Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1456, four levels

"Is this?"

The sword is unparalleled.

Although the real god is much stronger than the three heavens, this strong is mainly above the gap between the power.

The power of the real gods broke out, far from the three heaven.

But the thrown of the throne, the strength of the true God is not so huge.

Like the extension of the school, and to the power of the heavens, many three heavens are stronger than God.

In this way, the real god wants to kill a thousand three heavens, and it is not that simple.

"Don't say that these real gods are limited, I want to kill the three heavens God is not so simple, even if the true God is really the strength, the key is that the number of cultivars in the prison in the sky is not much." Luo Smile.

"Not much? How much is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

Down, this day, the sword prison is full of millions and even thousands of cultural practitioners, but these cultivators are spent in the long killing, how many people can you still?

"As far as I know, the current Tianjian is prison, all cultivators add up, should not exceed one thousand five hundred, and can survive in the long killing, there is no death, this thousand five hundred practice Extraordinary strength, the most important thing has certain weight loss, even if the two have a certain gap in strength, it is difficult to kill the other party. "Luo Mum Road.

The sword is unparalleled.

He just said with Luo Meng, clear strength than Rohumon, but the sword is unparalleled but can't let him completely.

It is because the Romon speed is extremely fast, and the life expective ability is also extremely strong.

There is such a speed, even if you encounter the general real god in the Sky Jut, it should be safe.

"In a short time, I want to meet the requirements of the Sky Mountain owner, so all of us are here." Luo Meng said, "the long years, reaching the strong people required by Tianjian Mountain Some of them, these people have left the prison of the Sky Jian. "

The sword is unparalleled, and he can finally realize that this Ron Meng said that he was just a poor prisoner.

"New here, what is your name?" Rohn suddenly asked.

"The sword is unparalleled." The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, see you talking to me, I will help you, this is the information information I gave you eight thousand years in this day of prison, I got a lot of money, I will give you a copy. Let you have a bottom bottom. In the future, if you encounter this kind of prison in this day, if you encounter the kind of strong strong, you can avoid it. "Luo Meng said, Throw it.

The sword is unparalleled and also passed directly.

"The sword is unparalleled, I hope you can live in this day prison."

After that, the Rohn figure moved, and the speed broke out, so soon disappeared in the sight of the sword.

Looking at Royommont, the sword is unparalleled, "I hope you can live to leave this day prison."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not long for a mountain to find a place in a mountain.

In this controversy, Ron Meng is more than 80,000 years in this day, and many strong people recorded.

I immediately browsed it carefully.

And just a moment, the sword was unparalleled.

"The true gods in this day of prison, a lot!" The sword is unparalleled.

This Ronmone stayed in the Tianjian prison for 80,000 years. In the case, it recorded a thousand four hundred and sixty-six strong, in which the three heaven and sixty-six strong people. God has a thousand three hundred eighty-one, and the remaining eighty-five people are all the real gods of the price, but they are subject to this day, the sword is prison, can only explode three days of peak. The power is.

"How can it be so much?" The sword is unparalleled.

It is important to know that it is a top powerful, even in the top ten cultivation holy land.

Top ten cultivation holy land, some weak and small forces, the highest level of war, the two or three real gods.

If it is placed in a part of the world, it is more than the absolute hegemony level.

Like the sword unparalleled, the only one of the only gods in the country of Fei Xue gods, is the Lord of the Lonely Hall, and why is the Lord of the Lonely Snow Domestic?

It can be seen in this true God, and it was held in this day of prison.

"The sword is unparalleled, there is a little bit to figure out."

The voice of the king suddenly sounded. "The real god, in the top ten cultivation holy land, it is indeed the top strong, but the spirit also has a strong point. If I have not guess, these are detained in your Sky prison It should be that it belongs to the true God of strength, and it is really stood in the top, and it is impossible to appear here. "

"In addition, the true gods are very powerful, but for a big energy, there is no difference with the antity, with the strength of this Tianjian Mountain owner, don't say only the eighty-five true God, even if the It is easy to lift it. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the spin continues to look at the message in the governor.

"Well, this Ron is more than 80,000 years in the Tianjian, it is really not white. These strong people's information is really detailed, and he still in accordance with the strength of these strong people, it has been divided into footsteps. Large level. "The sword is quite quite quite quite.

The four levels, is the simple division of the strong people in the prison of Tianjian prison.

After all, this day, the sword prison is limited to the God of God, so you can't use a simple true God, the world is distinguished, and the four levels divided by Romunding are quite complete.

These four levels, the weakest is the fourth level, this level is composed of three heavens and gods. Under normal circumstances, it is only a three-order peak, or the third-order strongest study, the overall strength is not It is too strong.

If it is in the world, it should also belong to the top three heavens, but in the Tianjian jail, under the long killing, it is some people at the bottom of the bottom.

Like that Rohon, it is in the fourth level, but it is also a top in the fourth level.

Third level, it is made by some of the three heavens of the world who have created the true God, or the most ordinary, the weakest part of the true god, and a few three days of the three heavens of the heavens, this The level of cultivators in the Skyjuts are in the same quantity.

And the second level ...


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