Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 147 New Ranking

"This is ... Lin Yun?"

The sword is unparalleled. This is obviously a very miserable figure that is obviously tortured. This figure is not two years ago, chasing himself, will you forced yourself only jump into the Purple killing of the neighborhood of the abyss? ?

"Yes, it is him." Wang Yuan smiled.

"How did you get what he gets here?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, I naturally have a way." Wang Yuan grinned and did not explain too much.

The sword has no double-sided colors.

He always thinks that Wang Yuan is not general.

Instructions, Wang Yuan is in the Dragon Palace, and the talent has always been the bottom. Now it is only to pass the third floor of Longmen, and there is no surprise, it can be said that there is no talent.

Those who are like this are impossible to enter the Dragon Palace, and it is even more likely to stay in the Dragon Palace.

Results ... Wang Yuan even in the general, the performance has always been generous, but he can stay in the Dragon Palace.

If there is anything that has no cat, sword is unparalleled, will not believe it.

Now I have seen Wang Yuan's quietness, I will get Lin Yun, I'm so long, and there is no response to the bloody loft, which is fully explained that Wang Yuan's identity is unusual.

"It's hard to be him is the seven top clan son? There is no Wang in the seven top clauses of the Tianzong Dynasty, and the seven top clan is also strong, but it will not let the yin and yang false are used. Look at the door? "The sword was unhealthy.

"Old three, this Lin Yun is a gift I have prepared for you. How do you plan?" Wang Yuan smiled.

"I will kill directly." The sword has no double.

"Do you do your hand?" Wang Yuan Road.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point, and then slowly went forward.

The Lin Yunzhu who was tied to the red iron column was close to, barely looked up, but when he saw the sword in front of him, the eyes were instantly rolled.

"How can it be!"

"How can it be!"

Lin Yun roared, "You are not dead? How can you not die?"

"Sorry, let you down." The sword is unparalleled, but the figure is getting up to Lin Yu's ear. "Remember what I said when I jumped into the bottom of the abyss?"

Lin Yunyi.

"I didn't die, so unlucky, it is your bloody ripple, but you are good, not the first purple kill killer in my hand, the first purple killer in Tianzhu Province I have been killed by me, and you are the second. "

After that, the sword is unhappy, and the throat of Lin Yun is pinned, and it is directly crushed the latter throat.

Bloody Pool Tower Zika killer, the top of the famous wind and snow city, the land, will die.

"Wang Yuan is old, thank you." The sword has no double.

"Haha, our brothers don't have to be so polite, let's go." Wang Yuan smiled.

When the two returned to the Dragon Palace.

The next time, the sword is unparalleled to start drilling the fake sword three.

And after some understanding of this post-secondary, the sword is unparalleled, but immediately becomes excuse.

"Haha, I didn't expect this truth after the sword, I actually need to feel the two swordsmanship to show, and these two kinds of swords needed, it is exactly the wind sword and the fire sword!"

The sword is unparalleled by this huge surprise.

Virtual swords, have always been to feel the swords of the blast, the stronger the swords of the blind, and the swordsmanship is also stronger.

Who once thought that after this virtual sword, the three swordsmanship needed, more than just the sense of blasphemy, but also the feelings of the fire sword, and still combined with each other.

Seventh format like a valerian, you need to feel the swords of the blindness, the fire, and the two swords will reach the high level.

The eighth style, but two swords are needed to combine each other, forming the wind swords to show.

As for the last strongest ninth type ... need to reach the wind sword to achieve the extreme.

"The wind swords, the fire swords I have already combined with each other, forming the wind sword, can display the eighth style of this virtual sword!" The sword is unbounded in the eyes.

He combined these two swords, and the lack of swordsmanship that can completely play the wind sword.

Although he got a sword of my sword, no my sword demanded very high, and there was no just a sword, but for the four swords, only two swords were combined, it could not be No, my sword can completely play.

The fake sword is different.

The fake sword is just aimed at the sword, and it is best for him now, let him play the strength to achieve the extreme sword.

No hesitation, the sword is unparalleled and started to participate in the seventh style of the fantasy.

A seven days passed.

In these seven days, many Dragon Palace who have been traveling through the foreign tour will return to the Dragon Palace one by one.

In addition, the dragon list has also updated a ranking in these seven days.

And this ranking, causing a sensation of the entire Tianzong Dynasty.

Ranking is this arranged afterwards ...

"The land is ranked first: blood cloud!"

"The second place in the land: Baili Morning!"

"Third dragon list: Ouyang Haotian!"

"Four of the Dragon List": Mu Yingying! "

"The Fifth: Feng Yu Tian!" ......

From the first place to ninth, there is no change until tenth.

"Tenth Dragon List" Tenth: sword is unparalleled! "

A new name broke into the ranking of the landlord, and directly broke into the top ten, naturally caused a light eye.

And in this dragon list, there is no double in the dragon list:

"The sword is unparalleled, the Dragon Palace disciple, Jin Dan Da Cheng Xiang Xi, two years ago, the name of the swordsman in Jingyue Lake, ranked the twenty-two of the landlord list, defeated, after the blood Yu Tower killer is forced to jump into the bottomless abyss! "

"Two years later, the sword is unparalleled, in the Huangcheng, with Ouyang Xiyue, the Ouyang Yue Moon is full of a knife, and after his empty-handed, after holding the blade, it is easily defeated, complete the absolute strength rolling ! "

"Life and death of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled as a peerless genius for decades, and my Jinlong Temple is based on the brilliant record of the sword two years ago, and his talent recognized two years later. His strength is enough to ranam! "

The introduction is not long, and it can be said that it is very short, but the sword is unparalleled can be ranked very clearly.

Of course, this is also questioned.

"There is no recognized record, just rely with his talent and now it is easy to crushing Ouyang Xiyue, will be included in the Dragon List, and it is too unruly."


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