Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1485 receives rewards

After leaving the Dongfu of the Tianjian Mountain owner, the sword is not going to stay, and I left the Tianjian Mountain.

"Tianjian Mountain, finally left."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the huge Tianjian Mountain after the body, but the bottom is dark.

Task, he was detained for 4,400 years in the sword prison.

This should be that the sword has no double practice so far, in the longest period of time.

"First pass a newspaper in the Yuan Dynasty." The sword didn't doublely took out the message of the Yuan Temple.

However, look at this, and the sword is quite quite quite.

In his opinion, he asked his disciple, in order to complete the ultimate disciple mission, killing people on this day, violating the rules of Tianjian Mountain, was held in the Tianjian Mountain, and this is a star. The pulse is affirm that the first time I know the news.

Under normal circumstances, the director of the Yuan Temple should come out and think about it.

But there were more than four thousand years in the past, he can stay in the sky sword, and finally rely on his own energy.

And I have just seen the owner of Tianjian Mountain, and the owner of Tianjian Mountain did not mention this.

"Yuan Temple." The sword has no double news, so soon there is a sound.

"The sword is unparalleled, so soon, from the Sky Jut, there is a strange voice," I thought that you should come out in all years. Now, it is too conservative, this is not By 5,000 years, you will leave the Sky Jacques through your own efforts. "

"That day, the sword is prison is very dangerous. I am also lucky, or now I am afraid that I have no chance to communicate with the Yuan Temple." The sword said.

"Haha ~~ You obviously have a few points to blame me, but you have to understand that Tianjian Mountain is not a small force, you are still in person by Tian Jian Mountain, in my star, unless It is the palace master to come from personally, maybe Tianjian Mountain owner is willing to give a face, but the palace is closed all the year round, you also know. "The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

"Okay, since it came out, then I came back to see me, come to receive the extra reward of your ultimate disciple mission." The main hall is finished, and it is interrupted.

The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are quite quite weird.

"The sword is unparalleled, if I have not guess, when I arrange your third-party disciples in this Yuan Dynasty, he has already guessed that you will be held in the prison, or you were detained to Tianjian. In prison, it is actually arranged in one hand. "The voice of the King was ringing in the sword.

"This, I also thought about it." The sword smiled.

In fact, he had doubtful when he was prison he had just held to Tianjian.

After all, when he was in that magic, he made a full preparation, and the process was very successful.

I didn't find that the world near the god of magic was found, but the Sword Mountain owner in the Jianshan Dongfu was discovered, but also personally took him.

This is either that the Sky Mountain owner is really universal. Even if it is in a closed-door, it is still in the eyes of everything in the sky.

But there is also a possibility that this is the master of Tianjian Mountain. It has been staring at Tianjian Mountain during that time. It is exactly that it is staring at him.

"As long as I shot, the Sky Mountain owner immediately came out to pay me to the Tianjian prison." The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

Of course, he also knows the main hall to do this, just in order to experience him, it is for a good heart.

Moreover, although he was detained for more than four thousand years in Tianjian Mountain, but in strength, he did a sharp step.

"Let's go back to the stars."

The sword is unparalleled, and it will go to the Ziyu Holy Land.


The purple martial arts, the star mainland, the stars of the star.

"came back."

The sword is unparalleled in the shackles of the river, watching the surrounding star river, and even faintly seeing the end of the star in the star river, his face can not help but call a smile.

Soon the sword is unparalleled to return to the star, once, he went to see the main hall.

"The sword is unparalleled, more than four thousand years, your strength should be improved?" The main hall smiled and watched the sword.

"It's okay." The sword has no double.

"The rules in the sword prison, I also know some, since you have prison yourself with you can suffer from yourself, it is inevitably killing enough strong people, tell me, how many strong people you have killed, it is the world , Or really god? "Asked the Yuan Dynasty.

"I killed ten real gods." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Zhen God?" The main eyes of the Yuan Dynasty, "The God of the Sky Juts, although the power is subject to certain restrictions, but their body, the scholars are not weakened, you can kill ten such as the true God, huh, It seems that you should have the war of the top 30 in front of the world. "

"Should it." The sword is unparalleled.

In fact, the Yuan Dynasty is only known that he is killing ten true God, but he doesn't know that he is in a very short time, the ten real gods of the slaughter.

And the ten real gods, there is already the power of a heaven, in the spirit of the second level, his war is almost comparable to the four monarchs of the Skyjan.

Can do this, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, you can exhaust the first twenty or even higher in the commanding list!

"Okay, there is not much nonsense, I will now give you an extra reward of the ultimate disciple mission now." The Yuan Dynasty was positively.

"The first is the extra reward of the first ring task, 100 million mixed chaotic crystals."

"This 100 million mixed chaotry crystal, because you have owed four thousand seventh million chaotic crystals in Star Congge, so now is 53 million chaotic crystals."

The Yuan Dynasty mainly took out a Qiankun ring to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, just simply sweeping an eye, he took it.

Five thousand three million chaotic crystals, although it is a small number, but there is no such thing as the current sword, but it is not necessary.

It is important to know that in the Sky Jut, he killed the ten real gods. That ten real gods have weak strength, and there is also strength, killing those true gods, those who are true, all of them fall into his means. All added, the chaotic crystals he owned have exceeded one billion.

"The second ring task is with the third ring task, you have got the opportunity to enter the true God."

"The second ring task is one month, the third ring task is two months, add up for three months."

"I have already informed the law enforcement of the Temple of the Temple, you can go directly." Yuan Temple.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

"Finally, there is an extra reward ... true gods chaotic odorant!"

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