The strong people under the blood emperor are now sure to find his traces in this territory. At this time, the sword can only choose to hibernate.

"I originally followed Lu Zhen Wang Siwang, and I also learned a lot of ways. Now teach you this concealment, although the chaos world is not too high, but it should be used for you." Wang said, "Society of this method, the general sense of God said that simple consciousness is covered, even if you rely on this territory, you should also find your existence."

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point.

This method is not too high, and the sword is unparalleled. It will soon master it. Rely on this method, the sword is unparalleled to hide his breath.

And after a long time, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a consciousness that sweeps from his body.

"Some people, and should still be a true God." The sword has no parallel road, and there is a breath in the scope of his soul. The breath is obviously a true God.

But after a moment, the real God left.

"Sure enough, it is true God, and I haven't discovered me." The sword is unparalleled smile, and there is a lot of mind.

Next, he took out the round to the sword, and he started to enlighten it.

Time is constantly lapse ~~~

In the outside world, it is attached to the strong people under the blood emperor, including the blood emperor itself in this 100 billion miles, including the extreme depth of the ground, no one has been put, there is a decade Time, these strong people almost quickly turned to the sky, but they did not find the sword unparalleled traces.

"Can you can't find it?"

"Isn't he escaped?"

High air, the end of the blood emperor is extremely ugly, but soon he shook his head again. "No, he can't escape in such a short time. Survival method, so let me find it. "


The blood emperor is very clear, there is more than 100 million, the sword is unparalleled hidden at the inside. If you can't even find the sense of consciousness, then he wants to find the sword. There is almost no hope.

Unless the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, as long as the fool is not a fool, you will always hide, wait until the future, after all, it is attached to the strong people I am, and it is impossible to stay in this 100 billion miles. Monitor his trail. "The blood is murmured, thinking about the countermeasures.

"Things are now, I want to find the kid, may have only one way."

The blood emperor flashed in the emperor, and the spin is coming out of a message.


Two years later, there was a towering mountain, and the blood emperor was standing there in the top of the sword. It seems to be waiting.

And after a long time, in the voids in front of him, a white robes appeared slowly.

This is a woman in a white robe. This woman is colorful, elegant, with a touch of smile on her face, and the body is bathed with warm breath, giving people a feeling of holy.

"Blood Emperor, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The white robe holy woman came step on and finally appeared in front of the blood emperor, and the little scorpion saw the blood.

The blood emperor is one of the four monarchies of the sword prison. In the Skyjian, all the strong people, the strong, the strong, no perspective.

But the holy woman in this white robe is extremely calm, but there is no panic and fearful, but it is like a old friend.

"No heart." The blood emperor also smiled, and there was no shelves during the manner.

Cooperate ... no heart!

One of the four monarchs of the Tianjian jail, and the other top of the blood emperor is existed.

It is also the only God who is good at consciousness attack in the Tianjian jail.

"I heard that, I have been to the King, and then I will come here, and you will arrive today, is it because I cope with Yan Jun?" White Robe Holy Women's Careless Monarch said.

"Yan Jun? That madman!" The blood emperor is sinking.

Yan Jun, like him, like the unintentional monarch, one of the four monarchs of the sword prison.

Due to reason, he and Yan Jun are at the same level. It can actually be in the three monarchs of the Tianjian prison, and it is a bit amazed.

And the Yanjun will leave his site every other week, come to find the three monarch challenges, since he has already found the king, then the next is his blood emperor.

"Hey, that is coming, it's not once again." The blood emperor snorted, and then he looked at the no heart, "I am looking for you today, not because of the Jun, but also "

"Oh? Talk." There is no heart, the monarch is gentle.

"No heart, I don't want to go with you, just more than a thousand years ago, this day, the sword was jailed, and the sword was unparalleled." The blood emperor opened, "this sword is unparalleled with me. Resentment, I must kill him! "

"A newcomer, have a private grievance with you? What private is grievances?" I asked no heart.

"That is some things outside the jail, I am inconvenient to tell you, but in any case, this sword is unparalleled, I have to kill." The blood emperor is low, "I was because I missed him with me. The grievances, this is immediately trying to set his death, but I didn't expect that the child's ability to lose his ability, and even escape from my hands. "

"Oh?" I'm an innocence of the monarchy, "I can escape under your treated eyelids, this sword is unparalleled, can be resistant."

"The kid did have a bit of a bit of resistance, but he could only escape from me, but he couldn't escape from this long black mountain range. I can be sure that he is still hiding in the feet of this land. "

"These years, I let me find those strong, have been searching in this 100 billion in the range, through consciousness inch inch, can still find him, with my estimate, he should be cultivated. If you have a hidden manner, you can got aware of the general god, so ... I found you! "

"You want to let you find the sword unparalleled?" Hey, the monarch is a contract.

"Yes." The blood emperor nodded, "In the whole day of prison, there are many real gods. You are absolutely row in the consciousness. I will not find the existence of swords and unparalleled things, but in consciousness. Reception, as long as you are willing to help, you can definitely find him. "

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