Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 148 Question

"It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, so let him rank 10?"

"The top ten tops of the landlord are climbed up from the absolute recognition of convincing record, and this sword is unparalleled. What do he rely on him? If he easily defeated Ouyang Yu Yue? Or Speaking of his talent? What is your joke! "

"The free hand is on the front of the Ouyang Yue Moon, and hold the blade. It is not too difficult. Some of the mood of the earth and the defense of the defense, the earth is forming substance, and it can go straight to collide with the blade. Explain what you can't. "

"That is, he can easily defeat Ouyang Yue Yue, and can only prove that he has the battle before the dragon list, even if the ranked fifteenth believes, no one will say more, but the top ten, but too A little! "

"Jin Dragon Hall, when the ranking on the landlong list will become like this, there is no convincing record, and you will dare to unparalleled this sword to the tenth position?"

A question.

There is no way, only those who introduce the swords on the dragon list, all of which are not unforced by the strong people of the Tianzong Dynasty.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, does not have public proud records.

Defeat Xiao Mang? Beat Ouyang Yuyue?

This cannot be explained that he is eligible to include the tenth.

No matter how the outside world is questioned, the sword is unparalleled but not ignite so much. These seven days, he has been carefully drilled with the sword, seven days, the seventh style of the virtual sword, he is reluctant to master.

The eighth style is still in drilling.

"Old second, old three, old four."

Wang Yuan's voice sounded in the entire manor, and the four brothers gathered together.

"White House is let me inform you that the old people in the Dragon Palace have arrived, and today I will decide the ten people who will participate in that choice, let you catch it now." Wang Yuan Road.

"Is it come?" The sword was unfolded in the mouth.

"The old people in the Dragon Palace?" Yang Changxuan is cold.

"Let's go, let us take a good one for these elderly." The sword was unparalleled, and the four people went to the battlefield.

The huge play of the Dragon Palace is on the hills of the people.

A large number of Dragon Palace disciples have come here, and in the most central, there is a breath of breath standing.

These figures are hot, some are cold, and some are violent.

But a look to their cultivation has reached the top of Jin Dan!

These people are the old people who have been traveling outside the palace in the Dragon Palace, nearly 30, and in the famous dragon list, there is a full 15th (excluding Su Lie).

"That is Xu Changyan, the land 44 of the landlong list, I know him, I have been in front of the outside, and I saw him and saw that he was directly smoked."

"The fifty-third place in the ancient river, the landlord!"

"Is that blood gun Liu Qing?"

"A lot, is these people are the elderly in the Dragon Palace?"

The road to the big dragon palace is watching, a bloody, excited, excited.

This group of elderly people, everything in the Tianzong Dynasty is famous, but they are from the Dragon Palace.

And in this old man, two people have the most eye-catching.

These two people are a messy man who is messy, full of scum.

Another bit, but a stunned young, but the breath is especially indifferent, this blood robe young hands also wears a pair of blood gloves, and the blood gloves are covered with a secret lippet. These tastes seem to have a blood vessel. General, very embarrassment.

These two people have already become myth in the Tianzong Dynasty.


Magic Hand Beni Morning!

Both are the disciples of the Dragon Palace, all of the old people, one originally ranked landlord list fifth, but later because of the rise of the Ouyang Haotian, it is now ranked sixth in the landlord.

The other, but it has always occupied the second position of the landlord list, and when the bloody clouds of the bloody ripple did not rise, he also boarded the top of the land!

At this time, the sword was unparalleled and four brothers and Su Lie came over.

"Hey, the new people came over."

The group of old people saw the past, and a gaze was locked in the sword.

"He is the sword is unparalleled?"

"I heard that he is only 19 years old this year, and it will be ranked 10th, very powerful."

"Hey, tenth? If he is a little guy who is unfair, it is also equipped with ranking tenth?"

This group of old people are also discussing them.

"Haha, Su Lie, have you heard it, these old people can only care about the third, and you are ranked ninty four in the dragon list, but no one cares." Wang Yuan smiled at the time.

"No way, who told you three people?" Su Lie was very helpless.

If you divide the current dragon palace into two major camps with newcomers, Su Lie is also a member of the newcomer camp.

In their newcomers, he is a famous dragon list with the sword, and it is naturally a leader. Unfortunately, the group of old people don't care about him, only careless of the sword.

As for the white city that was originally famous in the newcomers, I have left the dragon palace two years ago, I don't see trace.

"The two people are the Baili Morning with the Qing's Cang?" The sword is unparalleled, but the most conspicuous two in the old man.

The young people also have the wild man.

Among the old people in this group of Dragon Palace, they really qualified to care, and they are both.


Digital shadows appeared on the play of the field, and it was a black and white palace owner and a few palace.

"It seems that people are all right." The White House is moderate, spreading, "this selection war is the same as the past, I can recommend ten people to participate, and this ten people will be elected from you. As for who can get recommendation, don't see, just look at your respective strength. "

"Who is strong, who can get recommendation."

"In addition, you are among these people ... Bai Mor Morning, Qing Cang, sword is unparalleled."

The White House owner reads the name of these three.

When the sword is unparalleled, it looks up at the past.

"All of you are in the top ten of the dragon list, there is no need to compete with others, you can directly get a recommended quota directly, go to the choice of the battle." The White House.

This out, the entire performance of the martial arts is in a hurry.

It's stunning with the group of old people.

There is no way, a total of ten recommendations, this suddenly goes less, and these three recommendations, hundreds of miles with the Yang Cang, and their strength has been proved, and it is definitely one, This is unquestionable.

The sword is unparalleled, he can also be so simple, do not need to compete with them, just get recommended it directly?

Some of these Dragon Palace old people have a little doubt.

If you have questioned, of course, I'm not satisfied, and there is one person standing.

"The palace master, I think this is unfair!"

The voices of the Hong Kong also sounded throughout the previous performance.

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