Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 150 Beri Morning

"It is some low."

"As if he is the strength, it is enough to rank first five!"

"That Luon is really stupid, he thinks the ranking of the Jinlong Hall, is there a moisture?"

The people of these temples are talking.

Perhaps many people in the outside world will question the strength of the sword, questioning if he is really qualified to list the dragon list 10.

These temples in the dragon palace will never question.

Because the ranking on the Dragon List is the top floor of the Jinlong Hall, and their temples are the high-rise of the Jinlong Temple. When they have no double-signed rankings, they are also involved, one of them identified the sword. It is included in the top ten.

"Not long ago, in the province of Tianzhu, a stronghold of the bloody ripple was suffered from the bloody slaughter, hundreds of killer, including more than ten golden killers and a purple killer were killed, only another purple killing , Escaping life ... "The White House is slowly said.

"And according to the exact information obtained by the Jinlong Temple, only one person is shot at the time, and it is just a first Tianjin Dan!"

"After I received this news, I broke this thing is that the sword is unparalleled. After all, I just in the province of Tianyi, and he and his bloody ripple, then don't say more. "

"The whole day of the Tianzong Dynasty, only one of him will be so crazy to report the bloody feet."

"However, because of the battle in the base, no one saw it, so I can't know that he used to kill so many killers with a purple killing, it is deserved by some special means, still relying on himself Absolute strength, because it is impossible to confirm, so we will set him in the tenth dragon list. "

"If he is a person who relies on himself, one person will kill the base, kill so many killers plus a purple killing, and it is not all the position of the fifth of the landlord list."

"Now, he is indeed killing those killers by his own strength." The Black Palace laughed.

"Indeed." The White House also has some of these temples.

On the downtown, a silence.

After the sword is unparalled back to the long sword, slowly turn to Wangyuan to walk, and he stopped when he passed Luon, but he looked down, glanced at Luo, faint: "Now, you can take advantage of it?"



He still doesn't cost it?

Three swords defeated him, and even if the sword was unhappy, he can kill him directly. How can he dare not to protect him?

Luo Zhong was trembling, and the face was incomparable.

"Now, who else is dissatisfied?" The voice of the White House also sounded, and his eyes were around.

No one dares to say anything around.

This world, this is the case, the strength is respect.

There is no recognized record before the sword is unparalleled, which is unable to get their conviction.

But now, the three swords defeated Ronon, who also questioned the sword unparalleled no land in the top ten of the landlord?

Naturally, no one dares to say anything more.

It is at this time ...

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The applause sounded, and then under the eyes of everyone, the young and handsome young people slowly gone.

This young man was on the spot, and immediately caused a champion on the field.

After all, this bloody gown youth dragon list ranked second from the peerless genius!

The sword is unparalleled, and the people have seen the past, and the eyes are not helping.

"Baili Morning, are you still?" The White House looked at the hundred mid-heart and frown.

"Nothing, just a rare to meet a top genius, so I also have a bit itchy." Baiyimache looked at the sword, smile: "Three swords defeated Luon, even I didn't want to do it, and I Seeing that you should haven't fully finished it, I am really curious, how is your real strength? "

"It's better, what are you more than?"

"Compared with you?" The sword didn't have a double look, but he was laughed, "What? Is it better?"

"For a big battle, there is not much meant, it is better to go to the Tiantiang, see who is farther, how?" Baili Chen smiled.

"?" The sword didn't touch the nose, and immediately nodded, "Yes."

I heard the sword is unparalleled, and the corner of the hundred mall is in the corner.

And those dragon palaces in the surrounding dragon palays are moments in this moment.


"The sword is unparalleled with hundreds of miles to go to the sky?"

"They two, actually fight?"

These dragon densers are surprised, even those old people, they have come nature.

One has been famous for a long time, and the second dragon list is second, and the Dragon Palace is even more unlatted in hundredsmoc to the first powerful.

Another one, although the famous time is very short, the speed of the rise is very fast, and the legendary spermus is unparalleled.

Two people, fight?

"Don't be too late, let's go now." Bailim Chen.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

When the two people go directly to the Tiangong, as for those dragon palaces from surrounding, they naturally have not hesitate to follow the pace.

And the black and white palace owners and those who are laughing there.

"These two kids have been fighting now?"

"The fight is good, there is competition, the faster the strength is improved."

"Honestly, although these two little guys are just Jin Dan, but they are quite expected, even I am quite expected."

"I also look forward to it, so we have also hurry to go."

"Haha, walk, go to see, see who can be more far!"

These temples talk to each other, and then also go to Tiangong.


Longmen, Tiangong, is the two major trials of the Dragon Palace.

Among them, Longmen is specifically used to detect the sense of exclusive, and people are more.

And the Tiangong is different, and the Tiangong's overall strength. Almost no one in the weekdays is almost in the week, but it is generally the strength to reach a certain level, ready to leave the dragon palace disciple from the Dragon Palace.

For example, this old man coming back this time, it was to go to the sky and reached a certain condition, it was allowed to return to the dragon palace.

Longmen is a huge attic standing in the Dragon Palace.

And the Tiangong, is under the bottom of the ground, is a large area of ​​vast corridors.

There are dozens of meters wide corridors, and there are some fire racks, and the entire corridor is not toned.

The sword is unparalleled with hundreds of miles standing the most edge of the corridor, and the eyes look straight to the front.

In this corridor, there is a shape standing, and those who have no life, obviously the humanoid.

The humanoid, the sword is unparalleled, and the Thae of the Sword Houfu is a candidate.

However, the Sword Houfu troubled the human shape in the tower, and it was far more than these in front of the corridor.

These human forms are called the Tiangong war, and the key to Tiangong trial.


PS: Brothers, about the outbreak of this book, two rounds of recommendation have been taken, no accident should be at this time, now it is very early, everyone still needs to wait patiently for a while If everyone really feels the words of the referral, go to "Wuji Cang", "I am born, I am the beast", it is also written, although it is not necessarily to be a new book, but it is also very passionate.

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