Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1459 Lessons

"Good strong killing."

The sword is unparalleled to look at Wu Cang in front of him, and feels the scene of the scenery on the latter, and the eyes are dark.

In this day, in prison, killing this is very crazy, and the murder does not need any reasons.

In this crazy killing, the brain here is very amazing.

The sword has no doubles, the blood peak sword appears in his hand.

"Hey, let me come, how many strengths have you been in this day, can you live in this day?" That Wu is laughing, then his fierceness.


The ghosts have appeared in front of the sword, while a blue war knife suddenly waved.

"It's so fast!" The sword was not shocked.

In the strong information of Luo Meng, he only mentioned that Wu Yanyao took advantage of the knife, and the near-body smashing ability was very strong, but the body was very good, but did not say how fast he was.

Now, the speed of this Wu Cang has made swords and unparalleled.

The knife is attacked, the sword has no double power, and the blood peak sword is immediately turned into a bloody, suddenly bombers.


A great sound, the power is passed, and the sword is slightly like.

"The strength is also very amazing. Although the power is only only the level of the three days of peak, he should be cultivated to cultivate some kind of secret, and the secret surgeon has risen sharply, and it seems to be strong than me. "The sword is unparalleled, and the bloody will suddenly explode the power of the blood. His strength has increased immediately.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The sword is unparalleled, the sword is like a spirit snake, and the void is spurred out of the five caves. However, it is a strange magic movement, and this five sword is easily avoided.

Subsequently, he saw that the glaucoma of the body is like a Qinglong.

"Triple Ringer!"

Wu Cang hands holding the war knife while holding the knife, and the lightning is connected to three knives.

This three-knife contains endless power, as if the triple thunder is coming.

The sword is unparalleled to swing the sword.

clang! clang! clang!

The three impact sounded, the sword is unparalleled, and the shape of the sword is hit.

"New, your strength, just this level?" The Wu Cang stood there and looked at the sword unparalleled eyes with a touch.

The sword is unbolded, and there is a sudden rise in the body.

Strong dynasties also explode.


A sword is flashing.

This sword is like a shocking, a flashing, but å å å å , but there is a horrible and extremely sharp breath.

Swordsman ... shocked!

This is the sword is unparalleled in the nine Jian Mountain in Your Tianjian Mountain, and the enlightenment is created for seventy years.

This is the most fierce sword in the sword.

At that moment, the moment of the sword is unparalleled, the power of the sword is also incorporated into the sword.

Suddenly broke out!

"Third order strongest learning?"

Wu Cang looked at the sword that came from this, but she still took a traveler.


The low voice sounded, Wu Cang stepped out, as Qinglong, the knife is also like the rummer, slaughter ~~ Endless Thunder's force sweep.

"Thundong Dragon!"


When the knife is directed, Wu Cang also immediately has a huge Qinglong rush, Qinglong integrated into the knife, instantly saving the knife.

This trick, Hed is the true god of this Wu Cang.

Time, the front of the two horrible offensive collides together.

I only heard a big sound, this is a big sword prison.


Wu Sang is abrupt, swordsmanship of swords and unparalleled, just three-order strongest learning, he did not put it in his eyes, but after he really collided, he was in the sword, and he had a very strong power. The power of the shares is the force of the heavens.


The impact of the impact, the sword is unparalleled with the Wu Cang, has been shocked.

On the horror, the sword is unparalleled, after all, it is only three-order strongest school, and the true gap of Wu Cang is still unlikely, but because of the existence of the reincarnation, the two will fight. Flag is quite.

"Kid, you have come a new, I have realized a powerful heaven?" Wu Wan's gaggama, obviously brought a slap.

Task, he stayed in this day of prison in prison, and there were nearly a million years, and he didn't understand the power of a talent.

And the sword is unparalleled, only to come to Tianjian prison, all did not start experiencing the killing of this day, and I have realized a powerfulness, he is of course jealous.

"You realized the power of a talent, although only threeth-order strongest learning, it can be strong enough to do with me, I can't kill you, but I can teach you." Wu Sang is cold.

"Teaching me?" The sword didn't have a double, just reacted.

call out!

Wu Cang's figure was already in order to light the lightning, and he had no doubles in the sword, and then the knife was smooth.

Not only haird, and it is rapidly.

The sword is unparalleled to swing the sword.

Just got to stop the first knife, hey! " " I saw a knife as a wave of waves.

It's too fast, it is too rapid, it is even more powerful.

This terrible knife has formed a ocean and fully covered him.

The sword is unparalleled to achieve the ultimate, but also strive to go to the sword.

Can just resist a few swords, but the Wu Fang is a strange movement, and there is still on the side of the sword, and his whole person is turned into a war knife, and the body is hit, and it is like a war knife. Come, at this moment, not only his body, his thigh, knee, his arm seems to be in order to fight the knife, flexible 'swing' coming out.

The sword is unparalleled.

"This is this close to killing?"

It is close to killing!

In the information given by Luo Meng, it mentioned that this Wu Cang is extremely strong.

Although the sword is unparalleled, although there is also a matter of attention, I didn't think that this Wu Cang's near-body killing ability was actually on this.

As a war knife!

The whole body can be used as a part of the attack, and it is also asgenized for the war knife.

The continuous attack, the sword is unparalleled, and it is clear that there is a strong strength, but it is compressed, but only the defeat, the wolf is incomparable.


Wu Cang's thigh is like the knife of the war knife, breaking through the defense of swords without double swords, and the heavy squats, the sword is unbolded, and the stream will be taken out.


Wu Cang's figure stopped in the void. He took a few more and more than a long but easy to stand in a stable sword.

"Lessons are enough, it is left."


Wu Cang immediately broke, and the speed was also very fast, so soon disappeared in the sight of the sword.

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