Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 144 Nanyang Continental

An a palace.

The black and white palace is sitting in front of the sword. As for those temples, they have left.

"Kid, talk about it, what is going on, how did you live in the bottom of the abyss?" White House mainly asked.

I don't blame her so curious.

The deep abyss is a mystery, and no one knows what is in the abyss.

However, anyone who broke into the bottom of the abyss, anyone includes those top yin and yang, and they must die.

The sword is unparalleled from the bottom of the abyss.

"I don't know what happened, I was already fainted when I jumped into the bottom of the abyss. When I woke up, I found that I have come to a sword." The sword said.

"Jianzheng?" Black and white palace main face looked at each other.

"It is the sword of thousands of swords ..." The sword is unparalleled in the sword, and the situation is simple in Jian. Of course, he only about the magic of Jianzheng, you can have the ancestral place. The beauty of the beautiful woman has two people who have a strong man.

He will be able to enter the sword.

After hearing a unparalleled finish, the black and white two palace main colors were quite quite weird.

"You stayed in the sword for two years. In addition to the sword, don't you explore it elsewhere?" The White House didn't help but ask.

"No, I can feel that there is a crisis everywhere, so I don't dare to explore. I will leave, and I'm too wonderful to enter a snorkeling, then I will appear in the darkness of the dark." Sword There is no double.

"Spatial crack? Space worm hole?" The two palace owners of the black and white are wide.

Space wormhole, that is very legendary means.

Of course, it is also possible to be naturally formed spatial wormhole.

"It seems that there is indeed a big secret in the bottom of the abyss." White House is praised.

"So many yin and yang false, go to explore each other, do not return, and this little guy lives, this luck is really good." The Black Palace laughed.

They didn't have too doubts about the words of the sword.

Delicious in the abyss, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, and it is very normal.

"No matter what to say, I can live back, it is already very lucky, and you are back." White House is laughing, "The event is about to start, I have always worried about this with the old black. If you are back, then this issue should be solved. "

"Amazing?" The sword is unparalleled.

He also heard two words from the Ouyang Yuekou in the Huangcheng.

It can be sound, but he is unique.

"White House owner, what is a big event?" The sword asked.

"Neody hunting, can you hear?" The White House smiled.

"Neody hunting?" The sword didn't shook his head, he never heard of the extreme East Hunting.

"Okay, this thing is going to say, I will slowly talk to you." The White House smiled and said slowly.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you think of the Tianzong Dynasty, big?" White House asked.

"Big, very big." The sword nodded directly.

In his eyes, the Tianzong Dynasty is indeed very vast.

"You are right, the Tianzong Dynasty is very big." The White House mainly nodded. "The light is a province, and there is a sixteen, and this 16th bank has a county city, It can be said that it is very vast, but you can know ... How big is this land, how big? "

"Land?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is straightforward.

"I tell you that this land name is Nanyang mainland. There is an endless Guangsheng territory. There are many dynasties in the Nanyang Continent, like our Tianzong Dynasty, just one of the Nanyang mainland!"

"Moreover, just a small dynasty." The main road of the White House.

"Small Dynasty?" The sword was unparalleled.

"In the entire Nanyang continent, a large number of dynamies, according to the strength of the territory, divide three levels, small dynasties, medium-sized dynamics, and large dynasty!" The White House explained.

"Different level dynasties, the overall strength will also be different, we are only a small dynasty, in the Nanyang Continental Dynasty, it can be said to be a dynasty, no one cares."

"Not to mention far, we are in the territory of the Tianzong Dynasty. It is in the northwest corner of Nanyang Continent. There are two great eleven dynasties. There are two large days. The Dynasty, the six medium-sized dynamics, and the other three small dynasties! "

"Every ten years, a large-scale pointer hunting!"

"At the beginning of the pointer, the twelve dynasties of the northwest, including the Tianzong Dynasty, will send strong people to participate, these strong people can only be the martial arts of Jin Dan, surpassing Jin Dan's yin and yang, yes, no Qualifying. "

"And each pointer hunting, usually attracts some arrivals of ancient sects."

"Ancient Zongmen?" The sword didn't pick it up.

"In Nanyang Mainland, although there is a large number of dynasties, the real overlord, this mainland's real rulers are from those ancient sects, and these Dynasties are just the attractions of these paramenters." White House Laugh laugh, continue.

"Neody hunting will have some ancient gates, and they will pick some very good, college disciples from the Jin Danwu who participated in hunting, and is also a core disciple, and once become the ancient The core disciple of the door, then it is one step, even if his Dynasty will do everything to go to the Pakistan. "

The sword is unparalleled, but it is shocked.

The core disciples of the ancient Zongmen, this is the status? Even the Dynasty has to go to the enemy?

"Kid, there is something you first clear." White House main gods solemnly said: "My Dragon Palace, in the Tianzong Dynasty indeed called it in the holy place, this is not doubt, but this is just aimed at the Tianzong Dynasty. However, if it is placed in the Tiansong Dynasty, put it in the entire Nanyang Continent, I can't do anything. "

"And those ancient gates are all ..."

The sword is unparalleled, it is understandable to this.

Although the dragon palace cultivation resources are very rich, with the fact that the sword is unparalleled now, it has gradually found that these resources in the Dragon Palace have not used much to him, and the ancient temples of the entire Nanyang continent, they have the cultivation Resources is really amazing.

"So, can enter those ancient sects into core disciples, what is lucky? Naturally there are countless people to grab eager to enter these ancient sects, and for our northwest Two Dynasties, the only chance will enter The way in the ancient gates is only one, which is the pointer hunting ... "

PS: Brothers, background introduction, the plot is only true, this world, great!

Writing this, maybe a reader feels that there are some old sets, but I can say that the same old suit is the same, and how many authors can think of me, this is wonderful, blood boiling ?

Everyone will wait and see, the next story will be more cool than the previous plot, more blood, and more passionate!

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