Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1434 The task is reached!

The Yuan Dynasty gave the sword without double one hundred years.

This 100 years, in addition to the start of the sword, there is no double for more than ten years, and the rest of the time, he all spends the trip to the sword map.

On the sword, you! A shape is surprising.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The thick voice spreads throughout the Corner of the Sword, and the servants on the Swords stars immediately reveal the color of the fear, but the swords in the midst of the secret room were unparalleled, and they were also alarmed.

"Yuan Temple." The sword is unparalleled immediately in front of the main hall.

"This 100 years, what are you going to prepare?" Yuan Dynasty looked at the sword.

"Not bad." The sword is unparalleled.

"I have heard that you have a small price in the Star Court Auction, I bought a feeling of the trend of the real god, and I watched the trip of the Temple in the future?" Tao.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is dark, this Yuan Dynasty is still unknown, he has been entangled in the wheel.

"Rounded, belonging to one of the four supreme roads, compared to other nine days of God, it is difficult to do something, since you have chosen this way, you have to do it more." Yuan Dian mainly .

"Yes." The sword nodded again.

"Well, there is not much nonsense, I will come here, I will tell you before, and I have been preparing for a hundred years. Now I will give you the ultimate disciple of you!" The main look of the Yuan Dynasty Solemnly, "This ultimate disciple is mission, I personally arranged for you, a total of three rings."

"Three Ring Tasks?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Three ring mission, each ring has different rewards, of which the first ring task, the reward is 100 million mixed chaotic crystals." Yuan Demen.

The sword is nothing-eyed.

If he is in the Auction of the Star Court, he doesn't care about the chaotic crystal, hear the reward of this 100 million mixed chaotic crystal, should not have any fluctuations.

After the Auction of the Star Court ... Task, he owes tens of millions of chaotic crystals in the Star Pavilion, completing the reward of this first ring task, but it is just a debt.

"This is the content of your first ring task. It is here, waiting for you to complete the first ring mission, then send me, I will tell you the second ring of the task." .

"Understand." The sword is unparalleled.

"The ultimate disciple is not the same, you have this road, you must be careful, go." The Yuan Dynasty waved.


The sword is unparalleled.

After leaving the star, the sword is not double directly browsing the content of the first ring task.

"Well, endless void?" The sword was unparalleled.

In addition to the top ten cultivation, the thief is incomparable, and the unusually crazy endless void.

There can be a lot of nightmares.

From all kinds of domains in the world, there are many strong people arriving in the world, and there are many people who have not rushed to the top ten cultivation, and they died in the endless void.

When the sword did not come to the top ten cultivation holy land, there was a risks in that endless void, and now the sword is unparalleled, the first ring task is performed, just endless void.

As for the content of the task, it is a total of eleven gratiters who have flowed in the endless void!

This eleven gratiters are from Star Mainland. They have committed great sins in the Star Continent, and they can't go, they will choose to escape to endless void.

And this eleven thief is a three-day peak, and the strength is also very strong.

After knowing the content of the task, the sword is unparalleled, and immediately leaving the Yunyue Holy Land and came to the vast endless void.

Two years later.

"Adults, the former convenience is the place in Gu Yuedao, the candle, the gods, just on the ancient Moon Island." A black robes respectfully standing next to the sword.


The sword nodded, and the eyes were the most ending of the line of sight. There is a floating island, there is a small area of ​​island, and there is a strong breath.

And the sword is unparalleled, the first purpose, that is, the gods, the top of the island.

"Fortunately, the star has found the location of this 11th, otherwise, I have to find this eleven in the endless void, but it is more difficult than the big sea." The sword is unparalleled. " .

"You are waiting here." The sword didn't have a double next to the black robe.

"Adults, the thief on the ancient moon is more than one of the gods, but there are hundreds of trends in the world, and there are five in the world of three days. Adults, you will go straight. This is not a bit ... "The black robe frowned, and he did not finish.

"Do you want to say that I don't have their strength?" The sword smiled.

The black robe is a harmonious color.

"Look, it is." The sword laughed and laughed.

When near Jue Moon Island, his strength has been emitted, and it will be covered throughout the ancient moon.

Everything on Ancient Moon Island, he all looks clear.

"The island has a total of three hundred and sixty-six worlds, including five in the three days, three heavens and higher, third day, the third day, the remaining is only two days, a heavy heaven." Sword is unparalleled Smile.

In fact, this information has long gave his task information in the Yuan Dynasty, he just once again confirmed.

According to the information given by the Yuan Dynasty, the five three-day peaks of the ancient Moon Island are all the normal three-day peaks, and there is no combat effort.

"As soon as this, I am enough, I am enough to spend more."

The sword was unparalleled and cold, and then his body appeared on the ancient moon island, and a huge power of the power formed a percentage, and the past is oppressed.

The ancient moon is instantly turned.


I saw a lot of body shape from the buildings on the island, and there were also hundreds of voids above, and there were hundreds of people who were dense.

"Who, dare to come to my ancient month?"

A shocking angrily fell in the void, the middle-aged man who said is dark, his face is covered with the middle-aged man, this middle-aged man is suffering from the sky, and then carrying a big ax, this person is This is the strongest one in the five three-day peaks of the ancient month.

At this moment, this middle-aged man of this , as well as many of the people next to him, and stare with the sword unparalleled.

These people have a killing.

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