Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1441 Top Ten King

call out! call out! call out! call out!

There are ten destroyed beams, which will be taken.

The sword is unbolded, and the blood peak sword is louder, and the horror of the throne suddenly broke out.

Rumble ~~~ The power of the pounds, the one-in-one reincarnation of the sword is unparalleled, and has formed a huge mountain in front of the sword.

The mountains have ridless hundreds of feet, and the swords are unparalleled, including the spaceship behind him to cover.

Those who destroyed the beams were bursting, and she bombarded the mountains above the mountains, and the mountains were split, but those who destroyed the beams also dissipated.


The leader of Heilong Mountain, the head man is not changed.

On the air boat in the world, the boundaries of the Hongzi Corps escaped a robbery, and they can't help but survive, and they also saw the existence of unparalleled swords outside the spaceship.

"It's a sword!"

"Is the helper of Mr. Su Hong?"

"He helped us blocked the arrows of the Tu"? "

These horizons of the Hongzi Mission Group are amazed.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the murder is flashed, but the body is like a ghostatic sudden riée.

This scene, the gods of Heilong Mountain have been wrong.

They have a full-footed god gathered in the Heilong Mountain, and the three heavens in the eyes are there.

"Where is I don't know the dead idiot, I killed him!" The bald man happened to drink.

There is a large piece of shadow in the black pressure crowd in Heilong Mountain.


The sword is unparalleled, and the soul has a huge bloody phoenix.

This bloody phoenix is ​​sounds, and the feathers on the bricks, the feathers of the body are not in the way, and there is no hindrance to the killing of the black dragon mountain strong.

Silent, there is a hundred body shape, which falls directly down.

At this scene, the many of the gods, including Hongshan, including Hongshan, a big shock.

And in the Blacklong Mountain camp, the purple hair youth Mu Tao standing around the bald man is a fierce.

At the scene, he is too familiar.

At the beginning of the ancient Moon Island, the same scene appeared.


Not only is the results of the scene, but even the move is completely identical.

The eyes of this Mu Tao died in the front of the void, the ghosts saw the past.

He saw it, he finally saw the face of the ghosts.

At this moment, Mu Tao was surprised to fly!

"It's him!"

"It's really him!"

Mu Tao's eyes are rolling, and the whole face is falling into endlessness.

He will never forget the scene in the ancient Moon Island, and will never forget the people who have finished sweeping the ancient Moon Island.

"Escape, hurry!"

Mu Tao muff, his voice is extremely low, no strength.

And next to the bald man heard his voice, he couldn't help but read it. "Mu Tao, what are you talking about?"

"This person is a devil!" Mu Tao muff.

"Devil?" The head of the head changed, but he was also reacted. "Is this person who will destroy your ancient Jumi Island?"

Mu Tao did not answer, but from his expression, the bald man has learned the answer.

"It turned out, no wonder he can destroy the entire ancient Moon Island with a strong force. It turned out that he is a strong person who is good at consciousness. In front of the strong, the number is at all, the quantity does not work." Holding eyes, but following it is cold and cold, "Unfortunately, I am different from Gu Moon Island!"

"What is the Ten Day, give me this kid!"


The fire broke the sound of the fire, and the ten figures were rumored in the crowd of the black press.

These ten people wear a bronze armor, murderous, and stand together, blocking in front of the sword and unparalleled, ten pounds of breath, also caught in the sword.

"Is the ten king!"

"Ten Kings actually shot at the same time?"

"This little child is dead."

The world of Heilongshan, seeing the appearance of this ten figure, immediately broke out dramatically.

Ten Tianshi, only in the Heilong Mountain, only to several people.

Ten people are all strong three-day peaks, but also the Legend of Heilong Mountain spend the huge price. They use the soldiers, the armor wearing the armor is not as common, even ten people still cultivate A battle, specially used to join hands to drop.

Ten people teamed up with the gods, in addition to the strong people on the world, there should be no one.


Ten Daqiu's speed is also very fast, and it appears in front of the sword.

Then I saw the offensive of the four sides, and the swords were unparalleled.

The sword is not double-finished, and the blood peeking sword is easy to brighten, and the needle with reincarnation.

clang! clang! clang! clang! ~~

Ten attacks, all were blocked by swords, while swords were unbearable, only a slight refund, then the blood peak sword is like a spirit of the spirits, and the bombardment is in the body of two kings. The two kings The whole body is covered under the bronze armor, and the sword is concentrated, but it has been shocked.


"Can easily block the attack of me ten people, and can also instantly counterattack!"

"This kid, swordsman is very strong!"

"One-on-one, no one is his opponent, directly using the battle!"

This ten big king exchanged, immediately reached an offensive.


The horrible breath rises, and there is a hundred feet high, the whole body covers the magic dragon knight under the ancient copper warfare, appeared in the void.

This magic dragon knight suffocated the sky, and everyone surrounded.

"Battle of battle?" The sword is unparalleled.

When he was in the green world, he learned the battle of the battle, and he also knows that these battle areas.

These ten kings, although the personal strength is not strong, but ten people teamed up to form a battle, this battle is also a non-small pressure.


The sword is unpacking, and the next moment, his body shape has suddenly skyrocket, and it has skyrocketed to Baizhang high, and the whole body is filled with dark golden shiny, and the five four martial arts patterns are even more embarrassing.

"come on!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the huge god of the gods has spanned, and the blood peak swords that have skyrocketed in their hands are also surprised.

And the magic dragon knight is also a shock, and the magical dragon is even more embarrassing. In an instant two, the big things are collided on the front.

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