Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1474 Desperate

"It can be seen in the year of birth, and then I saw my heritage, I know that my bloody is still present in the news of the vain chaotic world. I have no regrets in Yan Jun." Yan Jun smiled.

The sword is unparalleled can also experience the mood of Yan Jun.

The long years have been detained in the Skyjut prison, completely isolated from the outside world.

He also doesn't know how the bloody ending is in the end, is there being destroyed, and the heart has been mentioned.

Now I have seen the sword and unparalleled, I know that there is still a pulse of the blood, and I have stabilized my heel in the snow, this Yanjun's heart is finally able to let go.

"Yan Jun, rest assured, take your strength, one day in the morning and evening, can leave this day of prison." The sword has no double.

"Leave?" Yan Jun was slowly shaking, "I have to leave this day of prison, not so easy, I am afraid that I haven't left the day."

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

In the sword, there is no double look, Yan Jun can be the first to be recognized by this day.

Even the other three monarchs have a low head in front of him.

Such a strong, if you go to a big killing, you should also kill a lot of strong, through the continuous accumulation of long years, morning and evening can reach the requirements.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are just a contest, for the gods, as long as you kill one hundred horses in this day, you can leave, you can leave, you can leave it. This is different from the conditions that leave! "Yan Jun laughed.

"A true god, you want to leave the sky, you must kill a thousand strong people in this jail, and this thousand strong people are still not parting, but to say that you will kill the same strength. It is still only one person, but you also know that the strong sense of life this day is not so good, not so killing, and the number of jails of the sky is not much, and a real God wants to be in jail. It is too difficult to kill a thousand strong, too difficult! "

"It's really difficult, but I have a first-line hope." The sword has no double.

"Yes, there is a hoping hope, this hope is to continue to accumulate through long years, even if the average is 10,000 years can kill a strong, thousands of years, can also meet the requirements, but this is just ordinary Zhen God, and I, but one of the four monarchs of the sword prison! "

"As the monarch, the conditions we leave are more demanding!" Yan Jun said.

"Is it more harsh? Is it necessary for you?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Ten thousand? No, as the monarch us still want to kill a thousand people, but we have to kill, but must be true!" Yan Jun said.

"What?" The sword was shocked.

Killing the truth!

Killing a thousand people, can you leave this day?

It is so easy to kill it? Moreover, I really came up with the world. The quantity is too rare. This day, the sword is born until the birth. Bit!

There is no more than three hundred prison, and what is the four monarchs to kill a thousand?

"The sword is unparalleled now, why do you know, why do I have long been in prison?" Yan Jun smiled, but this smile is in the sword, but it is very sad.

The sword is not double-finished.

The heart also sympathetic and other three monarchs.

The four monarchs of the sword prison, it is quite a scenery, and there is an overlord in this day.

In fact, these four monarchs are poor than the other strong people in the Sky Jut.

After all, although the other strong people stay in the sky sword, the chances of falling are not small, but they will end the opportunity to leave this day.

But these four monarchs, but it is really no chance.

To kill, there is a thousand people in the world ...

Even if it is a sword, there is no double, it is estimated that it is also desperate.

"Of course, our four monarchs want to leave this day of prison, there is still a possibility." Yan Jun said.

"What is possible?" The sword watched it.

"Breakthrough, breakthrough to the second stage of true God!" Yan Jun Shen Sheng: "At that stage, it is only in powerful people, far more than ordinary first stage, so strong, this Tianjian can't be closed, so the Sky Mountain owner also said that if we have a day we can break through that step, you can go out. "

"But unfortunately, that step is not so simple to step out."

"Wancha chaotic world, so many real people, can really take the step, how much? I can know, I know, I have no hope in this life, not only me, the other three monarchs, no hope."

The sword is not double-finished, but it can only nodded.

"Okay, don't say this, talk about you." Yan Jun fen in the sword, "Sword is unparalleled, how did you be held in this day? The sword is coming. Give it to? "

"This is ..." The sword is unparalleled, and he simply said his business is simple.

"Oh, star? Are you a disciple of a star of Star Chenchen Palace?" Yan Jun glanced with a singular light, he looked at the sword. He used to go to the top ten cultivation of the holy place, and the star, the stars The palace disciples are also known.

"Haha, your high-rise power of your star is also interesting. I have let you go to Tianjian Mountain to kill people, this shows that it is necessary to provoke Tianjian Mountain owner." Yan Jun smiled.

"Who is not?" The sword didn't double his mouth, and then the blood emperor chased his own reason and said it briefly.

"Blood Door?"

"Do you say that the blood emperor is a bloody door?"

An Yan Jun scorpion is cold, and it will stand directly.

"I just guess, but I should be eight or nine," said the sword unparalleled.

He believes in the judgment of Kings.

And in his opinion, the blood emperor only has this only reason to chase yourself.

"Hey, the blood of the blood!"

Yan Jun voice is cold, "I used to see the means of blood and gates. They used the poisonous array, and the birth of the 21st boundary in just thousand years. The field, the endless life is all refined, and at the time, the world is a huge wave, even the Sword Mountain owner is alarmed. "

"Later, it was said that the owner of Tianjian Mountain personned personally, but but unfortunately, the people who were braided too fast, did not fall into the hands of Tianjian Mountain."

"I didn't expect, we are in prison, and there are people who have a bloody door, but also one of the four monarchs!"


PS: Today, six!

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