Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1486 Blood Repair

The sword is unparalleled.

The true god is chaotic, this is a treasure that is incomparably rare, and a high value.

Even in the many real gods in the chaotic world, it can have the true gods, and there is also a few less.

Like the sword is unparalleled in the Skyjian, he kills the ten real gods. I got the ten real God's Qiankun Ring. But this ten real gods, only one person has a true god-level chaotic, and this The true god-level chaotic odorant of God is still a long gun.

The long gun is attacking the soldiers.

The sword is unparalleled with swords. Even if you get the long gun of this true god-level chaotic Qibao, you can only do it.

But now, this is the extra reward for him to complete the final disciple of the Star, this extra reward is for him, giving him the true God-class chaotic odorable, and he is also used.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should talk about it, which is the true God-level chaotic Qibao." Yuan Dynasty mainly saw it.

"This ..." The sword was unparalleled, just a moment, he looked up. "For me now, the biggest use of the most should be the true God-class chaotic odor in the field."

"Area of ​​the domain?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

He is very clear from the domain treasure, and the use of a person is large.

In the case of strength, a person has a treasure treasure, which can occupy an absolute upper.

Even if you encounter a danger, press the opponent in the domain treasure, and you can easily leave.

I want to play, I want to escape, this is the great advantage of the domain treasure.

The sword has always been treasured in this area of ​​Basma, which has been a treasure of Booth Sand, which has been stronger, the stronger of his strength, and this paradise is getting smaller and smaller.

As in jail in the sky, he has worked all the way to show the field of Balai Sand, and can only have certain pressing capabilities for those who are in the fourth level, the third level of the world, which can have a strong contest, effect It's minimal.

Therefore, he naturally wants to get a stronger domain treasure.

However, after listening to the sword, the expression of the Yuan Dynasty became unusual, "the sword is unparalleled, you can't say it, in all kinds of treasures, the domain treasure is undoubtedly the most rare, and the most rare treasure One, it is the same chaotic odorant, one of the fields, and the gods are enough to attack the gods than the number. "

The sword is unparalleled.

The Yuan Dynasty shook his head and continued: "The real god-level chaotic Qibao of the domain class is not thinking, I will give you two treasures now, you should pick it carefully."

After the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the palace was vigilant, and a blue long sword and a stagcous war armor that exuded a strange breath appeared in front of it.

The sword is unparalleled to see these two treasures.

"You should see it, this cyan long sword is attacking the soldiers, and the red tai armor is the baby's treasure. You look ..." The Yuan Dynasty looked at the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, choose the red tai armor." The voice of the King is already in the sword.

"Still use you?" The sword is unparalleled, "Yuan Temple, I am fighting."

"You are smart." Yuan Temple laughed, "Among the same treasures, the body of the body is better than the domain treasure, but it is precious than the attack, but this is the red armor, name For the bloody feathers, I will choose it for you. "

"Blood Ren Wheel?" The sword is unparalleled.

Among the names of this dragonfly, it contains the word 'round back'.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should have realized the rounds of the four supreme roads?" Yuan Dian is interested in watching the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, and it also recognizes it directly.

"That is, this bloody feather ring armor, not only the body of the body is extremely good, but there is a secret surgery that can enhance its own power, this secret, this secret is to rely on the reincarnation of the reincarnation. The higher the feelings of the wheel, the stronger of this secret proactive, but you should have a tutaneous motley, you should be quite difficult. "Yuan Demen said.

The sword is unparalleled, but it has been directly collected by the bloody round.

The palm is gently touched, and the sword is unparalleled and can resonate with the tact.

See this, the sword is even more than a smile.

"Right, since you have already had a bloody mele, then the bloody will be given to me." Yuan Dynasty looked over.

"Bloody will arm A?" The sword was not a feet.

"Bloody will be a treasure of blood, after all, you have weak strength, no better treasure, can only use this bloody armor, but now ..."

"Your strength has been upgraded, and it has reached a stronger bloody wheel back, this bloody will still put it in you, after all, the strong people of the blood, there is a certain If you have the ability, if you have a bloody, you will be stared at the people who are in the blood of the chaotic world. "Yuan Temple.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

In the Sky Jian, he was stared by the blood emperor because of the blood.

In the world of the chaotic world, the hidden bloody door is certain, and there is also a stronger than the blood emperor, but he has never encountered before.

This bloody will be booked to the Yuan Dynasty.

The sword is unparalleled, and the little wife's recognition is subsequently handed over to the main hall.

"This bloody will be saved in countless times."

The sword is unparalleled, and although the bottom is somewhat uns, but it is helpless.

Bloody will be the treasure of blood.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled from the main hall, returning to the swords of the you live.

When I saw the Queen Moon on the Sword, I briefly asked some of the things inside the four thousand years of the star, and the sword did not have a closed closure.

In the secret room, the sword is sitting without a double tray, and in front of him, it is the red bloody ring armor.

"Begin the recognition!"

The sword has no double eyes flashing with a variety of light, and the recognition will start.

The bloody ring armor is constant to the true gods, and it is not easy to make a look, but fortunately, the sword is unparalleled, and it is quite high. The process of this recognition does not appear too much. Understanding, this bloody wheel armor has been placed in a bloody and robe after a month, wearing a sword unparalleled.

After the recognition, the sword was unparalleled to drive into the heavy secrets of this bloody reincarnation.

This drilling research, the sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, Yuan Dynasty only knows that I have a relaxation, but I don't know how deep I am in the wheel, and this bloody reincarnation is back to the secret. It is a single entry, it is necessary to go to the wheel. I feel that there is a level of the first level of the Taoist Palace! "

"But I just reached the request!"


PS: The 12th Volume Star Palace is over!

The thirteenth volume will start tomorrow!

Today, six, here!

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