Swordsman, really you?" Su Li ran over.

"Su Lie, no two years, don't be innocent." The sword is not a double.

"You don't die?" Su Lie was squatting.

The sword is unparallled and shrugged. Subsequently, it is to look at the Ouyang Yue Yue, reach out, "will be the cloud dreaming, brought it."

Ouyang Hanyue is sinking, and there is a strong unlikely, but he also knows the strength gap between himself and the sword, and I don't dare to violate, even if the cloud dream white fruit is in the hands of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to give Yunmei white fruit to Su Li.

"Thank you." Su Lie's use.

The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't have too much. Today, it will not end this." Ouyang Yuyue sounded with the voice of the grievance.

"Oh?" The sword didn't have a double toward Ouyang Hiyue.

"If I haven't guess, will you participate in this event?" Ouyang Yuyue is cold.

"Amazing? What is a big event?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's also installed." Ouyang Hanyue smiled: "You are also a disciple of the dragon palace, and will also participate in this event on behalf of the Dragon Palace. We will meet again, and I will double it."

"Double and return it? Just with you?" The sword was mad.

"Of course not me, is my big brother." Ouyang Yuyue Road.

"Your big brother, Ouyang Haotian?" The sword is more than a smile.

In the landlord list, there is an introduction Ouyang Yueyue's origin. The sword is unparalleled. He also knows that he is from the Tianzong Dynasty seven ancient clan, and he still has a big brother, called Ouyang Haotian, two years ago in the landlord list Sixth ranked sixth, now it is already in the third!

It is said that it is not long ago, Ouyang Yuyue defeated the third of the third Memutian Mu Yingying.

It is possible to rank the top three in the landlord list, which has fully illustrated the strength of this Ouyang Haotian.

"Then I will wait and see." The sword smiled.

"Walking." Ouyang Hao was snorted, and then the grievances left.

"This Ouyang Yue Yue is really a lot." The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, he is a narrow person, but his big brother is indeed very strong." Su Lie said.

"Maybe it." The sword nodded, but the bottom is not too much.

The third is strong in the landlord, but now he is not two years ago.

"Swordsman, I really didn't expect you to live alive, haha, this is a big thing for the entire dragon palace, walk, hurry to return to the dragon palace with me." Su Lie smiled, "Little sister, you will go back."

"Okay." The girl with the red girl with Su Lie nodded.

Then the sword is unparalleled with Su Lie to the Dragon Palace.


Dragon Palace, when the sword is not double returned to the dragon palace, the entire dragon palace is shocked.

"What? Who are you talking? Who is back?" The White House was also scared when he received a message.

"It's a swordsman, it is a swordsman back." The Ziyi defendant came to the report.

"Swordsman?" The expression on the White House is now wonderful.

The sword is unparalleled. It is a genius of her most optimism. I know that the sword is unparalleled, she is the most painful, now, the sword is unparalleled again?

"Walk, hurry to call him."

"Oh, no, I personally go, haha, my Dragon Palace is a peerage, come back!"


Dragon Palace.

The sword is unparalleled with Su Lie and rings to the front of it, and around them is a big dragon palace disciple.

These Dragon Palace disciples once again saw the sword unparalleled, and one of them was quirky.

"It's really swordsman!"

"It's really him!"

"He didn't die?"

"Isn't it say that he jumped into the abyss? How could it be alive?"

These Dragon Palace disciples are incredible.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, but when the face of many warmen jumped into the abyss, this is a fact.

And the abyss of entering, it will be dead!

Even the Millennium Commission in the Mid-Dempere is certainly sure that a generation of peerless genius is falling, sad! Sigh!

But now, the sword is not dying? Active life appears in front of everyone.

"Old three! Old three!"

A snoring with a surprise is coming out of the front, the sword is unparalleled to look at it. When you see the rush of Wang Yuan in front of the front, Wang Yuan is next to Wang Yuan Xuan and Suoft.

"Haha, Wang Yuan is old." The sword has walked over the past.

"Old three, you can think about it." Wang Yuan is unparalleled with swords.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword was unparalleled and he looked at Yang Zi Xuan, and he stretched out his fist.

"Welcome back." Yang Zi Xuan also showed a smile on the indifferent face, and then extended his fist with the sword.

"Haha, the old four." The sword is unparalleled, and then the Su whitening, the sorrow, and it is not to say directly to Su.

Su Soft did not resist, but the face has a little ruddy.

After two years, their four brothers finally met.

"Swordac." A cold voice sounded, and then he saw him with a group of palace headed by the White House.

"It's really a swordsman."

"This little child, the life is big enough?"

"All our people think that he is dead, and it has returned the bloody lotus once, and I didn't expect this kid."

After seeing the swords, the group of the temples also took a smile and talked at it.

"Swordsman, come with me." The White House is directly.

The sword has no double brow, I have seen Wang Yuan three people. "I will go to the White House, I will come to you again."

"Okay, I will prepare you wine, I will have a good drunk." Wang Yuan smiled.

"Be sure." The sword nodded, followed by the White House.

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