Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 149 Three Swords

I heard the sound, and everyone's eyes were immediately brushing.

I saw a bronze in the skin, and the strong man with a war ax was around where he was standing there. He exuded the breath of violent violent violation, and at this moment he had a raging anger in that burning.

"It's him!"


"Fourteenth in the landlord". "

The surrounding dragon palace disciples and those old people are interested in seeing all.

The sword is unparalleled to see this strong man, and I recognized it.

The fourteenth of the landlord is ranked in this group of old people in the Dragon Palace. In addition to the Baili Chen with the mock, it is the highest ranking, which is no wonder that he will not accept the sword.

"Ronon, is you dissatisfied with you?" The White House also frowned.

"The White House owner, according to what you said, the strength is respect, the ten recommending who can get strong, this is very recognized, but you let them do not need to be recommended by the competition ..." Luon The sound is sinking.

"Bai Li Chen and Qing Cang have also been broken. The two strengths have long been recognized, they get a recommendation, no one, but this sword is unparalleled, a bad guy, the record is just to defeat Ouyang Yuyue. Good luck, listening to the top ten, he also wants to get a recommendation directly? I am afraid that it is unpair. "

"What do you want?" The White House is slightly smoldering.

"It's very simple, I will fight on my front. If I can defeat me, I have nothing to say." Luo is directly.

This is a place around you, and a shot is ringing.

And the sword is unparalleled, but smile inner, "This Ronon, I am afraid not to get a recommendation directly to me, but I don't care for me the tenth of the dragon list?"

The sword is unparalleled, and he is listed in the Dragon List, will definitely cause a lot of people's dissatisfaction, questioning, especially those ranked more than ten landlords, because they think that their strength is not Will be different than the sword.

And this Ronon, the land is ranked fourteenth, and it is one of them.

"The sword is unparalleled, what do you think?" The White House main prince walked over.

"Since there is a question about my strength, I want to fight with me, I will fight." The sword is unparalleled directly.

"That's good, you will be in this fair battle, you have remembered it, point until you do." The White House.

The sword is unparalleled with Ronon, and then the dragon palace disciples in their surroundings will start.

"Old three, do you have a grip?" Wang Yuan frowed.

"Don't worry." The sword is unparalleled but laughs.

"Your old three, strength, defeating a Ronon, should not be a problem." Su Lie said.

He saw the scene of the sword without double shots, and naturally cleared the strength of the sword. There was no truly heard that the battle is not clear. It is not clear that the gap between the Ouyang Yue Moon is unparalleled with swords. I will question the ranking of the sword.

It can be seen that Su Lie at that time, but there is no doubt, and even he thinks only that tenth, it is low.

"Kid, don't think that the Jinlong Temple will be included in the land of the dragon list, you are the tenth, the Jinlong Temple will occasionally mistaken, today I will let you know, defeating a region of Ouyang, the moon, is nothing to do "Luo Yu stands in front of the sword, the sound is cold.

"Maybe, but ... I can do so much nonsense." The sword is unparalleled, and the body is already unfair.


The vast land sword is rising, and the sword has no double body shape, the three killer swords are also raised, and a terrible power is instant, and then a moment, such as the shadow, the shadow, is already anger.

Swordless wave, the eleventh style!

When Sword Ying came out, the vast power of power made a lot of dragon palaces.

Insightly, there is no sword wave on the two volumes, and the words are not parallel. The sword will show the eleventh. How high is his sense of enthusiasm for the earth?

"The light is this sword, it is estimated that it can easily get the eleventh floor of Longmen, but it is said that he also understands the earth, blast, and fire." Some people surrounded.

And I saw this vast sword shadow, Luo Zhong was a clear.

"Hey, you have a golden Dan in your district. I dare to touch me hard, find it?"

The war behind Luo An also appeared in his hand, and at this moment, he was raised at this moment, and then he went out.

This ax, as if you can break the mountain, the domineering is incomparable.

The power of the top of Jin Dan is in the end of the burst.

Tightly, the two positive collides.


A loud noise, the Ron is a big change.

Because he found the vast sword shadow of the sword unparalleled, the power contained on the sword was not weak, even, but also stronger!

Under hard hi, the ax being exhibited is, and it is going to go in the first time.

"How can he, he is a golden Dan, how is the power?"

Luo Zhong also came out and shocked, and the sword was unparalleled backhand.

This sword is incomparable violence, and it is a bloody sword, and the sword of Wei Neng is still stronger than the sword who has just swimmed by the Sword of the earth.

Luo Mun quickly waved the war ax to resist, and the wax case was hit with the sword, and he was opened by Lang Zhei, and even the body shape with Ron is also fierce.

It can be disagree, and the sword is unbenhed.

"Virtual Swords ... seventh style."

call out!

The cold sword light is light, and the sword is bright, and the surrounding world seems to be completely dark.

There is only this sword in the dark.

And this sword light brushes directly from Ron's side with amazing speed.

Ronalda did not respond, when he re-stationed body shape, the sword is unparalleled, and the three kids slowly returned the sword, and at the same time, he also found that there were several hair in his ear. Fall down down.

Roon even stunned.

More than him, many Dragon Palace disciples around, including those old people stunned.


Luo is defeated.

And it is still not bad.

Three swords!

Yes, the sword has no doubles, only three swords, after the three swords, Luo Zhong has been defeated, and even if the sword is unhappy, the three swords have changed, he has changed to a cold body.

The gap is too big!

"Oh, it seems that this little guy's strength is more stronger than we imagined." The White House owner saw that this scene did not feel unexpected, but turned around several temples behind him.

"Indeed, we all know that he defeated Luon definitely no problem, but he didn't expect that he only used the three sword to defeat Ron, ranked tenth, some low."

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