Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1450 Tianjian Mountain

After the score of Su-Chong, the sword was unparalleled, and I sat down, and I gave the main news of the Yuan Temple, inform you that I have completed the second ring task.

"The sword is unparalleled, I heard that you are in the second ring mission, I have encountered Zhao Han, who is the world of the world, how do you feel?" Yuan Demotine is willing to ask.

"The spirit of the world is indeed strong." The sword is unparalleled, "" With my current strength, I just barely reluctantly fight against the Zhao Han, I want to be defeated, unless I have breakthrough in my sword. " Create a realistism. "

In the scholastic school, he has created a third-order strongest school, and he wanted to create a true god.

I heard the sword unparalleled, but I couldn't help but squat: "If you don't protect the Su Hong, you can try to keep the Zhao Han completely, so you can easily Loose him and board the gods. "

"Amount ..." The sword is unparalleled.

Before, I was fighting Zhao Han. The Zhao Hanbi exhibited the gods. It couldn't help but the body's anti-theory is strong. If it continues to kill, the sword is unparalleled can defeat the Zhao Hanche, but even kill, but that is also It is only relying on his thick power to win with the recovery ability of the King. As for the truth, he is indeed a few different from Zhao Han.

"No matter what to say, you can make it like Zhao Handu, it is very good, there is such a strength as a reliance, the next third ring task, I can rest assured that there is a lot." The Yuan Dynasty said.

"Well?" The sword has no double look.

The meaning of the Lord of the Temple, the third ring task seems to be uniform.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will now get your third ring task, and the last ring task, you listen carefully." Yuan Dynasty opened.

The sword is unparalleled and listened carefully.

"In the top ten cultural holy land, it is outside the endless deficiency, there is a giant land that is floating in the country with a fantastic sea, and the land is the sky!"

"Tianjian Mountain, is the extremely strong power of the ancient chaotic world, although it is not in the top ten cultivation holy land, but its heritage and overall strength, it is not the same, even if compared with my star, it is not too much. "

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled.

The pulse of the stars is not too much than too much, it is inevitably the top forces of the chaotic world.

"I originally followed Lu Zhen Wang in the vast chaotic world, I also heard that Tianjian Mountain, the owner of the Tiangu Mountain, very unhorseful." The voice of Kings also sounded.

The main hall will continue to say: "Tianjian Mountain, the strong people, there are many people, in addition, Tianjian Mountain has a full hundred and eight white robe, these white robe deacons are all monetary peaks God is, there is a magic of the world. He once in the Ziyue Holy Land, and a border disciple of the god of the stars, and your task is to go to Tianjian Mountain, find the opportunity to put this magic. I am tired of death. "

"Go to Tianjian Mountain to kill the magic, only one goal?" The sword didn't ask.

"Yes, just kill him one," Yuan Demon Lord.

"The strength of this magic is so strong, can you have a list of the list of the list, or have the kingdom of God list?" The sword is unparalleled.

"No, his strength is not much, just a general three-day peak level." Yuan Demen.

I heard the words, but the sword was unparalleled but frowned.

Just just kill a common three heaven, this task seems to be easy.

But is it the ultimate third ring task?

"The sword is unparalleled, this magic is not very good, but he is a person in Tianjian Mountain, and he is very embarrassing. In the year, he has been in Tianjian Mountain, almost never going out, you have to kill him, He must kill him in Tianjian Mountain, under the eyes of many strong people in Tianjian Mountain, once you have a little accident, even if you kill him, you will be chased by many strong people in Tianjian Mountain. Thus, it is dying! "Said the main hall.

"Is this?" The sword has no double-sided colors.

He knows that this third ring task kills that magic is just a little thing. The key is to kill him, then escape from Tianjian Mountain, or to kill the magic of the mission, but not being discovered This task is difficult to upgrade countless times.

"The task reward of this third ring task is the time in the true God of the Temple for two months, plus a true god-level chaotic Qibao!" The main road of Yuan Temple.

The sword is not bright.

The true temple does not have to say more, before he completes the second ring task, just getting a month of the Temple of the Temple.

The third ring task is completed, but it is two months.

As for the true chaos of the true God ...

The ancient chaotic world, there is a chaotic god soldier, chaotic odorant, chaotic gods.

The chaotic Qibao itself is also divided into boundary gods and true God.

From the name, you can see that the chaotic chaos of the world is to use the gods.

Among the treasures of swords, the paradise of the swing, only the high-end boundary chaos.

The blood peak sword is a sword embryo. Now it has been combined with the three strongest unparalleled students created by the sword.

Bloody will be the topic, the same, the same, the top, the gods, chaos.

As for the true God, the sword is unparalleled now.

He has a chaotic chart in the chaotic god hierarchy, but it is because the level is too high, the sword is unparalleled, it has not really played the power. After he is estimated that after he has become a true God, it is qualified to really use this treasure.

So here, if it is possible to get a true god-level chaos, there is absolutely useful to the sword.

"Although this third ring task is very dangerous, the reward is also very rich." The sword is unhappy smile.

The opportunity and crisis have always coexisting.

"The sword is unparalleled, I remind you that this third ring task is not the same, slightly inadvertently, you can lose your life, so you must be prepared before you kill the magic. It's good to take a good way, if there is no exception, don't act rashly. "Yuan Dian said.

"Understand." The sword has no double heart.

"In addition, if it is true to life, you can speak directly to the identity of our disciples, maybe there is a line of life."

The sword is unparalleled, and the spin is also secretly nod.

"The position of Tian Jian Mountain I have passed it, go."

The Yuan Dynasty was interrupted.

And the sword is unparalleled, it will soon start.


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