Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1466 Sword Wushuang Plan

The blood emperor of one of the four monarchs of the Tianjian, reached the top of the Taoizhi's first level.

Such a top power, the sword is unparalleled, it is not able to resist it, nature is also good.

He has already smashed for more than a thousand years in this day of prison, and has never had any intersection with the four monarchs. During this time, it is only a few second levels. The true god fierce hood.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood emperor will actually invite him personally?

What do he want to do?

"This day, prison, dangerous, everyone is constantly killing, like black, true God, the reason why they are quite polite, that is because it can't kill me, can be a strength The weak fourth level or the third level of the world is now in front of this black, the black, the world will definitely kill it directly. "

"And the blood emperor, there is a strength to kill my!"

"So, no matter what his purpose is, I can't run away his bloodworking, then there is no difference with death."

The sword is unimacred, and the bottom has decided.

He is not intended to pay this blood emperor.


Unless it is in the future, he has certain confidence in his strength. It is considered that he can face this blood emperor. He will promise to see the blood emperor.

The sword is unparalleled to continue.

Among the blood castings living in the blood emperor.

"Adults, just black, the real god news, he has passed the adult you to the sword, but he doesn't seem to come to the blood castle." Green Women respectfully stand in front of the blood emperor .

"Don't plan it?" The blood of the souvenir was picked up.

"According to the information sent back from the strong people in Wan Mountain, the sword is unparalleled without a bloodstog. He is still in the area and the strongman to fight himself." Green woman.

"Oh, this kid is quite smart, but he went to the sermbers, can't you take the initiative to find him?" The bloody emperor smiled coldly, "said the people in the Wanfang Mountain stare at the sword. Convected his position to me at any time. "

"Yes." The green woman should have.

The blood emperor is a magical, and has left the blood castle, and the sword is unparalleled.


A wide earth.

Booming ~~~

A huge ax appeared, the mighty crushing, the sword is unparalleled, and the "blood" is immediately defined, but the result is still in the absence of the powerful power of the power.

"Haha, it is worthy of the nine ax, the strength is indeed, taught today, warning!"

The sword is unparalleled, and then turn around.

The nine ax really did not stop the meaning of the sword, after all, he killed the sword.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, while remembering the passing of the Nine Ax God.

"Standing at the second level, the strength is indeed strong, I have created a true god, and it is also qualified to step the second level, but in the second level, many strong people should be in the bottom." Sword is unparalleled Muttered.

"However, these years of battle experience, I have been continuously improved about the flow of the flow of illusion. How long does it take for a long time to reach the second important level, and you can have a fantasy, my Strength will also increase significantly, especially speed! "

"Waiting for the step, I should start my hunting plan."

The sword is unparalleled in the Tianjian prison, and there is a thousand years of three hundred years, and there is a hunting plan!

After all, he can't stay in this day of prison, and it must be a way to go out. Since you have to go out, you have to go to the hunter.

However, if he exposed all the strength, especially if he exposed the soul attack method, he was afraid that it would cause a panic of many strong people in the sky.

Consciousness attack, too strange, anti-fight, a strong person who is good at consciousness attack, far more practitioners who are like the same order.

In this day, there is a lot of swords in prison, and the fourth level is strong. They have strong life, but this kind of life life is based on material attacks, and once they encounter a sense of consciousness, they will follow the original sword. The Dragon Dragon Dragon Dynasty.

The dragon's kimono can live in the hands of the monarch, but it is still dead in the hands of the sword.

He is so, let alone others?

Therefore, if the sword is unparalleled, it is very terrible, and the consciousness attack is also very terrible. If the real sense of strength, the news that cannot be resistant will not be able to resist, the world of the swords, there will be no difference in the sword, one by one When he saw him, he fled directly. Who would be silly with him, give him a sharpening stone?

What's more, maybe there will be some commandments unite, I want to kill him, and eradicate him.

Like the four monarchs of the Tianjian, the four monarchs!

She is a true God who is good at consciousness, and is unparalleled. She just held the prison of Tianjian, relying on awareness attack and killing a lot of true God and the world, but later the Sky prison strongly knew her After the existence, I was awful for her, and I found out that she appeared nearby, and immediately fled away, this no heart monarch also helpless.

Down, this unintentional monarch is still far away from the condition of leaving this day of prison.

"There is no heart to the strength of the monarch, it's too super, but I am different, I am just a contest, the strong people in the prison, and there will be no too much awe, and they are also good at consciousness attack, but I have a no heart of the monarch. Come, there is a great advantage, that is, my consciousness has become a soul! "

"The soul is in a hurry, I can easily find the strong people who hide, kill them, this is not an idea that the monarch is not can't do." The sword is unparalleled.

Therefore, compared to the unintentional monarch, he threatens the threat to those third levels and the fourth level.

But because of this, the sword has not easily used the power of the soul. He has been hone his own swordsmanship and near-body skills, improve his strength, etc. With absolute strength, he will use the soul. The force goes to kill.

This is what the sword is unparalleled into the Tianjian prison.

Everything is done according to his plan.

Now, just wait for him to improve the magic of the magicalism, reach the second real world, and burst into a creative fantasy, he will really start killing.

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