Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1470 Exposure

The blood emperor is very clear about how terrible in the consciousness.

Her consciousness, including her ability to consciousness is far from usual.

This is also the reason why he will come to the monarch.

"Can you find him?"

"Oh, the blood emperor, you said it is easy."

No heart, the monarch shook his head, "100 million in the range, if only consciousness coverage, it is simple, but the sword is unparalleled, and I have to rely on consciousness inch inch, and you are also clear in this day In prison, the scope of the awareness is subject to certain restrictions, even if it is me, you want to explore more than half a month in the inch inch inch. "

"When you are full of 100 million, get what time?"

Consciousness covers the sweeping, the lipping inch, that is completely different.

Just just aware of the coverage, it is easy. If a real God is not limited, the consciousness can easily sweeping hundreds of thousands of miles, this one billion, does not need to smash it.

Inside, it is necessary to consciously find every corner of the scope, which is more difficult than consciousness, and it takes more time.

Like the sword is not as good as the Strong Strong, it is because the sword is unparalleled to ignite the soul. His soul is spread, and you can cover every corner of this scope. His soul is covered in the coverage.

Although the monarch is strong, she can't do this.

Some strong people have hidden, she must spend long time to refer to the inch of energy to find it.

Therefore, it will lead to this unintentional monarch so many years, and there is no condition for leaving the prison.

Billion-run, the model is explored, this is very difficult to say that there is no heart, it is very difficult.

"Blood Emperor, you are busy, I am afraid that I can't help it." There is no heart of the monarch.

The blood emperor brow is slightly wrinkled, and the is open, "Two squats, how?"

"Soul beads?" Hearted monarchy, but immediately saw the blood emperor, "blood emperor, what is you?"

"No matter which person I am, in short, now you, I am the prisoner of the sword, isn't it?" Said the blood emperor.

"This is." There is no heart to kitten a smile, "Three squats, I found the sword for you."

"Three?" The blood emperor had a pain.

The soul beads, that is a bloody door, and it takes a lot of experience to experience it with the cost.

This soul beads have great help to consciousness.

Although the blood emperor is a strong body of the blood, there is not much pain, but now it has to come up with three.

"The soul bead is precious, but it is not worth it, but it is not enough!" The blood emperor is ignorant, and the spin is nod. "Three squats, I promised."

Then the blood emperor will give a Qiankun to the unhappy monarch.

"Yes." There is no heart to smile, and confirm it.


I saw the pound awareness covered from the unintentional monarch, and it covered the horizontal corners.

The unintentional monarch has begun to help the blood emperor to find out in this 100 billion.

However, even if it is an unhappy monarch, you have to find a sword in the range of 100 million, it is not easy, even if she has not rest, the time spent is still very long.

A sway, it has been in the past seventy years.

Above the empty, there is no intention of the monarchs to exploit the inch, and the blood emperor has been following the neighborhood of the monarch this seventy years.

"There is nothing in this 100,000 miles, there is no place to go to the next place." No heart of the monarch.

I quickly came to another void with my blood emperor.

"Seventy-decade, there have been more than half of the range of more than half, if the sword is unparalleled, it can be found for how long it will be found."

The no heart is said, and his awareness is once again filled.

At this moment, it is the ground below the world, the ground is deep, the land is deep, the inside of the cave, the sword is unparalleled and quiet sitting in that.

"For so many years, this second pattern I also completely enlighten it, next, it is the third." The sword is in the face. "

The round back to the sword map, a total of nine patterns, with the feelings of the swords and the road, but only the top three.

Three patterns have enlisted two, swords unparalleled, if they can completely enlighten the third, then the sentiment of the wheel, should be qualified to pass the first floor of the Taoist Palace, and arrive When he didn't have to fear the blood.

"The third pattern, obviously more than the previous two patterns ..." The sword was unparalleled.

Suddenly ... a conscious consciousness is covered, and naturally, the Cave Palace where the sword is unparalleled is also covered.

"Is there a strong person to conscious the hairdressing? See the blood emperor has not given up."

The sword is unparalleled, his soul is also spread, and if you want to see which strong is released.

But when his strength of his soul, the other side is clear, but the color of the sword is slamming.

"Is blood emperor!"

"As for another person ..."

Wearing white robe, holy, and consciousness is amazing.

This person's identity sword is unparalleled.

"It is a no heart!"

"This blood emperor, will it come over?"

The sword has no double-faced.

The legend of Kings gave him a concerted man, it was used to deal with the general gods, and the consciousness of the God was swept away from him, and he could not find his existence.

But now this is the unhappy monarch, she can be a true God who is good at attacked, in the mutual prison, the sense of consciousness, should be the strongest.

In front of this unintentional monarch, swords are unparalleled to believe that their concealment can also be used.

"I hope she can't find me. €

The sword is unparalleled with brows, and do its utmost to achieve its breath, but the same is the worst plan.

The consciousness of the unintentional monarch is in inch, just a moment, she checks the cave house where the sword is in.


There is a sudden command of the monarch, and the power of strong consciousness is instantly locking on the sword.

"Found." There is no smile on the face.

And in the depths of the ground, the sword is not double-collected.

"I was found!"


There is no hesitation, but the worst plan is unparalleled, and I started to flee crazy in an instant.


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