Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1438 Hong Japanese Corps

"That is to say, in that endless void, we will not only encounter the thrift, but may also encounter the killing of the surname sent to the strong." The sword watched Suhong.

"Yes." Su Hong nodded, "but the surname faction, that is, the core power of the Chu's faction is stared at death by my Sam, and I can't send it. The top can only invite some trends with a great price. Truncate me. "

"I understand." The sword nodded, "When will I start?"

"You can." Su Hongdao.

"In this case, then there is no need to delay, let it go directly." The sword has no double.

"Well." Su Hong nodded, and immediately saw the vault, "During this time, there is a worker in Laugagen."

"You also have a little interest in taking me with me, but now it is a hand, it is not enough." The suspended city owner waved.

After once again, Su Hong and sword have left the hall.

The house of the city is waiting for a team of dozens of people.

When I saw Su Hong, a brown-haired man headed up, "Su Hong, we have been here for ten years, when will I start?"

"Now, go, immediately." Su Hong said.

"Oh?" The brown man browed, and he immediately saw the sword unparalleled existence. He couldn't help but ask: "Who he is?"

"This is a helper I invited, he will escort me to the purple moon." Su Hong smiled.

"Do you find a helper again?" Brown men's faces, "Su Hong, you are not let us, but we Hong Japanese commission group?"

"No, no." Su Honglian shook his head, "just a number of people, you can also guarantee, rest assured, before promising your commission, will not be less."

"That's good." The brown man nodded, glanced at the sword, and then called his own person, ready to leave.

"The sword is unparalleled, sorry, let you laugh." Su Hua had a pair of swords.

"These people are your mercenary group?" The sword was unbolded.

"Yes." Su Hong smiled. "After I received the news of the ancestors, I immediately came to the Shenghua of the Villa, and I went to the care of this rainbow Japanese army before, and just that person was. Yu Gang, the head of the Hongzi Corps, and then we have to cross the endless void, the endless void, there are countless, there is this rainbow Japanese military group, at least the ordinary gang, I don't dare to come to us trouble. "

"Well." The sword is unparalleled.

For the mercenary group, he also knows.

These mercenary groups walk between some dangers, specializing in some escort, or some dangerous tasks, earning a remuneration.

This rainbow Japanese army is a mercenary group that is unbelly and weak.

In the endless void, there is such a powerful mercenary group that can reduce a lot of trouble.

Soon, everything is ready.

"lets go."

Su Hong opened, and immediately sailed out from the hanging city, slowly moved to the front.

After driving out of this spaceship, in a corner of the hollow city, there are two body shaped gathers together.

"Hey, this team is finally settled."

"They stayed in this hollow city for ten years, I thought they had never started, now it seems that they are endless."

These two figure are talking.

"Fast, let's take this matter to the boss, let our people are so staring at this team, this team, but invoking a complete mercenary group to guard, this team's owner should not be small, If it is able to do, there will be great harvest! "

"This can be a big business, if the boss knows, it will be very happy!"


In the endless void, the huge interface spacecraft shutdowed.

Although it will encounter some of the thief's consciousness and sweeping from time to time, but when the pirates look at the lineup of this team, they have been scared to escape.

After all, this team, there is a complete mercenary group.

This mercenary group has dozens of bounds, including the three heavens and the gods, and there are four in the three days of the three days.

Such a mercenary group, the ordinary thief did not dare to provoke.

Along the way, it is relatively calm.

On the spacecraft deck, the numerous gods of the Hongli Mission Group gathered together, and the last is also in the crowd.

"Head, Mr. Su Hong is not only one person? How do you come now?" A triple day god of question.

"That is the helper of Su Hong, saying that it is necessary to escort him to the purple land." Yu Gang flat.

"Help?" The world's thrills of Hong Japan were frowned.

"All have already invited my rainbow Japanese military group, please also ask for help? This Su Hong, is this Suhong, don't trust us? He can don't forget, you can be our Hong Kong Mission Group, all the way to escort him To here. "A world is dissatisfied.

"Who knows, anyway, the commission he promised will not give us less, this is enough, as for him, please don't do it." Yuang didn't think about it.

"This is." These ideas are all.

"What is the name of the group of the head of the head, Su Yu?" Asked again.

"It seems that what swordsman." Yuang said.

"Swordsman, hey, I know that it is a pseudonym."

"Even the real name is not darent, the strength is also strong, and more than the head of our head, I am afraid that I am far away."

"That's sure, our head is also a genius in the country, and you can be able to be better than one person who has emerged."

"I don't know how Su Hong thinks. If he invited the monk of a world, it will be a person who has heard it, he heard that he will pay for it. The price is not as good as it is better to give us this price to us, let us be more desperate? "

The people of the Hongzi Corps are talking at the same time, smiling.

In the cabin, the sword is unparalleled with the Su Hongzhi sitting together, and there is a drink in the two tables.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should hear those talks outside?" Su Hong looked at the sword.

"Well." The sword nodded.

"In fact, you only have to announce the identity of our own Star Palace disciples, these people don't have a three-way four." Su Hong smiled.

"There is no need." The sword has no double-faced indifference, "Just think about it, how do you think, all, my mission is just to escort you back to the Yueyue Holy Land, this is enough, and I don't announce the identity, but also Your security is thinking. "

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