Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1451 Nine Jian Mountain

Located between the two gods, a giant land floating, this land is the place in Tianjian Mountain.

Return the boundary spaceship, once again shutd it, it has been used for decades, and the sword is in front of this land.

"Here, is it Tianjian Mountain?"

The sword is unparallled in front of the huge land in front of him, and the faint can see the end of the line of sight, there is a huge mountain.

Even if you are far away, the sword is unparalleled to feel the nine mountains.

"It is said that there are nine Jian Mountain in Tianjian Mountain. This nine Jian Mountain is the owner of Tianjian Mountain. It is very good." The voice of King said in the sword.

"Go and see."

After the sword is unparalleled, after the spacecraft, he relies on his speed directly to the nine hostess mountains.

Just a moment, the sword is unparalleled, appears above a huge empty land.

In this empty, there are a large number of cultivators gathered together, some are talking about it, some are in that, but more but all the eyes are sitting there, it seems to be ginseng. I realize something.

The sword is not standing on the air, looking up, looking at the nine mountains in front of him.

These nine mountains, each is enough to give people a feeling of shocking.

Just in the sword where there is no double look at the first giant mountain ...! ! !

A horrible sword is directly delivered, this sword is magnificent, and it is convincing.

"This sword ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole body and mind have fallen into this sword.

After a long time, swords haven't paid to God.

"I actually fell into this swords." The sword was unparalleled. "

With he now understands the priest, the ordinary swords are not in the heart, but the swords from the mountains can now, but what is the strength of the swords?

The sword is unparalleled and immediately looks to the second mountain.

! ! !

The same horrible swords came, and this sword is like a huge, including everything in heaven.

The sword is also affected by this sword, not from the autonomous sink.

After a while.

"It's amazing." The sword didn't open the eyes, and the eyes were flashing with thick light.

Nine hostess, each offered the swords of the sky, the sword is strong, and he is deeply fascinating.

Such a strange nine mountains, if he is able to practice this, his sword can absolutely get a small increase.

"This little friend ..." a mild voice sounded.

The sword is unparalleled, and I saw a white robes, the old people came to him, and the old people looked at his eyes with a goodwill.

"You are?" The sword won't look at people.

"The old man is the white robe of Tianjian Mountain, Ice Chong." White Robe is smiling.

"White Robe deacon?" The sword has flashing in a different color.

Task, his mission's goal is the magic world, and it is a white robe of Tianjian Mountain. It is the same as this ice.

"Look at the look, should it be the first time to come to Tianjian Mountain?" Ice Chong smiled at the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"That is, only the first time I come to Tianjian Mountain's cultivator. When I saw this nine Jian Mountain, I will surprise this." Ice Chong laughed, and immediately narken: "This nine Jian Mountain It is the foundation of my Tianjian Mountain. It is a person who is created in person, nine Jian Mountain, and each of them have an amazing sword. It is a great place to cultivate the Campaign. "

"No wonder there will be so many sword practice." The sword is unparalleled around, and it can be seen that many cultivators on the air are almost all Sword practitioners.

"Xiaoyou's purpose, should it be the same?" Ice watched the sword. He has noticed the long sword that the sword has no double.

"Of course." The sword is not a hyphenotype, and I immediately asked: "Mr. Ice Chong, if I want to practice in these nine Jian Mountain, what is the need?"

"Requirements? There is no requirement, my man has long told me, this nine Jianshan is open to all the sword practitioners, no matter who it is, you can refer to the sword in front of this Jian Mountain, and I want to have a long time. Ice Chong Road.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled, "So the nine Jian Mountain is completely open? The owner of Tianjian Mountain is very powerful?"

It is important to know that many of the power of the chaotic world, the land of some of the opportunities they have, don't say to outsiders, even if they need some authority to yourself.

Just like the true God of the Stars, the Tibetan Golden Pavilion is returned to the palace, and only the stars of the stars will enter.

And this day, Jian Mountain ... This nine Jian Mountain is in the sword. Although it is impossible to compare with the true temple, it is also a very rare cultivation, especially for the Sword Practice. Machine.

But the owner of the Tianjian Mountain, so that this nine Jian Mountain is open to everyone.

This is really generous.

"This piece of empty floor can be found in the place where the cultivation is a lot. You will find a place to find a place to practice. It is a long time to practice, but I don't want to violate the rules of my Tianjian Mountain." .

"Rule, what rule?" The sword didn't have a double question.

"It's very simple, it is not to kill in Tianjian Mountain." Ice Chongdao.

The sword is not a double eye.

He came to this day, the purpose of Jian Mountain is to kill people, it is necessary to violate the rules of Tianjian Mountain.

"If you accidentally violate the rules of Tianjian Mountain, what will it be?" The sword is unparalleled as asked.

"Violation of the rules, then he will get the discipline of Tianjian Mountain, then the next ..." Ice Chongzhen.

"What will happen?" The sword did not ask.

"I don't know." Ice won shook his head. "After all, it is responsible for punishment. It is a big people in Tianjian Mountain. However, I have heard that those people are very miserable."

"Oh?" The sword was unbenched.

"Okay, a little friend, you will take the cultivation in this slowly, if there is anything you can come to me, after all, our white robe's deacon, this is to deal with these trivial things." Ice Chong laugh Laughing, turn around and left.

The sword is unparalleled, standing quietly, glitting the strange light.

"This day, Jian Mountain is like a cloud. Even the true gods have a lot of gods. It is not easy to kill in such a strong eyelid."

"But I am not anxious, first stay in this nine Jian Mountain, I am familiar with the environment, then slowly find the opportunity to get started."

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