Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1467 Blood Earth arrival!

The sword is unparalleled.

However, changes often occur quietly inadvertently.


The void is mad, and his face has also become incomparably lighter.

He can feel clearly to the blood and rude blood in the coverage of his own soul.

"This look, there is this breath ... is the blood emperor!" The sword is unparalleled immediately understand the identity of the people.

And the emperor is not far from the sword, and the emperor has also discovered the existence of swords.

"Haha, found it."

With a smile, the blood emperor is straight to the sword.

"This blood emperor, before the trustee, I invited me to go to his blood castle. I didn't go. He now actually takes the initiative to come to me?" The sword was unparalleled. He didn't hesitate, and he broke out the fastest speed to escape.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is not said to kill you, what do you run?"

The voice of the blood emperor passed through the distant void, and the body shape of the blood emperor also stopped.

The sword is unparalleled to stop escaping, but it is still very distant distance with the blood emperor.

"There is a lot of prison strong, but I saw the blood emperor arrived without escape, I was afraid of a few, the sword was unparalleled, but there was not so courage to face the blood emperor." Sword Unparalleled, the sound spread out through Shen Li, and also passed to the ears of the blood emperor.

"Before this seat, people will ask you, but you don't come to this sergeant, naturally this seat can only come to find you." The blood of the emperor

"What do you know if you don't know how you need me?" The sword did not ask.

He is also very confused, this blood emperor came to see what he did.

"In fact, this site is looking for you, just a disappearance requires you to help." The blood emperor said: "This time has been drilling a magic, but the array is arranged, but it needs a name The crystal stone, the Tianzhu crystal owned by the hand is not much, so I want to find you a few. "

"Tianbusjing?" The sword is unparalleled, "What day is the crystal? Where did the blood emperor heard that I have a day?"

"You don't have a sky crystal?" The blood emperor frowned.

"It doesn't have, and I have heard that this day is crystal." The sword is unparalleled.

"I haven't heard of it?" The blood emperor smashed, and he was deeply in the heart. "He didn't know that he didn't know, that is, he couldn't be a person of my family, but he has My tribute ... "

The blood emperor is too cold. The next moment is once again lifted, and the face also shows a smile. "The sword is unparalleled, this day, you should have, just never know, this is here, you have a day "

The blood emperor came up from the Qiankun ring to take a bloody spite, and it is necessary to give the sword unparalleled, but his body shape is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, quickly escape!"

The low drunk of the King is suddenly sounded in the sword.

The sword is not double-finished, there is no hesitation, and immediately turned and escapes.

Just at the moment he turned around, ruming ~~~ a shocking killing self-evacuation suddenly broke out.

The blood emperor was originally just slowly coming, and I also broke out the amazing speed at this moment, like a bloody stream, quickly shuttle, and the sword was unparalleled.

"This blood emperor, but also said to kill me?"

The sword is not double-colored, and his soul can induce his own distance between this blood emperor in the amazing speed.

In this case, it is estimated that it is just a moment, and the blood emperor is enough to catch him.

"Dragon Blood Secret!"

The sword has no doubles, drink, and the power of the body instantly burned in an amazing speed.

Through the burning of the power, the speed of the sword has skyrocketed on a very hundred times!

The distance between the blood emperor and the sword is not too far, it is not too far away, and it is once again opened again, and this is not very horrible.


Seeing this scene, the blood emperor is also changed, and immediately gives it to Wan Mountain, which is attached to some strong people in him, let them shoot the sword. Unparalleled.

There is a lot of strong people under the blood emperor, and most of them are gathered in this black mountain, after receiving the command, it is also performed immediately.

However, the blood emperor is too small to see the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but all the strong people appear in his surroundings, he can find it in the first time, then avoid it, the Wanfang's strong, naturally, even one of him Not.

This chase, just lasting half of the hard-up, the body shape of the blood emperor has to stop, after all, the sword in this moment has no trace, and the strong people in him have also found the sword. Unparalleled traces.

"Do you let him run?"

Some of the nature of the blood emperor, and it is also a bit shock.

Task, he is also good at speed, personally shoot, but the result is still unparalleled from his eyelids.

The sword is unparalleled, it is really not a general.

The blood emperor is in this void, waiting for a while, waiting for him to answer those strong answers.

Soon, he concluded.

"That little child, although fleeing speed is amazing, but it should still have to escape from the Wanki Mountain, and if he is looking for a place to hide, and the place in this area in front of this Tenhani. "

The blood emperor is very clear, such a short time, the sword is unparalleled can't escape the Wanki Mountain, and the strong people in him have not found the sword unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled to hide.

The blood emperor flanged in the eyes, but the next moment did the strong people who gave him the strong people, "all people concentrated on this territory, more than 100 million, give this seat to save the survey, must The sword is unparalleled to find it! "

The strong people attached to the blood emperor immediately began to start searching in this 100 billion.

One million row, it is already in a wide range.

It is important to know that in this day, the consciousness coverage is subject to certain restrictions, and it is true that a true God has only necessary to cover thousands of miles, rely on the real god's consciousness to find a hidden Strong, it is not easy.

And the key than this long range, it does not include the bottom.

If you count the bottom, the scope is even more huge, and the strong people who are attached to the blood emperor are not enough. Even if everyone focuses on the search, the search is still very huge.

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