Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1458 encounters

One of the three majors of the stars, there is a great power of the Yuan Dynasty in the Stars, but it is quite a humble station in front of this middle-aged man.

"Sky sword, this time I have been working." The main hall smiled.


Middle-aged man, that is, Tianjian Master's voice is indifferent. "This seat shall be held in the sky, but the tricks are prison, but the Sky Jut is in prison, this seat is impossible to always Staring, so if the little guy has an accident in the Skyjian prison, this is not responsible. "

"That is nature." The main hall laughed.

"Look at your look, it seems that it is confident to that little guy?" Tianjian Mountain owner looked at the main hall.

"If there is no confidence, how can I dare to ask the Sword? You will send him to the prison of Tianjian?" The Yuan Dynasty smiled.

Others don't know the sword unparalleled, but this Yuan Dynasty is known.

He is very clear that the sword is unparalleled, and it is the first heavy, and the body is enough to match the true god, and there is a baby in the body.

In the Skyjian prison, everyone will be restricted, and if you want to kill the body's ability, such a strong sword is unparalleled, it is not easy.

And he also clear the sword is unparalleled to have the power of the soul, which is also a big advantage in the sword.

There are both of them, the sword is unshireless, not being stared at the top of the top of the Tianjian prison, should not have too much danger.

"How long do you want this little guy to keep the little guy?" Tianshan owner asked.

"Ten thousand years." Yuan Temple said: "Ten thousand years of time, it is also enough that the little guy has experienced in prison, and if it is good, it may not be taken for 10,000 years. This day's prison requirements. "

"Do you meet the requirements? In the Tianjian prison, he killed hundreds of three heavens gods?" Tianjian Mountain owner browed, "So, the seat is awesome."

The Yuan Dynasty is a slight smile, and the firing of the arrogant disappears will disappear within this cave.

"Ten thousand years, just want to reach the requirements of the jail jail? Oh, this little guy in the stars, is there such a power?"

I laughed, the owner of Tianjian Mountain quickly closed his eyes.


The sword is unparalleled, only thinking that he will be detained in the prison in the sky, it is not good. When killing the magic, it is just aware of the Tianjian Mountain owner.

But he didn't know, he was detained that Tianjian junior jail was not lucky, but the director of the Yuan Dynasty deliberately arranged him!

In the view of the Yuan Dynasty, the Tianjian jail is dangerous, but it is also a great experience.

There is not only a lot of contest, but also have a lot of true God, especially these true gods, and limited to the power of the three heavens, which is even more rare.

After all, in the outside world, the sword is unparalleled, there is no chance to fight against the true God, but there are many opportunities in the prisoner of the Skyjian.

This place is of course very suitable for experience.

And the sword is unparalleled, but he thought that the Yuan Dynasty was communicating with the owner of Tianjian Mountain, and he thought of got him out.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and all hope will not put all the hopes on others.

Skyjian jail, the vast blood continent, the void, the sword is unparalleled, and the front is thrown forward.

His soul has long been spread, diffusely of the neighborhood, and everything in this area is in the fundus.


The sword is unparalleled, and the eye is looking at one direction next to it. There is a bare mountain in that direction. This mountain is not surprising, but the sword is unparalleled through the strength of the soul. The most under the mountain is hidden.

"Zifa, carrying the knife, and the eyebrow still has a touch of scars."

The sword is unparalleled through the power of the soul, and even the characteristics of the strong face can be seen clearly, and the other party has no spot.

Through the appearance and the characteristics, the sword is unparalleled to immediately recognize the identity of this person.

"Wu Cang, the third level, close to the top, good at the knife, create a true god level, the close" is very strong, and has the secret surgery of the body, the body is also particularly strong. "Sword is unparalleled This powerful information.

The four major levels of the Tianjian jail, leaving the first level, the strongest four monarchs do not say, other three levels of cultivator, although at the same level, the strength is also strong, so every level There is also the top, medium, low, etc.

This Wu Cang is in a medium level in the third level, close to the top.

"I just arrived in prison, I just just smashed with Na Rohum, but the Romon is the fourth level, even the true god is not created, far is not my opponent, and this Wu Cang ... ... you can try it. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is straight to the front, and the bare mountain is plundering.

When the sword is unparalleled in the light bald mountain, there is a hidden in the cave, and the strong people hidden, and immediately lift the head.

"This person ... It's so strange, I haven't seen it before."

"Is newcomers!"

Wu Cang immediately understood that it exposed his eyes.

In the Sky Jut, general newcomers are most prone to killing.

Those who stayed in the Skyjian prison, all of them have a means of life, and they know the roots of the two sides, which is extremely difficult to kill.

This Wu Cang saw the appearance of the sword, and immediately kill immediately.

"Well, he stopped? Just above, it is hard to find me?" Wu Cang did not ban frown, "No, my conceal means very high, even the general God passes from me, if If you don't care, you can't find me? "

This Wu Cang is only a double that is unparalleled just to stop in this mountain.

But the sword is unparalleled to lock him through the power of the soul.

"Come out."

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, the sound of the sound is passed, through the mountain, through the layer floor, pass to the cave, pass to Wu Cang's ear.

"I really found it?"

Wu Shu's eye wrinkled, he didn't hesitate, and his body shape directly rushed out of the ground. He appeared on the top of the sword.

"New, your sense of consciousness is good, can you find my existence?"

Wu Cang's back shouldered the knife, hugged his hands, and smiled with a sip of bloodthirsty.

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