Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1452 Magic God

After you pay attention, the sword is unparalleled. When you find a place in this air, the eyes are looking at the nine rushed mountains in front of the front.

Nine Jian Mountain, each contains a sharp sword, and this nine swords are different.

The sword is unparalleled, but feels.

After only a moment, the sword was unparalleled to select one of the Jianshan.

This Jie Mountain is contained, it is a sharp to the extreme, as if you can tear all the swords in the world.

This is very similar to the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

In the understanding of the sword unparalleled sword, the sword, the main killing, this is the endless front.

Only rusted swords will lose fierce.

The sword is unparalleled to wait for the residence, feel the swords in this Jian Mountain.

With the enlightenment, his understanding of his own swords and swords is also increasing.

The time is slowly passed ...

Tianjian Mountain, the rules are strict, no one dares to violate it.

The sword is quiet and quiet, and no one will easily come to disturb him, a sway, seventy years.

On the air, the sword is unparalleled, and he holds the blood peak sword at the moment, but the blood peak sword will begin slowly.


A sword light suddenly shouted.

This sword is like a shocking, and the moment, the sword, the sword, whistling, and an astonishing moment of breath suddenly broke out.

Amazing sword.

This sword even brought about many swords in the empty side to see it.

"Third order strongest learning?"

"This sword is ... so born!"

"So fierce sword, there are a few points of unstoppable momentum."

"Anyway, this sword, I can't stop it."

Some of the swordsman practitioners are also secretly amazed.

There are a lot of swords in this air, but they reach the peak of the three days, but there are not many, and it is possible to create three strongest learning.

Therefore, the swords of swords unparalleled in the moment are also sufficient to praise these people.

After the fire is complete, the sword is unparalleled and the sword is standing, and its eyes are slowly open.


The sword is unparalleled, and the face also reveals a smile.

"In this Jian Mountain, the new understanding of the priest is greatly improved. Although it is still unable to create a true gods, it has also created an endless turnover, the second trick The strongest school. "

"My sword, go forward, don't tear each other, don't destroy the opponent's vow, and sword light is like a shocking, so this sword is called."

The sword is unhappy smile.

The shocking is created, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a lot of improvement.

There are also many buildings in Tianjian Mountain. In these buildings, there are not only shops, but also some restaurants and places to play.

At the moment, it is in front of a shop.

"Two slowly gone." A evil youth wearing a white robe was revealing the color of humility, and two three-day peak gods were sent.

"During this time, there is a law." The two three days of the peak of the world did not have any shelves, one of them took out a Qiankun ring, "This is a little heart, please laugh."

That white robe is so bright, and I've been busy, I laughed: "If there is two in the day, if there is anything in this day, I can come to me at any time."

"for sure."

These two three-day peaks are so late.

When the white robe was in the youth, he immediately browsed the Qiankun ring, and his mouth immediately looked at the smile, followed by re-entering the shop.

And all of this is all in the eyes of the sputum in the pearl.

"Magic God."

The sword is unparalleled, has been solidified in the white robe, and his soul is also covered by the shop.

"This magic is really awkward, I stayed in this day of Jian Mountain for seventy years, but I have never seen him left Tianjian Mountain, and even at the Tianjian Mountain, he also stayed in the shop. There are four in the surlineate near the shop. "The sword is unparalleled.

He waited for seventy years in Tianjian Mountain. In this seventy year, he is in the Jian Mountain, but he has been looking for a chance.

But after seventy years, he did not find any opportunity to start.

In the end, the sword is unparalleled, and if you want to kill this magic, you can only carry out in the store, under the four real god's eyelids.

"If it is an ordinary cultivator, even if it is a strong person, I want to kill the magic in the eyes of the other four real gods, and then they are almost impossible, but for me. Maybe there is a bit chance. "The sword was unparalleled.

He is different from ordinary practitioners. After all, he is good at attack.

And the soul attack is terrible, it is possible to kill the opponent in the silent, and will not produce slightly.

"Although the four real Gods are near the shop, it is impossible to emit consciousness, pay attention to everything around, even if someone dies near them, as long as they do not send a little voice, no explosion, they can't find any power, they should also find it. This is my chance! "The sword was unparalleled.

"Magic is god, although it is a three-day peak, it is not strong, but it is only normal three-day peak level, but with my current soul intensity, if it goes all out to show Tianyuan Second Heavy light, suddenly, killing his chance should have 70%! "

"The sevengest ratio, it is already very high!"

"After killing him, I immediately left, waiting for those who really responded, I should already be outside Tianjian Mountain."

After the sword has no doubles, it will decide to do it.

Immediately, the sword will leave the restaurant without double, and go directly to the shops where the magic is in the opposite.

Within the shop, the sword has seen the gorgeous gods of the gods of the gods in front of the counters who are free to sit in front of the counter.

In addition to the god of the magic, this business shop gate, there are two waiters, and when they see the sword, the eyes are bright.

He is able to feel the breath of the sword, the three-day peak, and in Tianjian Mountain, the three-day peak is all big customers.

"You, I don't know what it needs to wait for it?" The magic of the gods stood up and smiled.

"I need a few kinds of stable hearts, the level is high, I don't know if you are there?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, there is only something sold on Jian Mountain this day, you can be more expensive than other places, I don't know if you accept it?" The magic of the god smiled.

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