Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1445 comes!

In the endless void, the spaceship outside the world is still flushing.

On the deck, the people of Hongsi Mission will be very close.

"During this time, it is very calm, even if you come to find trouble, there is no."

"Hey, the ordinary gangs, how do you dare to come to the trouble of the rainbow Japanese community? Even if you encounter the strong, such as the Heilong Mountain, we have a swordsman, there is no fear. "

"When are we, can you have the strength of the swordsman?"

Three three or two two people gathered together and talked freely.

In one corner, there are two world gods to stay together. These two world gods are only ordinary three heavens, and the Hong Japanese military group is temporarily recruited in the hanging city.

"Pang Bo adult has been tapped, after half a day, they will arrive, we must act in accordance with the plan." A triangular eye old man put the extremely low pressure, except for him, no one can hear it.

"On this boat, there is a swordman who sweeps the Black Longshan in this boat. Can you do it?" Another young girl was frowning.

"Reassured, people here are more than a Pang Bo adult, and Zhao Hanner." Triangle eye old man.

"Zhao Hanner? The heart of the world?" The girl is shocked, the spin is showing the color of the surprise, "This is no problem, the swordsman is more powerful, and the truly bound" is more than one, and must also also There is a big gap. "

"There is still half a day, we are ready." The triangular eyes said.

And half a day, it's so soon.

Inside the spacecraft cabin, the sword that is sitting in the dish is unparalleled, and he opened his eyes. His soul has already induced that there is a cross-section spacecraft in front.

"Su Hong, you have to kill you." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is it?" Su Hong face became more dignified.

The only sword is unparalleled with Su Hua, which appears outside the cabin.

"Swordkeepers, Su Hong, how did you come out?" Yu Gang, the head of Hongzi Mamerion, smiled and looked at it.

There is no answer between the sword, but the eyes are looking forward to the front.

"Yu Gang, calling you to prepare, there is a strong enemy to kill." Su Hongzhi is a low departure.

"Is there a strong enemy?" Yu Gang brows wrinkled.

"This strong enemy is more terrible than Black Longshan." Su Hong said.

"What?" Yuang was shocked, followed by a low drink, "Fast, get up, do the enemy to prepare!"

Those people in the deck were immediately alarmed, and they stood up one after another. The soldiers also appeared in their hands.

Everyone's eyes are dark in front of the dark void, where there is a gradually emerged, and in constant magnification.

"It is a spaceship!"

"Good beautiful spaceship."

The people of Hongsi Mission tightly stared at the beautiful blood vessel.

However, at this time, on the corner of the deck, the three-pointed old man who has already prepared it is eye-catching with the girl.

"Hand!" The triangle eye old man drinks low.

Time, the two strong breath fierce self-space boats.

The triangular eye old man is simultaneous with the brunette girl, directly to directly attack the ban on the surrounding spaceship.

The ban on this spaceship is quite strong. If it is strong from the outside, it should cost some strength to break, but if it is from the interior of the spacecraft, it is much more simple.

This triangular eye old man stayed in this spaceship in this spaceship so long, I have long been clear in the weakness of the disabled, now directly attacking the two weakest places, and simultaneously attacking, instant this The ban on the surrounding spaceship is rushing.

"Not good!" Yu Gang's face change, "You two bids!"

"Do you have two people?" The sword was unbeded, but he gouaved to the strong in the Hongzi Corps, but did not expect to have two people.

These two suddenly opened their ban, he also came to block.


And the Triangle eye older and brunette girl did not hesitate after breaking the ban, and they did not hesitate to rush out of the spacecraft to flee to the bloody spaceship, and Zhao Han, Pang Bo, etc.

But their two have just rushed out of the spacecraft, and the two invisible soul attacks came directly.


The three eye old people and the young girls exposed a horizontal horror, followed by their shape, fell straight.

"Although it is not easy to block you, it is easy to kill you." The sword was indifferent.

"It's good to die!" The world of surrounding the mission to the rainbow Japanese army is a bite tooth.

"Are you ready, killing begins." The sword was unparalleled.

These ideas of the Hongzi military group suddenly looked up!!!! ~~~ I saw a strong body shape that exuded a strong breath, turned into a road to rush toward the spaceship of their space, and there was no blocking of the ban. These streamer came directly on the deck of the spaceship.

There are more than 30 trend of more than 30 stones.

Fortunately, this spacecraft is extremely huge, the deck is equivalent to a small downtown, which can accommodate these people.

The sword has no double eyes, staring at these people in front of them.

In the surroundings of him, there is also the faces of the boundaries of the rainbow Japanese communities, but it is quite ugly.

They have noticed that these people come alone, they all have a three-day peak, more than 30, which headed the lack of cyan war knife, and its breath is much stronger than others. .

"You, you are ..." Yu Gang stared at the burly man of the carrying blue war knife, and it took advantage of "Pang Bo, it is you!"

"Do you know him?" The sword didn't double his eyes.

"Know." Yu Gang nodded, "This Pang Bo originally also a large number of huge mercenary groups, but later because she was not sinned, the mercenary group was slaughtered, then The people of the world will also want to kill him. Unfortunately, this is extremely strong, especially the body of the body, and the spirit of the world can be crushed, but it can't kill him. And he also became famous for a battle, a strong, close to the spirit of the world. "

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"You, is a swordsman?" The Pang Bo's eyes burst into cold, and the sword walked.

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled.

"If you leave here now, you may keep a life." Pubobe is cold.

"Oh, I will be eligible to say this." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is it?" Pang Bo's eyes were flashing, and the body is like a tiger like a tiger.

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