Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1472 This trick

"No heart, there is a blood emperor?"

This shrouded a smile on the burly man on the flame.

It has even aware of the obstacles of prison, but this burly man is still clear, and naturally, it naturally sees the scene of the blood emperor with the sword.

"The world, should not be the sword in this day, there is no double, can struggle in the hands of the blood emperor for so long, but not bad, but it is until it is." This burly man is laughing. I didn't care, and I didn't show it.

Consciousness is prison.


"It's going to be here!"

The sword has no double eyed looks, with this madness, but it is actually absolutely calm, he has been in the wealth of unintentional distortions.

Finally, he came to the vicinity of the thinness in the case of his body's body is seriously injured.

"That's this time!"

The sword is unblocked.


The vast parava of the paravara has been out of the field, and this paradise sand is directly oppressed to the blood emperor under the monolithic manipulation of swords.

Although it is constrained to the blood emperor, it can affected his speed.

At the same time, there is a lot of blood color flames in the sword, and this blood color flame directly forms a huge blood color.

And the sword is unparalleled in this bloody, the most important thing is like the emperor of this fire.

The power of the stars in his body suddenly played.

The hematology, stars secret surgery.

"Break me!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the golden gods covering the meter are even more embarrassed, and the long sword in his hand shows endless advantage.


The horrible sword is smooth.

This sword light did not cut out the blood emperor, but the inside of the sword and the inside of the sword.

This is the sword unparalleled, and a one-stop hit.

This hit, if it is able to take the conscious wall bar, then he has an opportunity to escape.


Dramatic roar, the original unparalleled sense of consciousness, but it is instant to start crazy tremors, and shakes the desire.

Next moment, the consciousness of the one who was unparalleled by the sword was directly rushing, revealing a gap.

Although this vane is not too big, it is enough to make the sword have no pair.


"He actually knew that I was conscious of prison weaknesses?"

The unintentional monarch who is refunded to aware of the prison is coming.

However, compared to the sword, unparalleled awareness, she is more shocked, but the sword is unparalleled in that moment.

The ratio is ... that trick!

"This, this trick?" The no heart is full of horror.

Even the blood emperor also stunned there.

"Blood Emperor, you haven't said that this sword is unparalleled to show this trick!" The no heart is directly roaring.

"This ... I didn't know if he would like it!" The blood emperor is low, and his face is also very gloomy. "The incident has come so much, you can't care so much, kill!"


The blood emperor killed the sky, the eyes were dead, and the sword was unparalleled, but it was again chasing it again.

However, it is unparalleled that the conscious jail has a gap, but it has already been prison in prison through that gap.


The sword has no double eye.

Without a sense of consciousness, this is high, and he wants to escape.

The sword is unparalleled in an instant, and the blood of the dragon blood is displayed. The power of the body began to be crazy.

At the same time, his soul is also swept away.

But just in the sword unpaid, the blood is ready to escape ...

"What?" The sword was unbolded.

Within his sense of soul, he detected a breath with a hot breath, and it was in an amazing speed.

This breath still appears in front of him.

"this is……"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a huge fire, this flame is like a flame that is falling from the sky.

This group of Tianzhu fell in front of the sword, just dropped, bomb!

The endless flame is smashed from the madness of the madness.

The surrounding thousands of miles are all burned by this rampant flame!

This horrible power of the sword is unparalleled, and the blood emperor who is unparalleled with the sword is also immediately turned down.

The flames slowly converge, and only a small group of flames is still there, and in this group of flames, it is slowly revealing a burly shape.

He, has a flaming, the fire brow, even the beard is also a hot red.

He is burly, dark skin, full body full of masculine, but this moment is a burly man in the flame, but the body is full of violent atmosphere, and the eyes are also extreme.

Seeing people, the blood emperor has become difficult to look hard with the unintentional monarch.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is very surprising to watch this scene.

"It's a terrible breath, this breath, so life, and more than the blood emperor, no heart!"

"This person ... is Yan Jun!"

The sword is unparalleled and immediately understands the identity of the people.

In the Sky Jian, the four monarchs are recognized to stand in the top four strong people.

However, the strength of these four strong people has strong strength, including Yan Jun, is a confirmed strongest one in the four monarchs!

He is stronger than the blood emperor, no heart, and the other king!

Legend has it, this Yanjun will run to the top card of these three monarchs every other week, and go to these three monarchs.

Every time, he can't kill the other three monarchs, but every time I will fight the three monarchs.

Just because of this, he laid his first in the Skyjian prison.

Other three monarchs, there are some taboo of this Yanjun.

Now, this Yanjun appeared in front of the sword.

"Good guy, the four monarchs in the prison, there is a three!"

"Moreover, this Yanjun, I still shot, stop the blood emperor with the heart of the monarch for me?"

The sword is quite quite quiteer.

And in front, the burly man in the flame in the flame is, it is the endless anger, staring at the blood emperor and the unhappy monarch.

"The blood emperor, no heart, two of you, dare to start with me?"

"Good courage !!!"

An anger is sent from the mouth of this Yanjun, the sound is shocked, so that the surrounding void is trembled, as if shivering in Sen.

When I heard this, the blood emperor had a bit pale with the face of the unintentional monarch, and the sword is unparalleled is a horror.

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