Just in the billionae of the blood emperor, the top of the foundation, the bottom of the foundation, and a Dongfu that was thrown by Shen.

The sword is unparalleled in this cave.

At this moment, his face is a little pale, and the breath is quite weak.

"Dai Wang, how long does I have to restore the peak?" The sword did not ask.

"The stronger strength, the more difficult the power is restored, let alone your power is not consumed in normal killing, but forced burning, when you escape to this cave, Shen Li has consumed 90% Nine, even if I have recovered for you, it will be three days to recover the peak. "King said directly.

With his strength strength of the three-day peak, in the case of burning Jiu Yesiu, it can be recovered only three days, and it is already an incredible recovery speed.

This is also all because of the existence of Kings.

If you are unparalleled by the sword, you will definitely be longer.

"Three days?" The sword is unparalleled, but the face is quite ugly. "What is the blood of the emperor, I am looking for it, I want to be the sky, I said no, he just shot me?"

"Is it true that he really believes that there is a heavens crystal on my body? But I really don't know anything."

The sword is unmatted.

"It's because you don't know the sky, the blood emperor will kill you." The King didn't have it.

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled. If I have not guess, the blood emperor is the blood of the blood!"

"Bloody Gate?" The sword was not shocked.

Bloodymen, the most evil-vicious one of the most evil, the people in the world, their means cruel, in order to improve their own strength, do not hesitate to slaughter.

Such a party, is hated by the people of the ancient chaos world, is the public enemy of all practitioners!

At the beginning of the green world, the sword had encountered a strong road with a bloody door, and saw the means of bloody gates.

But later the Yuanzi is dead in his hand, and his bloody will be a head of the Yuanzi.

"The strong people of blood doors must kill me? Is it because of the bloody?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It should be." The king nodded, "the bloody will be a treasure made by the bloody door, and the blood of the blood has a certain ability to sense such treasures, and this induced ability distance The closer, the stronger the induction. "

"Before, you are in other places in the sky, because the distance is far away, the blood emperor can't induce the existence of the blood, the bloody will, but when you come to Wan Mountain, it is close, he feels When he got a bloody, he stared at you! "

"But although he can induce the existence of blood, but he can't judge whether you are a bloody door. After all, the blood of the blood will be careful when the people of the chaotic world will be careful, will completely The secret of cultivation is hidden, and no one knows that he is a strong person who is a bloody door without active showing the breath. "

"So, he is still quite good at first, it is quite good."

After a sudden, the King continued: "As for him to find you to see you, that is, he is trying you!"

"Tianzhu Jing, is the treasure that is forcibly refining with a unique means, and most of the people of the vast chaotic world have never heard of it, but if it is the strong, it is inevitable to know. "

"He uses the sky to try to test you, but you don't know anything, so he is not a person who is not a bloody door, the bloody will also get the coincidence, so he is only To kill you, to capture your blood! "

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled, but it follows but doubts: "My bloody will take a good power, but it is just a god-level chaotic Qibao, did not reach the true God, The strength of the blood emperor should not care about this treasure? "

"Oh, this is wrong." The king smiled, "This bloody will be just a chaotic odor, which is just a chaotic hierarchy, but it can be different. This bloody will be a treasure of the blood, and the ordinary bloody door is not eligible. "

"The Yuanzi, like you, although his strength is not as good as this, but his background should be more good than the blood emperor, the blood emperor can not get a bloody, but that The son did it. "

"For the blood emperor, the blood of this world is not used, but after he goes out, he can find a large number of slaughter and killing, will enhance the level of this blood, will Bloody will become a bloody king, the bloody king, but a lot of blood of the blood! "

"Blood King?" The sword was unparalleled.

He knew that the bloody will, there is a bloody armor, but he doesn't know that there is this bloody king.

"No wonder that the blood emperor wants to kill me, I want to capture my blood." The sword is unparalleled. "

"This blood emperor is a bloody door. In this case, if I spread his identity, he will not become the public enemy of many practitioners who are prison." The sword is unparalleled. "

"will not."

Kings smiled, "If you are in the outside world, you will publish his identity, he will become a public enemy, chasing it by many strong people, but here is a prison, in this jail, everyone is a prisoner identity, Under this situation, the strong people in the Sky Juts just think they can survive, think about being able to get rid of the identity of this prisoner in a day, as for those who are bloody, they will not care at all. "

"It is also right." The sword is unparalleled, and it also endorses the statement of Kings.

"The sword is unparalleled, I taught you a concerted man, you have a hard study, master it as soon as possible." Yu Wang suddenly said.

"Hidden Method?" The sword was unparalleled.

Kings explained: "You are staring at this blood emperor now, but you can not be small, although you temporarily escape his sight, but he must know that you are hiding in this territory, inevitably, will order the strong people of him Search in this territory, if you let them find, then you can be. "

"If you have a masterpiece, they want to find you, it is not so easy."

"The next time, you just hide it here, you have a heartbuilding, let the blood emperor will slowly come with him, wait for a while, they are looking for, you will find a chance."

When I heard this, the sword was unpaired, and I also understood my heart.


PS: Today, six!

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