"I only have to die, as for the chaotic crystal, it is not a problem." The sword has no double.

"Somet, please ask you to talk to me." The magic of the gods.

"Secret room?" The sword is unparalleled, but it does not move, "Yes."

"Please." Under the leadership of the magic, the sword has no double DPRK in the store.

On the way, the sword is unparalleled but quietly took out an entry.

This entries are mirroring, specifically used to record mirror screens.

This mirror screen is also a sword where it is used to prove that it is something you independently complete the task.

The magic of the magic, the sword is unparalleled, just resist the secret room, the sword is unparalleled, the power of his soul has been covered around, and it is time to judge the best time he shot out.

"The magic is got." The sword was unparalleled.

"Well, how do you know my name?" The magic of the magic turned around.

It can be turned off at the moment him turned, and there is no silence of the soul of the soul.

It's too fast, and the distance between the two is too close.

The magic of the magic is unable to make any response. The soul beam has bombarded his consciousness, and almost destroyed his awareness directly.

The magic of the magic is wide, and there is no sound, even his body still stands there, but he has not fallen, but his voice has dissipated.

"I have a hand!"

The sword is unparalleled and paired.

As he thinks, this magic is just a normal level in the three days of peak, he has went to show the second weight of Tianyuan secret, or the eternal light is still underwater, This magic world has no possibility of any resistance.

The awareness is directly annihilated.

After killing the magic, the sword was unparalleled to take his Qiankun Ring, and then he did not stay in this secret room, but directly outside the business shop.

The sword is unbolded, and the two waiters are still respecting to him. They did not find whit, and the sword was unparalleled and walked out from the shop.

"Everything, the same as I plan, as long as there is no moving, there will be no one to discover the death of the magic."

"Waiting for them to react, I have already fled here, I want to chase it or not."

"This third ring task, I didn't imagine the difficulty."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is preparing to leave Tianjian Mountain.

"Hey, dare to kill people in my Tianjian Mountain, good courage!"

One seems to come from the horror of Jiuyi, but suddenly sounded in this day, the sound is huge, so that all cultivators in Tianjian Mountain are alarmed.

Rumble ~~~ a horrible power also instantly aggregates the top of the sky.

"What?" The sword did not change the double-faced.

He is frightening, but found his head, I don't know when a giant hand has already appeared.

That's the giant giant hand is slowly hitting, this moment, the sword is unparalleled, only feeling that his scalp is completely fell, and a unprecedented panic is born.

"Dadian, it is a big energy!" The roaring of the King is suddenly sounded in the sword.

"How is it possible?" The sword is unparalleled is incredible.

He didn't leave the drip that he had already done. The real gods in Tianjian Mountain did not find the death of the magic. He fully fled, but he didn't think of it, the true God did not find, But this day, the most horrible existence of Jian Mountain, that is, Tianjian Mountain owner, actually found it.

After discovering, this Tianjian Mountain owner also took directly to him.

Dado personally shot, even if the sword is unparalleled, it can't help but rise a despair.

And in the outside of Tianjian Mountain, countless practitioners, including many real gods, they also raised their heads, and a dead mantle is staring at the talents.

"This is ... the means of energy?"

"There is only one in the sky, the energy is only one, that is the owner of Tianjian Mountain, who is that the owner of Tian Jian Mountain personally handed it?"

"In the Tianjian Mountain, kill people in the sky? It was also noticed by Tianjian Mountain owner. Hey, this person is over!"

Everyone is shocked, and they have also picked the sword.

Booming ~~~

The giant giant is slow, it seems to be slow, but the sword is not double raised, and it is impossible to resist, and it can't avoid it.

He can only stand there, waiting for the giant hand to kill him.

There is no ability to struggle with resistance.

"Tian Jian Master, I am the disciple of the star." The sword is unparalleled and shouted, the sound is also spread throughout the Tianjian Mountain.

This is the last chance of the sword unparalleled.

He can only hope that the Sky Mountain owner will open a side of him because of scruples.

"Hey, what is the disciple of Xingchen Palace? Here is Tianjian Mountain. No one must violate the rules of my Tianjian Mountain, but it is just a contest, this seat does not kill you, just will Send it to Tianjian jail, let you die! "

Running with a vooner sound again in the world.

The sound falls, that is the speed of the giant hand, quickly accelerate, the lightning is like the sword, the sword is not a double, there is no resistance to the resistance. I can only watch the giant hand like a chicken, then pick him, then It is a throw, and there is a space insect hole in the surrounding void, and the sword is unparalleled. It is not enough to get into the spatial insect hole.

After all, the Tiantian's hand was gradually dissipated, and the voices of the sky were not sounded again, and the entire Tianjian Mountain recovered again.

There are countless practitioners in Tianshan Mountain, including those who are always in the heart.

"I just came out, I feel that I have to collapse, and I am really terrible."

"Dado, this is the means of energy!"

"The boundaries, was left by Tianjian Mountain owner to Tianjian prison."

"Tianjian jail? Where is it?"

"You don't know? Hey, that is, this is the most terrible place, the most terrible place, even the true gods, the trend of the world, is being affected by the prison in the sky, this life is afraid I didn't want to come out again, but he is bold enough, killing people on this day, really don't want to live. "

Many cultural practitioners in Tianjian Mountain have disclosed that this is the discussion until a few days later.

Soon this day, Jian Mountain was again restored to the calm of the past.


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