Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 145 Selection War

"The pointer hunting is the only chance to enter those ancient sects. The event is that this event is to start with the East Hunting." The sword is unparalleled. "

"For the three months, the poet ten years of Plus hunt will really kick, but the name of Jin Danqiang, which is qualified to participate in the pool hunting, only fifteen White House Main Road.

"Only fifteen places?" The sword was unbrick.

A Dynasty, even if it is just a small dynasty, the genius is countless.

Like the Tianzong Dynasty mainland dragon list, there is a feet one hundred, this hundred is absolutely a genius, plus some low-key no name, but the strength is very good, this one The amount added is more.

So many top geniuses may go to participate in the quota of the East hunting, only fifteen, which is destined to these fifteen places, each very precious.

"It's because there is too little quota, so when I got to participate in the East Hunting, I first selected a round of selection. From many genius, I would like to pick up the fifteen strongest congenital Jin Dan, and I will participate in the Plus Hunting. And this selection is also called a famous battle! "The Black Palace also said.

"Even if it is only the selection of the Tianzong Dynasty, it is still very cruel, like the Dragon Palace as the first cultivation of the Tianzong Dynasty, can recommend ten people to participate in the famous battle, but in the end, there are several people to get the quota. I can't learn. "

The sword is unparalleled.

Just fifteen places, even if it is called the beautiful palace that is full of enchanting, it is afraid of being limited.

"In today's dragon palace, Baili Chen is in the second and sixth position, and the two places have been quite big, but only two places are only two places. Soupe! "

"In the selection of the selection, fifteen places, my Dragon Palace should also cover four or five quotas, but this dragon palace disciple must be parallel to the whole, so our bottom line can Reduce some, but at least three quotas are available! "

"In addition to Bailianchen with the Yang Cang, some people have to get a quota." The White House mainly said.

"You want me to go to the choice of the battle, help the Dragon Palace get a quota?" The sword did not have two black and white palace owners in front of him.

"Yes." White House main point, "You can beat the twelfth year of the dragon list two years ago, and your talent is also well known, and your strength will inevitably have a large amount of time. Enhance, win a quota, very big! "

"Moreover, you will not be a dragon palace for the selection war, and it is for yourself."

"Your real identity, I have long known, swords are unparalleled, bloody lobby blood color will kill the goal, the so-called blood color must kill,, no matter what price, you must kill you, so two years ago, Bloodyu, even if they are willing to bear the retaliation of my dragon palace, but also kill you. "

"You are between the bloody ripple, there is no room for ease, not that you die is me, and tell the truth, your current strength is still very weak in front of the bloody building."

"This, I admit it." The sword is not a hyper point.

"So, what you need now is time." White House is laughing, "You have a lot of money, if you give you enough time, you will grow up, you will have a big possibility to go down the bloodyat."

"But the bloody ripper will definitely not give you time, inevitably want to do every way to assassinate you, and I will give you asylum, but unless you have been hiding in the Dragon Palace, otherwise it is difficult to really make sure you. Safety."

"But if you can make a lot of color in Nurtong, let those ancient sects value, become the core disciple of the ancient gates, then it is completely different."

The Black Palace also nodded: "Those ancient power is strong, the heritage is deep, and the waves may be able to destroy the bloody ripple, so if you become the core disciple of a party, the bloody feather is afraid that there is no one. Garbility dare to move you, at least you don't dare! "

"And you can upgrade the strength by the shelter of this manner, and finally, when the strength is improved to a certain level, then go to the bloody feather building."

"I understand." The sword smiled without a pair.

He also agreed with the two palace owners.

Indeed, if it is able to get the quota to participate in the pointer hunting, then add some ancient passime, then he will never passively like this, and those cultivation resources of the ancient Gate. Non-Dragon Palace can be compared.

"The two palace owners are relieved, then I will go to the battle, I will go to participate, although there is no absolute grasp to get one of the places, but I will go all out." The sword has no double.

"Haha, I know that you will promise, the fool does not agree." White House is laughing, "Yes, there is something to you."

The White House is a hand to hand in a thick line of wire.

"This is ..." The sword is unparalleled to look at this book. After opening a look, the look is now moving, "the sword", the third style? "

"Yes, it is the third style of the valerian." The White House smiled and said, "The three styles of this virtual sword surgery are actually two years ago, when you have passed the eleventh floor of Longmen, our two palace owners still Some of those temples are negotiable to decide to give it to you. Who knows that there will be such a change, and there is no way, now you are back, naturally I will replenish you. "

"Can this fake sword after surgery, the secret cab is not exchanged?" The sword has no bisquecry.

"Haha, you can be stupid, do you really think that the secret hierarchy is just the surface?" The White House laughed.

The sword is unparalleled, some unclear.

"I tell you, the secretary of the Dragon Palace has two, a big secret pavilion, a small secret cab, you often go to the big secret cab, although the treasure has a lot, but it is just to give you this group of sea or Jin Dan Wu is used, and the little secret cabinet is the top of the palace of the Dragon Palace, and the treasures contained in it are less, but it is more precious! "

"Three trials like this, there is no in the big secret cab, but it can be in the small secret cab."

"How, is this a surprise for you?" The White House laughed looked at the sword.

"It was very surprised." The sword is unparalleled and smiled.

Virtual swords, in the Tianzong Dynasty, has been known as the first sword, and the power is indeed.

Although today's sword is not double after a row, the eye is much better than before, even more strong than the fantasy, he also has.

The latter three-style, swords are still quite expected to this fencing.


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