Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1435 Gu Moon Island

Endless void, theft is countless, but these thieves are almost consisting of the boundaries, as for the true god, there is also, just less poor.

After all, even in the top ten cultivation holy land, the real God is also a real power. If it is not necessary, who is willing to be in this endless void.

In the case of almost no gods, Gu Yue island, this group gathered the pirates of the five three-day peaks, and there was absolutely a strong group of pandareds in the endless void, and there was no one dared to provoke on weekdays. Because of this, they can occupy a floating island in the endless void.

But now, some people directly kill the ancient Yue Island, these pirates are naturally angry.

"Kid, who you are?"

The mid-year man is staring in the middle-aged man.

The sword is unparalleled but did not answer, but took out an enormous, the low voice sounded on the entire ancient Moon Island.

"The candle and heart, six thousand years ago, in the Star Mainland Bihai City City, the main building began to defend, three hundred years later, you will accompany the Bihai City City, the big government, but because of the treasures of the big master, you Joint other three guards, killed the thirty contest of the big master, and after winning the treasure, escaping to the endless deficiency! "

"With the servant owner, the sin is very evil, today I represent the star of the stars, representing the Lord of Bihai City, proclaiming you of the death penalty, immediately implement it!"

The sword is unparalleled, and its cold scorpion immediately locks a seemingly thin brunette man in front of the crowd.

The black man is the goal of his trip, the candle and heart.

"Old four, have you heard it? This person is rushing to you, but also announced your death penalty, should it be implemented immediately?" The middle-aged man of the beard grinned.

"Oh, I have seen more people, I can see it like him, but I have seen it in a time." The candle heart smiled coldly, but there was no smile.

Sides next to those pirates have laughed.

If it comes, it is a true god, they may have a fear.

But now the sword is unparalleled, the breath is obviously only a three-day god.

So, what do they still need?

"Kid, one thing you don't know, here is the endless void, is the ancient moon island, it is the paradise of our thief. Here, no matter what the Bihai Government is, it is a star, there is no one. Role, and a three-day god of your district is alone in this ancient moon, but also to tell the old four death penalty? It's a big joke, according to me, you still think about it, you can't live in this island. Let's go. "The monkey man is smirk.

"I only come out for the candle and heart, I can continue when you are your thief, you can do anything, you can do anything, but if you don't pay, Gu Yue island, all the thief will die! "The sword is unparalleled."

He has no feelings about these pirates that are drifting in the endless void, after all, when he went to the top ten cultivation, he almost died in the hands of these thief. If these these pirates are dare, he will definitely hesitate. Kill it.

"Hey, all of us have to die? It's a joke. Do you think you are true god, or is your belonging on the list? Even if it is a strong in the spirit, in front of my ancient moon island He didn't dare to say such a big thing. "The mid-year man was helpless.

"Don't talk nonsense with this kid, slaughter him!" Next to the Middle-aged man, a three-day peak industry couldn't help it, and after drinking, his body has rumored. Out.

As he moved, a lot of thief, it was like a buffer, and he didn't kill it.

These robbers, one by one, kills the sky.

"Looking for death!" The sword was unparalleled, and there was a lot of soul in the moment.


A harsh humming sounded, in the void, a scarlet, a bloody phoenix that was completely condensed by the strength of the soul.

This bloody phoenix is ​​extremely huge, after a form, open the wings, and the amazing speed riped.

After near this group of robbers, the blood color crazy is a bloody stream in order to have a bloody flow, and these blood color flows are not comparable, and the speed is faster, and they have not gone into the body of those who have been in the body.


There is no signs, these are just crazy to kill the thief, and one of the eyes is rolling, and its body shape is blocked in the void.

Next moment, ~~~ Like the rain, a large number of pirates have fallen directly to the ground, and there is no such voice.

The huge pirate gang of the three hundred and sixty-six bounds, was attacked by the sword, and there was only nine people in the moment!

These nine people, except for the five three-day peak, only the four three-day high context remains in terms of consciousness.

But at this moment, this nine-person face is abnormal.


"This person is an extremely terrible power in a conscious attack!"

The five three-day peaks, including the mid-year middle age, and no one in the heart of the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is very cold.

It is a lineup of three hundred and sixty-six, including many three-day gods, which is a strong in the spirit of God to deal with it, but it is quite troubles, but this is astonced to say that the sword of the soul attack is unparalleled. Nothing is nothing.

In the vast chaotic world, this sentence is called, called in front of the attacker, there is no quantity.

Because the awareness attack is able to cover large fractions at the same time, and the gentle is unable to block.

Like some evil sense attackers, they slaughtered, directly consciously covering a Mo Dajana, then one thought, all of this territory can die, this is more than the ordinary cultivator, but it is horrible .

And the sword is unparalleled. After him, after the second heavy rebound, his strength is greatly improved, and the ultimate is only one step away from the three heavens.

The power of such a strong soul, then showing the tricks of the group attack on the hustle and bustling, it is necessary to kill these ordinary days, and the three heavens will be too simple.

A stroke, there is only the five three-day peak of the peak, and the three-day high contest with the four consciousness can stand.

At this moment, the sword did not have a double, and the blood peaks appeared in his hand.


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