Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1484 Sword Wushuang Request

Seeing Tianjian Mountain owner let himself leave, the sword is unparalleled, but the body is not moving.

"How, is there something?" Tian Jian Master's voice is indifferent.

The sword is unparalleled for a moment, and he also praised: "The predecessors, I have two requests, I hope the predecessors can be allowed.

"Haha ~~~" Tianjian Mountain owner suddenly laughed, this laughter seems to be free, but when the laughter echoes, the whole Dongfu began to shake crazy, the sword is unparalleled in the central, the face is also immediately become Some pale, but fortunately he has reached the first level of the mood, in order to continue to stand in this big laughter.

If it is replaced with ordinary people, even if it is true God, if the mood level does not reach the first level, I am afraid that I have a good time.

Tianjian Mountain owner stopped laughing, but the face became cold.


"This is willing to let you leave, it is very good, do you have a courage to ask this seat?"

The sword is unbold, and his body and mind are crazy under the huge pressure of the owner of Tianjian Mountain, but it is still biting his teeth.

"Hey, see your disciple of your star, let's talk about it." Tianjian Mountain owner swept the sword.

The sword has no double, deep sucking, narrow, "the first thing, I stayed in the year of the Skyjian, there was a hatred, he called the blood!"

"This blood emperor is one of the four monarchs of the Tianjian, I have given him twice, it can be sure, he is a bloody person!"

"All, I want to ask the seniors to shoot, let him kill!"

"People who have bloody doors?" Tianjian Mountain owner looked at the sword and went to flash.

He also believed that the sword was unparalleled, and this juncture actually made a request.

But now ...

"Bloody door, is the public enemy of countless cultural uniform practitioners, no matter when, once they were discovered, they should immediately kill, but you can really recognize that blood emperor is bloody door People? "Tianjian Mountain owner stared at the sword.

"Yes." The sword has no double heart.

"That's good, you are waiting." Tian Jian Master said, then closed his eyes.

Tianjian Mountain, Wanfu Mountains, within the sermbers.

The blood emperor is lying on a blood bed.

"The sword has no double one leave, this seat is that the black mountain range will be recovered calm." Blood emperor mysterly, he has already sent it to the strong who flee from the Wankama mulfa in order to avoid the sword.

After all, he is one of the hegemon of this day.

If it is not there, he is not there, he is a bit of the sense of hegemony.

In this day, the sword is prison, so the feeling of this bit of hegemony, but his only fun.

Suddenly ... ~ ~~~ 's power condenses on the blood castle.

"This power? What is going on?"

"Is there anyone who wants to leave Tianjian jail?"

The blood emperor is still in a mistake, but one hand raised to the sky, it has also grasped him.

The blood emperor did not resist the resistance, and he was arrested in his hand. At the same time, a horrible force was incomparable to the blood emperor in the body, and he was arbitrarily in the blood emperor.

"Heaven, Tianjian Mountain owner." The blood emperor's horror.

"Hey, it seems that the sword is nothing and saying is right, you are indeed a bloody person."

The cold voice echoed in the world, and it also ranked heavy in the blood emperor.

The heart of the blood suddenly trembled.

"The sword is unparalleled, is the sword is not passionate?"

"He saw the owner of Tianjian Mountain, and he also told my identity Master!"

"no no!"

"Tianjian Mountain owner, forgone, forgive!"

The blood emperor immediately roared.

"The bloody door is mixed, I still want to let this seat for money? Let's die!"

The sound sounded, the power of the giant hand fierce, as if he kneaded the ants, shredded the blood of the body.

The voice of the blood emperor is also dissipated.

After doing this, the giant hand is slowly dissipated.

The world will restore calm again.

It can be in the crushing blood casting ruins, the green woman who is attached to the blood emperor, but it has set off a huge waves at this moment.

"The blood emperor is actually a bloody door, and he is also found by Tianjian Mountain owner, is killed?"

"The sword is unparalleled, because the sword is unparalleled?"


In the dark house, the eyes of Tianjian Mountain owner once again opened.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are right, the blood emperor is indeed a bloody door, this seat has killed him."

At the same time, Tian Jian Mountain owner talks, "" "These bloody people, they died, they lurked in many cultural people in the world of chaotic world, if they did not show some means of bloody gates Come, no one can see his identity, even if this is the seat, this time you have helped this seat, or now I don't know how the sword is in prison now, I also put the bloody door. Strong! "

"Say, what is your second request?"

The sword is unparalleled.

He can be very clear, this Tianjian Mountain owner has a little better than just a little more than just a little.

Perhaps because of the huge risks, it is not a request at the Tianjian Mountain owner, which is not a request in Tianjian Mountain owner. So he has a good feeling of the sword.

"Another request, I want seniors, you can release the four monarchies, from the prison of the Skyjan," The sword said unparalleled.

"Yan Jun?" Tian Jian Master glanced at the sword and slept, smile, "You are a little bit related to Naguang,"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point. "He looked at me in the Tianjian prison, and I was in the same pulse with him, and I was a long elder. I naturally want him to come out, of course, If you have any requirements, I will do my best to do it. "

"Oh?" Tianjian Mountain owner browed, but immediately waved, "If it is just a very common sense of God or the boundaries, look at the copy of a bloody door in this seat. On the site, this site may promise you, but this is a monarch, he is a monarch in the prison, and there is some use of this seat, so ... you go back. "

"Seniors ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"Go back first, wait after this, the Tianjian Mountain of this seat, maybe there will be trouble you or your star, you can talk slowly." Tianjian Mountain owner said, then closed his eyes. .

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, and it was no longer entangled. After the Tianshan hills, he turned around.


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