Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1492 beat

Original noisy void, suddenly quiet.

A silent.

The hundreds of thousands of practitioners who watch the battle around Tianhuoti, they were horrified to look at this scene.

"How?" Hu Feng standed there.

As for the Ling Dan, I also lost.

Three tricks!

From the sword, there is no double shot, and now it is just a three strokes, just a moment, but a blink of an eye.

Ling Dan vomiting blood and retreat.

What does this explain?

"Ling Dan, you lost!"

The sword has no double single hand, standing in the void, the scorpion looks over.


"What joke!"

"I am just a moment, let you have to get it, do you think you are stronger than me? Joke!"

The Ling Dan is twisted, and he looked at the sword and the eyes were also cold, and when he was emitted, there was a very horrible breath that was emitted from him.

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

Ling Dan's figure is a moving again, and this time he also carries an amazing killing, it is like the wild beast in the anger, .

Seeing this scene, the sword is not double-finished.

This Ling Dan Mingming has been defeated, and it does not have to lose? Still shoot again?


I have a cold, the sword has no one step, the moment of crossing, the blood peak sword in the hands suddenly waved.

"Nine Days!"


The majestic swords are straight to the nine, and the swords and shadings of a huge gorgeous street appeared on the empty space.

This sword, with no swords, like the sword of the heavens, and the lightning is like Ling Dan.

At the same time, the bloody jewelry on the sword is unparalleled, and the strength of the sword is unparalleled to achieve a new level!

Just sword unparalleled with Ling Dan, but did not urge the secret of bloody feather wheel.

but now……


A low loud sound, the sound sounded, and the surrounding voids were crushed and burst.

A horrible power storm swept, and in this power storm, a whole body spread all over the body, as a bloody figure broke out.

Everyone looks very clear, this takes out, it is the Ling Dan.

And, Ling Dan at this moment, the atmosphere is weak, it is like a dead dog, it is in the rear.

Booming ~~~ Tianhufeng is directly wearing a big hole, and Ling Dan is falling into the ruins, no no movement, is life is dead, no one knows.

The battlefield is gradually dissipated, and the sword is unparalleled.


The sword has no double eyes, staring at the ruins where Ling Dan is located, and he is suffocating.

The surrounding flavors, but the Chinese is silent!

Dead, death is still quiet!

If the sword is unparalleled, the vomiting blood is seriously injured by the vomiting blood of the Ling Dan, it is possible to be too big in Ling Dan.

So now ... just a sword!

Ling Dan is obviously already fully shot, but the sword is dead, but it is more miserable than before.

What is this concept?

People present are not a fool, they all look clear.

"A sword, beat Ling Dan?"

"This sword is unparalleled, strong in this?"

"It is still thinking that it is true, but now, a sword is defeated now."

"It's too strong, this sword is unparalleled, too strong!"

Numerous excitement, with empty sound, millions of cultivars around Tianhuo peak, all of them fall into unprecedented shock.

Hu Feng, who is not far behind the sword, is full of round, he can't believe his eyes at all.

The old man next to Hu Feng is old, and it is clenched with a strong light.

In the world, the focus of everyone is condensed in the sword.

At this moment, the shape of the sword was in vain. When I appeared again, I came to the front of the seven palace master.

"Qilong Palace"! "

The magnificent sound is issued in the sword where the sword is not sent, and the echoes are echoed throughout the void.

"This matter, you can't get a dry department, so ... shot!" The long sword in the sword didn't refer to the seven hometown.

Suddenly, the whole world is again stunned.

"This sword is unparalleled, after defeating Ling Dan, then challenge the seven palace owner?"

"Seven Vender's Lord, that is, the true price of the price!"

"This sword is unparalleled, he wants ... Challenge God?"


Everyone is .

The Lord of the Seven Palace, I was also in the moment.

"I, I ..." The main support of the Qiyu Palace, then explained the opening: "The sword is unparalleled, this thing is just a misunderstanding, I have never thought about provocating the stars, there is no gut There is no ability. "

"These words, you still have to explain the high-level power of my star, now you are in front of you, or you have to defeat me, or ... I shot you, then destroyed Your seven brothers, you choose. "The sword is unparalleled.

On the way, the sword is unparalleled.

This time, he shot, in order to keep the face of the star, but the main hall is also explained, let him also show the show.

Since it has decided to show the front, then it is delicious.

Defeat a Ling Dan, nothing.

His goal is this seven palace master!

He wants ... Challenge God!

When I heard the sword, the main color of the seven mysteria became yin.

"Seven Vender's Lord, since you don't shoot, then I will be welcome."

The sword is unparalleled, but its body is already illusion.


A sword, cold, cold, appeared on the side of the Great Palace, directly to the head of the Qilong Palace.

The main color of the seven Palace is slightly changed, and the body is moved, and this sword is avoided.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled is a straightforward, and the blood peak sword is picked up in his hand.

call out! call out! call out!

Three swords is almost simultaneously stabbed to the eyebrows, throat and heart at the same time, and the angle is abnormal.

The seven hooded main body is twisted, but it is also an insurance that avoids these three swords.

"Seven Vender's Lord, don't you show it?"

The sword is unparalleled once again, and it is also a burst of drinking.

"If you don't do your best, I will find a way to kill me, then I will not hesitate to kill you!"

"You, no choice!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the ears of the Great Palace, so that the main color of the seven Palace is completely gloomy, followed by him, also flashed.

Bang! ! !

The vastness only belongs to the spirit of the real God, from the Queen Palace owner.

The seven-Qian Palace is finally going to shoot.

And see this scene, the sword is unbeded, but it is a strong bright.


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