Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1439 Heilong Mountain

"For my safety? How do you say this?" Su Dao looked with a puzzled color.

"You stayed with the Hongzijun Corps stayed in the hollow city for decades, and if I didn't guess the wrong, in that decades, this rainbow Japanese military group should attract new members. Let's ask.

"Yes." Su Hong nodded, "Hong Japan Corps all the way to send me to hang up, I have encountered some dangers before, there is a lot of people's hand, so I added it in the duiso period for decades. Some people don't have much, there are ten people. "

"That's it."

The sword is unpaired: "Endless void is huge, you have to have the existence of our team, there is no such thing as the sea, so if I am a strong man of Su Jia Na, I will inevitably hanging the city I am eyeing you, and I will send a strong, mixed into this team, so that I have to find you in the Endless Void, the power of the Chu's sent you can easily find you, then kill you! "

"What?" Su Hong was shocked, "You said that in the people of Hongsi Mission, there may be the strong people of the Chu Dai sent?"

"It's not possible, but it must be." The sword is unparalleled in Su Hongyi, "It's because of this, my identity and strength, I naturally not expose, I don't expose it, so when the Chu's is the strong, At least some active can be occupied. "

After listening to the sword, there is a unparalleled thing, Su Hong face immediately became difficult to look down, "The sword is unparalleled, according to you, the strong people of the Chu's faction can come to kill us at any time, then we are not in danger?"

"Others, but you don't have to worry, my mission is to escort you to the Yue Yue Sheng, before you reach the purple moon, I will not let anyone hurt you." The sword said unparalleled.

Su Huang deeply saw the sword unparalleled, remembered the identity of the latter, which touted.

There is a star of Star Palace to escort him, and he can feel some peace of mind.

The spaceship of the boundary is still shuttle in the endless void.

At this moment, in the front of the spacecraft, there is a vast void, and there are countless mirips of dense numbness.

These people are the boundaries, which are headed by a head man carrying the knife.

Although this bald man is just a three-day peak, the body is much stronger than the people of the same order.

"Mu Tao, this should be that you join my Black Dragon Mountain, first come out to hunt?" The head man looked at a skin of a skin with some skin.

"Yes." This purple hair nodded slightly.

"I am not more than you before, you will get better if you have a hand, you can learn more, so you can sit in the future." The head man grinned. .

"Know." Zifa youth nodded again.

This purple youth is a three-day peak, just joined in Black Longshan.

Before that, this purple hair is a home in the ancient Moon Island, but unfortunately, Juyue Island is destroyed.

"Yes, I have been very curious." The head man opened again. "Although you can't compare with my Heilong Mountain, it is the endless void, and who is there is no strong and horizontal thief gang, who So, the big ability will be covered with you, is it true that God is in person? "

"It's not true God, just a three-day peak, but this three-day peak is the most terrible bound!" Mu Tao said, there is still a difficult to cover up. Amazing color.

"Oh?" The head of the head is a brow, but there is no more.

at this time……

"Boss, prey has arrived."

When a message is delivered, this bald man receives a message, the scorpion is just bright.

"Haha, small people, go with me!"

Under the cool laughter of the bald man, a lot of briquette is straight to the front.

On the huge field of spacecraft, the treasures of the Hongzi Corps were still talking about the laughter, and in the cabin, it was unparalleled with the eyes of the eyes, but he opened his eyes.

"What happened?" Su Hong didn't look at the sword.

"Someone is coming, and it is a lot of people." The sword is unparalleled, his strength of his soul has already induced a lot of breath.

"Many people?" Su Hong face changed, "Is it that the power of the Chu's sent, is it so fast?"

"I don't know if they are the strong, or there is no fighteit that there is no email itself, in short, the coming is not good." The sword is unparalleled.

Su Hong face is dignified, and even if you get up, you will go out of the cabin.

"Yu Gang, head!"

Su Hong came to the front of the past, and said: "Fast, ready to prepare, have a strong enemy."

"Strong enemies? Where? I not see?" Yuang immediately looked at the void outside the spaceship, his consciousness was spread, but did not induce any portrait.

The bounds of the Hongzi Corps are also quite awkward.

"This ..." Su Hong also frowned, and he did not see some people on the outside.

"Su Hong, are you too nervous?" Yu Gang smiled.

"No, no, it is the swordsman (the sword is unparalleled)." Su Hongdao.

"He?" Yu Gang is even more laughing. "Who didn't see the shadow of the strong enemy in the deck, how can he stay in the cabin, don't listen to him.

"Can ..." Su Honggang wants to say.

~~~~ The distance in the distance is suddenly a black pressure figure, such as a black cloud scrolls.

All people on the spacecraft were found.

"Is there anyone coming?"

"A lot, a lot of people, and it is the world!"

"This, this is ..."

The members of the Hongzi Corps exposed a horror.

People are too much, look at the black pressure, at least two thousand people.

And these more than two thousand people are particularly powerful, no one is lower than the world, and the strong three heavens are God, this black cloud is more than the hundred!

Even the peak of the three days, there is also a foot 18!

Horror lineup!

And this black cloud is obviously coming to them, so soon, this space in front of this spaceship stops.

The lineup of more than two thousand contests blocked in front of the spacecraft, there has been stopped their way.

Thousands of eyes have seen it towards the spaceship.

The member of the Hongli Mission Group, saw a scene outside the spaceship, one of the throat, and a fear of the heart.

Although it is the head of the Hongzi Mission Group, it has become unusually unusual.


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