Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1440 is killing!

"Head, what should I do?"

Those people of the Hongli Mission Group are fearful.

"What is panic, it is fixed!"

The rest is low, but his body is in front, the sound of the audience is coming. "In the next, the Japanese military group is just, I don't know how to have any friends, can I give me a rainbow Japanese community Face, let me wait for the past? "

The sound passed through the spacecraft, passed to the outside world, and also passed to the densely numb people.

"Hong Mi Mission?"

The bald man headed by the black pressure crowd couldn't help but laugh, "a three-runners of the district, what qualifications made me black Long Mountain?"

"Black Longshan?"

"Is it a black dragon?"

On the spaceship, the immediately turmoil and exclaimed.

The Hongzi Corps often goes back and back to the endless void, and some extremely strong pandared for this unique void is also known.

There are four most strongest gods in this no empty, which is one of the black dragon mountains!

It is more than 10,000, and there are more than 10,000 people. Among them, the three heavens gods have hundreds of people, and they have been moving in the endless void.

The Hongsi Mission Group heard the name of Heilong Mountain, but he has never really encountered.

Now, it is the first time!

And I know that the identity of the enemy, Yu Gang knows that this team wants to leave from this black dragon mountain's eyelids, afraid that it is a reality.

"Hear of Heilong Mountain, I am willing to pass the toll fee of five million chaotic crystals, but also hope that the road can come." Yuang once again opened.

Five million chaotic crystals are no longer a small number.

After all, a total of a general spirit is around 450 million chaotic crystals.

"Haha, 5 million chaotic crystal? Are you calling a flower? Listen, if you want to buy a row, you will take the sincerity, 50 million chaotic crystals, a child can't be less Otherwise, I am old to become the soul of my Black Longshan's hand. "That a bald man's cold voice.

"50 million chaotic crystal?"

There are many gods of the Hongzi Corps become extremely unceinmetrical.

"A whole family is only 40 million, now a single toll, he will have a hundred million chaotic crystals, it is really a lion big opening." The rest of the voice is cold, but the eyes are around, "bypass, with me The speed of this warship, the people in Heilong Mountain may not chase! "


The huge spacecraft is when the direction of the direction is reversed, and there is no burden of the black dragon pressure in front of the black, but the choice directly from the side.

Seeing this scene, the bald man smiled coldly, but did not chase.

The spacecraft direction is just plugged in, but it has found the end of this direction, and there is also a high-quality strong body figure.

Not only that, in the other two directions, the same is also flowing.

Four-sided eight-party, there is a black pressure, counting more than two thousand people before, at least 10,000 contest.


It is a ulphist that is difficult to face, and the people of Hongsi Mission is a heartbeat.

"Heilong Mountain, this is Blacklong Mountain!" Yuang was shaking.

The leader of Heilong Mountain, the bald man once again appeared in front of the spacecraft, and the lucky laughter came out from his mouth. I got on your team, and will you give you an opportunity to escape? "

"What should I do? Head, what do we do?" The boundaries of the Hongzi Mission were extremely fearful.

Yu Gang is cold, low Shen said: "My spacecraft is that I spend a lot of money, the ban on the spacecraft is very firm, this black dragon mountain's boundaries, but want to attack this banned ban, but no So easy, we are completely banned, forcibly rushing out! "


Yu Gang's idea must be, and there is a rigmous flaming. The lavender light film around this spaceship is a dazzling purple light, and the spacecraft is also an amazing speed. The black press presses in front rushed over the past.

"court death!"

The leader of the Heilong Mountain, the bald man saw this scene, and I couldn't help but get angry, and I immediately waved, "the goddean is ready!"

After the man is behind the head, dozens of figures have been rolled out, but there is a dark emitted big bow that is dark.

These big bow are controlled by the three heavens, with the bow string, a shares destroys the breath, earth-shattering.

"That is……"

The people of Hongsi Mission have noticed the existence of destroying the breath.

"Tu God Bow, is a bow!"

"Damn, this black dragon mountain is just a group of pirate trends, how can I have so many torches?"

The rest of the face.

Tu God, there is a certain name in the top ten cultivation, some extremely strong strength, will form some military with a squid.

These army's war will be very horrible.

But now, this Blacklong Mountain is just a group of pirates, but also set up a dozens of torue guards?

"Hey, I am in the endless deficiency, I fight for so many years, but it is not a wave." The bald man smiled.

call out! call out! call out! call out! ~~~

With the arrows in the hands of the gods, there are ten destroyed beams to shoot the spaceship.

The ten light beams are almost simultaneously bombarding the ban on the spacecraft. This repaction is really good, although it is rushing, but it is hard to live.

"Actually resist it? Hey, how is it again?" The head man is cold.

After him, the tens of That That is a big bow again, and there are dozens of shares destroy the breath slowly.

"It's over!"

On the spacecraft, many of the world of Hongsi Mission include the last, and the complexes became palays.

In the cabin, Su Hong station is in front of the sword, and it is also very tense.

The sword is not blessed, but his soul is already spread, and everything happened outside is clear.

"Originally, I want to wait for the power of the Chu's sent, I will shoot again, but now I seem to shoot in advance."

The sword is unparalleled, and the next moment he has appeared above the deck of the spacecraft.

At this moment, the second round of the slaughter is destroyed, just in the aircraft.

Seeing this scene, the sword is no longer hesitating, the blood peak sword is in the hands, the pace is across, and there is already an exterior of the spacecraft, those who destroy arrows.

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