Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1455, the strong in jail

"Area treasure?"

The 'Golden Different Beast' founded the strength of the surrounding role, inner heart, but followed but saw his back, a pair of golden wings, with this golden witch, his speed suddenly broke out, in the sand The field is moving in a moment.

Although the paragrace oppression is constantly forming, it can't stop him. Just a moment, the 'golden different beast' has risen out of the scope of the parasites.

"It was actually escaped?" The sword was not double-colored.

And in the distance, the 'Golden Different Beast' fleeing in the field of the parasites, but the body is paused, 'Golden Different Beast' is slowly dissipated, revealing a model of human men.

This is a thin, appearance, handsome young man, this young man's eyes take a demon charm, this is also seen in the sword.

"New come, the strength is good." The young man laughed.

"Who are you?" The sword is unparalleled at this young man.

"My name is Luo Meng, I have been in the country of God, but there is a small name, but now, like you, just a poor prisoner in the prison." The young man is laughing.

"How long have you been held in prison in this day?" Sword is unparalleled.

"Soon, it is more than 80,000 years." Luo Mun said the relaxation, but he can actually know his own heart. How many dangerous hants he passed in this day's sword prison.

"New, I remind you, although you are good, better than me, you can kill you in this day, there are many people, so you better don't be stupid in this jail, the most It is the same as me, find a place to hide, so that I can live. "Luo said.

"They were held in this day of prison, I didn't provoke them, why did they kill me?" The sword didn't have a double frown.

"Looks like you are in the rule of this day, but also, it's right, I just came to Tianjian, I was also the same as you." Luo Mun laughed, and immediately said, "It's rare this day sword." I have encountered a new person in prison, I may wish to tell you. "

"This day, the prison is not to say more. It is the Tianjian Mountain owner to create a great strength. It is a place specializing in the strength. From the Tianjian jail to the present, long years, All the strong people in this day of this day, they should be more than millions, but they are tens of millions. "

"How can it be so much?" The sword has no double.

Tianjian Mountain is very famous in the chaotic world. The owner of Tianjian Mountain is also a powerful person, such a forces, normally no one dare to affiliate.

Like him, it is just to complete the task given to the star, will be charged to Tianjian Mountain, otherwise he will not provoke such a force.

Since no one dares to provoke, how can so many strong people are detained?

"You think that only those who take the Tianjian Mountain will be held in this day, the sword is prison," Luo Mun smiled, "I told you that the many cultivators who were defined in this day of prison," Nine-year-nine people are not because of the death of Tianjian Mountain, but because of their respective sins, some is a big killing, some are sinned some high-level power, and some are implicated, in short There are many reasons for being detained. "

"Like me, it is because of the involuntary part of the Zongmen."

"Is it harmed?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The party I am, because offended the royal family of the country, the whole paradise is covert, and there is a three-day contest, which is sent to this day, the prison, nature It will include me. "Luo Mun laughed," and as far as I know, I opened this day, the sword prison owner, seems to have a Tianjian Mountain, which can actually be in the world of chaotic world. The 72th of the world is attached to the Tianjian Mountain. "

"In the seventy-two kinds of God, but all committed sin, or the cultivator of the royal family, the following three days are generally directly killed, and the cultivator above the three heavens will be sent to this Skyjuts are prison. "

"When you are growing, you talk about the cultivator in this day's sword prison, how much?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also very shocking.

Less than 72 Gods!

God, although it is far from can't compare with the holy land, it is no vast vastness, and the number of cultivators is numerous. It is definitely an astronomical figure.

There is a countless contest in a god, and it is also a little in the gods, and the seventy-two kinds of God are ... The cultivator is more.

For a long time, this seventy-two kinds of God are sinful, or the number of three heavens gods of the royal family must be very much, there are millions of tens of millions of normal.

"These cultural practitioners were detained in the Sky Jianjun. Soon, the Sky Mountain owner gave the rules of the Skyjan jail, but in prisoners in prison, the prisoners in prison can be killed by other prisoners, thus exchanged opportunities."

"A three heaven god, just kill a hundred homologists, or kill ten real gods, you can leave!"

"As for the real god, you must kill a thousand three heavens, or you can leave."

"This day, there is a unique ability to jail, you can judge how many people you have killed in jail, usually don't make a mistake."

"This is the only chance of our prisoners who can leave this day of prison." Luong smiled.

"It turned out, no wonder you said that the prisoners in this day, including you, including you, will want to kill me." The sword is unparalleled, and it is clear.

But suddenly his look moves, "You just said, this jail is also held in this prison?"

"Yes, and there are still many quantities." Luo Mund.

"Zhen God, far more than three heavens, even the weakest real God should also sweep in this jail, to kill a thousand three heavens, this should be not difficult?" Sword is unparalleled Tao.

"It's as simple as you think." Luo Mun smiled, "In this day, he was prison in this day, and true God was compared with the three heaven, in fact, it was not big, after all, everyone was detained in the Tianjian prison The cultivator, they will be subject to this day, the prison of the sword, all the people's power broke out, will limit within the three days of peak. "

"That is to say, even if it is a powerful true God, it is here, his power broke out can only be maintained at the level of the three days of peak."

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