Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1444, suspected world of God list

"Zhao Hanner!"

Seeing the blood robes from the bloody spaceship, the dozens of strong things waiting for the island, except for one person, and others respectfully.

This blood robes are a face-colored young man, he overlooks everyone on the island, the shape is moving, and there is a three-day peak industry that has never been salute.

"Pang Bo, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you here?" The young man Zhao Han opened, and his face took a smile.

The called Pang Bo is a burly middle-aged year with a height of more than two meters. This burly middle-aged body is behind a blue-colored war knife, the body is shaped, and the faint is a bit of domineering. When I heard Zhao Han's words, Pang Bo opened, "I have encountered a little trouble, otherwise no need to ask you."

"What is the trouble, even your unlimited is close to the spirit of the world?" Zhao Han smiled.

"The other party suspected world of God's ability." Pubobe socks.

"Oh?" Zhao Han was slightly smoldering.

Unlimited approaching the world list, with suspected world of God list, obviously there is a certain gap.

"Talk, what is going on?" Zhao Han asked.

"Since you are also invited by Chu's party, then I naturally know the task of this trip, and the person we want to kill, although it is not very good, but he invited some strong to escort, in him. Among the strong people, the rainbow Japanese community, but a three-running army group, but it is not enough to care, but when he is in the city, he recluses a helper. The helper is called a sword. "Pang Bo just said this .

"Swordsman? I know it is a pseudonym." Zhao Han smiled, "Just this sword, there is a suspected world of God's ability?"

"Yes." Pang Bo nodded, "Not long ago, the swordsman and a hide of this singer, suffered a black dragon, and suffered a black dragon."

"Black Long Mountain?" Zhao Hanqi immediately moved, "I have just endless void experience this time. This Black Long Mountain has heard that the heroes have a full-footed robber, and the existence is the three heavens, three There are also a lot of the gods of the sky, they still have ten kings, the famous arrogance is not small. "

"Indeed, I generally want to cross endless voids, as long as I have encountered Black Longshan, it is definitely a nightmare, almost no one can escape under Henglong Mountain eye, the swordsman is in the endless deficiency Black Longshan, that is going to be a little fierce, but the result ... "Pang Bofeng frowned.

"Why, don't they slip from the Black Dragon Mountain?" Zhao Han smiled casually.

"It's not slipping, but directly with the Thunder's means, the Black Dragon Mountain will be defeated." Pubofa.

"What?" Zhao Han face could not help but change.

During this time, he experienced the endless void. This is intended to find the trouble of Heilong Mountain. It is natural to understand the strength of Heilong Mountain.

He is very clear, you have to defeat the Black Dragon Mountain, what strengths need it.

"It is not the main force of the Blacklong Mountain." Zhao Han couldn't help but ask Zhao Han.

"No, they have encountered the main force led by the leader of Heilongshan, and Black Longshan is still in the abroad, and there are 10,000 commandments, including that ten kings. All shot, but the result is still killed The leader of the Heilong Mountain, and the ten big king is all dead, and this is the swordsman! "Pang Bo worked.

"You said that the swordsman kills the top ten kings of Heilong Mountain in front of Many of the Heilong Mountain, killing their leaders?" Zhao Han asked.

"Yes, the ten kings of the Black Longshan, have fully handed, even formed a battle, but the results are still in front of the swordsman." Pubofa.

I heard here, even if Zhao Hanmu also flashed a strange color.

"The Ten Days of Heilong Mountain, once we teamed up to build a battle, it is said that only the world will be able to compete, and this sword can defeat the battle in front of it. The strength is indeed weak, but it is like this, but You can't explain that he really has the battle of the world. "Zhao Han smiled.

"Does not have?" Pang Boyi.

"The world will be the battle force, not so casual, it will not be able to achieve it, and there will be only one hundred people." Zhao Han smiled, "in the top ten cultivation holy land, like you This is close to the world list, and how much is the strong people of the suspected world, can you have a few people? Can you have a few people to fight against the gods? "

"Just take a simple example, 50,000 years ago, the genius disciple from the east of the Holy Land, Ye Han, the talented, defeated a lot of strong people who were close to the world, and was also identified as a suspect After the list, it can be later, he truly encounters a strong spirit of the world. The strong person is only in the ninety-third place in the world. It is the top of the bottom. What is the result? "

"Only three tricks, this leaves were defeated, and there was no opportunity to struggle."

"So, there is no truth that I have finished the game, and I am not qualified to be called the suspect of the world."

"There are the top ten kings of the Black Longshan, as long as a set of battlefolds, he knows that there is no world of God list, but can actually pay hands with the power of God list? They know the strong people of the world How much is it? "

Zhao Hanyi is not as good as it is.

Also, in the top ten cultivation holy land, many people have been said to be a suspected world of God list, but they compare with the true commandments, actually there is a big gap.

"The sword passengers are still endless void?" Zhao Han asked again.

"Still, our people are mixed in their team, and we are also clear." Pubofa.

"In this case, let's go directly, let us go for a while, this suspected world of sacred sacred swordsman." Zhao Hanxi smiled.

"I have a person who personally shot, this matter should not have any accidents." Pang Bo smiled.

The ideals next to them also have absolute confidence to this Zhao Hanner.

Let's not say that the swordsman may not have the battle of the world, even if they really have it, they believe that this Zhao Hanner can easily suppress.

After all, this Zhao Hanner, but he became a strong list of the world of the top ten cultivation, and ranked on the spiritual list, not low!

There is no too much preparation, soon Zhao Han, Pang Bo took the delicious blood shock with a few ten kings, and then fell to the sword without double their position.


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