Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1473 Yan Jun!

"my people?"

"This Yan Jun said, I am his person?"

The sword is unparalleled.

He came to this day, the prison had not been long, and this Yan Jun has never been handed over, nor is it in this Yanjun.

But now this Yanjun, actually said that he is him?

Moreover, more interesting is that from the blood emperor to the expression of the unintentional monarch, they seem to know that they are the people of Yunjun.

What's happening here?

"Yan Jun!"

I have a heart, the monarch, Yan Jun, "I am from the invitation of the blood emperor, he gives me the benefits, and I will find this sword unparalleled, before, I don't know that he is yours. "

"I don't know." The blood emperor also opened.

"I don't know if you don't know, in short, you have already done it!" Yan Jun was full of blood.

He is really angry at the moment.

Before he came to this void, he saw the blood emperor and the unintentional monarch, when he joined his sword, he didn't care, and he did not intend to shoot.

After all, this day, the sword is killed, and the sword is unparalleled with him, and there is no relationship. It is dead.

It can be critical, and the sword is unparalleled to make awareness of a gap.

In the basement of the sword unparalleled, there is a trick of hematitis!

When I saw the sword where there was no double shortfish, this Yanjun couldn't sit again.

"Since you have already shot on me, you have to pay for your place!"

The cold voice was issued from Yan Junkou. Next, this Yanjun was directly shot.


I saw that Yan Jun's body has skyrocketed, and I was in an instant to make a big giant, and this giant is full of flames, but is a flame giant.


The flame giant is like a meteorite, and it is the unfair monarch.

On the way, I saw that the mighty blood color flame crazy swept, and the peripheral void was completely covered.

It has become a bloody ocean in the range of thousands of miles.

The flame giant of Yan Jun is the only master of this huge bloody ocean.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a strong.

"This, this is ... bloody country !!!"


Yes, this Yanjun is present in this moment, it is the hematology!

But with the sword is unparalleled, Yan Jun Shi's hematology has reached the peak level, and foot can cover the range.

And the sword is unparalleled, even if you fully intermine the country, the diffuse range will not exceed ten miles.

Hematology, it is a murderey in the blood!

"This Yanjun is the strong in the bloody!" The sword is unparalleled.

He finally knew that this Yan Jun said that he is his person.

It turns out that two of them are in the same one!

Booming ~~~

The horrible roaring suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

The blood emperor in the bloody fire sea and the unhappy monarch have never been teamed up, but under the crazy attack of the flame giant of Yan Jun, it is still incomparable.

Only for a moment, the two people rushed, and the breath was a lot of water.

"This time, I will give you two lessons. If there is another next ... Hey!" Yan Jun's magnificent voice sounded between the world, and the filled surface of the fillet was slowly converge.

Within the fire sea, the blood emperor and the unintentional monarch are angry and look at Yunjun.


The two did not hesitate, and turned to leave immediately.

This world is very quiet.

The flame on the Yunjun slowly disappeared, recovered the original burly man, and the shape of the body was shaped, and it has appeared in front of the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled." Yan Jun is a soft feng, watching the sword.

"Die Xie Yan Jun adult will save." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Haha, you are my bloody people, it is my Yan Jun's future generation, I certainly have to save you, let alone, even if I don't shoot, you should also escape?" Yan Jun smiled.

The sword is not a double brow, nor deny.

Indeed, he has just escaped the sense of consciousness of the unsatisfactory monarch, and the blood of the dragon blood has been present. Even if Yan Jun has not arrived, he can escape.

"Go, find a place, you can talk about it." Yan Jun smiled.

Soon, the two have found an unattended Dongfu in this Wankama Festival, in the Dongfu, the sword is unparalleled with the Yanjun two.

"The sword is unparalleled, are you a secret of this secret?" Yan Jun asked.

"I am in the world of flying snow, there is a tyrannical island." The sword is unparalleled to cultivate the process of cultivating himself.

Listening to the sword, there is still a nod, and the face is nod, and the face has been gratified. "Fortunately, my bloody is a pulse, but I have never been completely destroyed."

"Yan Jun adult, can you be the founder of the bloody?" The sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning of the bloody island, the hematitis is told him some history about the bloody, and once said that the top of the blood is created by a top power of the world. I used to be very brilliant, but I didn't fall.

"Benefit?" Yes. "Yan Jun nodded.

"Sure enough." The sword was unbeded.

Yan Jun is in the narrative. "Many years ago, I creating a bloody in the world, and the parties were one of the seventy-two sectors of Tianjian Mountain, and at that time, The relationship between the real God personally took the town, the bloody in the world, and it was also a great force, almost no one dared to provoke, but later ... "

"Because I accidentally, I enhanced the Tianjian Mountain, and I can say that I am very miserable!"

"I met at the time, my bloody was dangerous, so I made a machine, ordered the strong people in the bloody, and I would like to escape immediately, but I also choose to escape, but Tianjian Mountain's forces are too It's huge, I finally grabbed by the strong people in Tianjian Mountain, and I was in the middle of this day, but fortunately, my bloody is escaped. "

Yan Jun smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, it is dark, the seventy-twisted seventy-twisted seventy-twisted people controlled by Tianjian Mountain, which is very distant.

The heritage country, even fled from the seventy-two Shenguo to the Flying Snowland, and a generous field in the ordinary domain in the Flying Snow, the escape is really far enough.

"Originally, I was detained in this day of prison, and I couldn't meet my life with my blood in the world. I didn't expect to meet you today." Yan Jun fen is unparalleled. " There is a smile on his face.

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