
The whole world is falling into a dead!

Black Longshan, the countless boundaries of the black pressure, all of which were full of eyes and stared at the hands and was covered with blood, just like the magic sword.

Everyone has a shammint from the heart.

"Too too strong!"

"Devil, he is a devil!"

"This demon, how can we resist?"

These Heilongshan's boundaries are screaming.

On the scene, they can see clearly.

The top ten kings of Heilongshan teamed up with the battle of the magic dragon knight, but was swimmed by the sword without double, and the ten kings were dead!

The idea is moving, the thousands of people are falling instantly!

The strongest leader of their strength in Heilongshan, can't support a trick in the sword, and was killed in an instant.

Everything is all thoroughly scared them.


I don't know who is the first one, and the countless contest of the black pressure around the next moment, including the few things in Heilong Mountain, there is no hit, all choose crazy to escape.

escape! escape! escape!

These pandareds have already forgotten everything, leaving only the escape.

Just instantly kung fu, I was originally fled in a large number of pirates surrounded by spacecraft outside the world.

This crisis also suddenly dissipated.

On the spacecraft deck, the many of the worlds of the rainbow Japanese governor, at this moment, a good expression is also very much, and the bottom of the heart has set off a huge waves.

The ratio is that just, it is even more faceful.

Insightly, there is still some dissatisfaction with the existence of this rainbow mercenary group, and think that Su Yu will ask them that the kilometer team is enough. It is not necessary to please one more, not to mention the sword There is no famous gas, and they don't think the sword is unparalleled.

But now ... The sword has no pair of strength, but they have shocked all people.

"too strong!"

"This, this is absolutely bound to the God!"

"Well, absolutely, it is impossible to defend the black dragon mountain!"

"This sword passer is actually a world of God list?"

The people of Hongsi Mission Group are in the mood.

They finally arrived, why didn't Su Hong come to the sword?

And at this time, he!

The sword is unparalleled to the spacecraft deck, and the middle of the people of Hongsi Mission is falling.

Looking at the sword is unparalleled again, the people of Hongsi Mission Group include that, but they have encountered their throat, one with an unprecedented awe.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is also said that in a word, in these people awe, stepped into the cabin again.

Until the sword is unparalleled into the cabin, the people of Hongsi Mission will easily tone.

"Walk away, continue to hurry."

After that, I just said, I will continue to drive the outer spaceship began to catch up.

The spacecraft cabin.

"It is worthy of the legendary star palace disciple, admire."

Su Hong also looked at the sword with swords and smiled. "You can ask the sword without double you.

"Don't be too happy, after all, our truly trouble has not arrived." The color of the sword is a little dignified.

Su Hong's eyes are slightly smashed, and the strong lineup of the Chu-Dai sent may be very strong, but should be enough to deal with you with the sword without pairs? "

In Su Hong's view, the huge pirate strength of the sword is unparalleled in Heilongshan can cope with him. The Chu's party is coming to kill his strong. Talented.

"If you don't encounter Black Longshan, I can't deal with it, but now, it is not necessarily." The sword has no double.

"Why?" Su Hong was confused.

"I told you that the Chu's faction will inevitably latenner in the rainbow Japanese community, I have never shot, the strong people of the Chu, I don't know my details, I will only treat me as an ordinary The three days of peaks are treated, but now I am strong, and the Chu's fault will also know, they will definitely make some countermeasures according to my strength, the failed lineup will inevitably be very Strong! "The sword said unparalleled.

Su Hua's gods moved, and immediately.

The Chu's fault is not a strong, and it is definitely a great grasp of it.

"How is it?" Su Hong frowed.

"I don't know, but I have just left my eyes, I have left some strength, plus the Chu's fauna hidden in Hongli Mission, and the top is only a three-day god, It may even be lower, his eyes are limited, it is difficult to see my real power, it is estimated that I will only treat me as a strong man who is a suspected world, so we can also have a little advantage. "Sword is unparalleled Say.

If you can hear the sword unparalleled, Su Hong is very shocked. "You just show, isn't your strongest strength?"

The sword is unparalleled to Su Hongyi, and did not answer.

In fact, he just war, he has some reserved.

He mastered the power of the reincarnation did not completely broke out, and his swordsman did not play the extreme.

Insightly, he just passed the second retrieversion, his sword is in the outbreak period, and in the year of the star, he has a huge improving improving in the sword in the sword. It is that he created a reincarnation sword.

This round of back swordsmanship ... is because of the retrieval of the trip to the sword.

Rotating swords have a total of seven-fashioned swords. Every time he is unparalleled, and he just has only to show a more strong blood of the blood and the bloody sky. In the round-back sword, he is more stronger than these two-style swords. It is created, but it has not been displayed.

"Wait, how long does it take for it, the power of the Chu's faction should come."

The sword is unmatted, then it is closed.

Just as the sword is unparalleled, after suffering from the Heilong Mountain, the strong man of the Chu's sent is immediately aware of the strength of the sword, and the response measures are made in the first time.

In the endless void, a small island that is unmanned, dozens of stones are there, waiting quietly.

Not long, a fine bloody spacecraft stopped in front of this island, from this bloody spaceship, a bloody movie, slowly came out.


Seeing this blood robes, all people waiting in the island have exposed the light.


PS: Today is still six more, ask for support, ask everything!

It is recommended that his old book "Wu Xiao Cang" "Rebirth of I will be the beast", the brothers of the book can go see.

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