Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1493 Tourism!

"Zhen God!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it is flashing and excited.

Zhen God, he has also paid his hand before, and the true God of death is in his hand.

However, those true gods are all in the prison in the sky, and the power is greatly restricted. It is not possible to play the true strength of true God.

Now, this Qiyou Miya owner in front of you is not restricted, the goods are really good!

The sword is unparalleled and I really want to see, the real God has more.


A low drink, the sword is unparalleled, and the time is full of nine phantom.

The nine phantom brushed the void at an amazing speed, directly appeared in the wholly owner of the seven palace, and simultaneously waving the sword.

A blood shot, riped out.

Really gentle school, blood light!

The seven hometown is slightly smashed, and the pound of the gods rolled, and the thick black light was formed on his body. This black light is like a black war apartment, covering the whole body of the Seven Palace, and more I have a black long gun, a long gun is turned, a pumping, followed by a hands, and the blood light is directly a burst.


The surrounding world seems to be treated with this black hole, a huge horror black vortex suddenly appears.

The Qi Qiang Master also directly intermodes the idleness, and its own strength is completely exerted.

Hard hard!

Positive confrontation!


The dark green gun is hit by the blood-colored lightning, the space is instantly collapsed, and the horrible power has formed a burst of shock waves, and the crazy is sweeping around.

This is due to the powerful anti-voissing force generated by the frontal collision, and the simultaneous role is two people who are unparalleled with the Hyster Palace.

The sword has no double-shaped shock, and this anti-vibration will be treated.

"What?" The main color of the seven Palace is a change. At this moment, it can't help but leave a step back.

This is the step of retreat, so that the power of the main president of the Emperor Palace is completely defeated.

"His contest, hard, hard, actually better than me?" The Qilong Palace is full of horror looking up and watching the sword.

He doesn't know that although the sword is only a world, but also the two heavens, but because of the relationship between the reversal, his power broke out, but reached the top of the three heavens.

And he also has a bloody ring armor, driving the secrets in the bloody ring back, so that he is not too big to go to the power of the general God.

And the most important, is his feelings for the wheel.

In the sense of the wheel, he has already had the strength of the first level of the Taoist Palace, and the Great Palace Lord? He is just a true god in the bottom, and even the power of a silk is not sent.

With the amplitude of the moment, the sword has no double power out of the power, but it is more stronger than this seven wilderness!

On the battlefield, the sword was unparalleled. He suddenly grinned. The blood peak sword was the paint black hole of the Great Palace, a diagonal, lightning toward the hands of the Great Palace.

The seven cheeper is scared by the bride, even if you want back, you will have a stepping of the sword, and it has come to the front of the Duqi Palace.

"This method!" The seven palace is shocked.

The sword is unparalleled once again.

His whole people have already turned into a sword, they are the sword, and the blood peak sword is the sword blade.


Simple, sword light is like a claws that are like a fierce beast, and come directly.


The Great Palace is the mainstay of the gun, and the sword is unparalleled and flexible, and the long sword is straight to the head of the front.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

A fierce collision sounded in the sound of void, sword unparalleled or turned into a sword, or turned into a fierce beast, with a viratory secretary, completely played his own near-body killing capacity.

It is insiscuously, his close killing ability, but in the day of prison, it has been hinded by thousands of years.

And there is also a mood of the body's mood of the phantom, this outbreak ... is amazing.

"Too too fast!"

"His speed is too fast, the sword is also fast, a sword follows a sword, and it is endless. It does not give me any chance. His body is more strange!"

"I, I am really god, I can't find any opportunities."

The seven-proud palace is a horror, he has played the most powerful strength that belongs to the true God.

His power, his scholarship, including his gun law, all played.

However, in this way, he is still unparalleled by swords.

Yes, it is suppressed!

And it is still complicated, and the Lord of the Qilong Palace is constantly reversing in this press, it seems unusual wolf, and even the opportunity to come.

The surrounding flavors, the feet of millions of practitioners are horrified, and they are very horrified.

A world god, fighting with true God, as a result, it turned out to put the real God to the side! !

How can this be?

"Ah !!!"

The seven hometown is also crazy by the sword. It is anger. I only heard an angry, the 'black war armor' on the seven Palace owners has suddenly skyrocketing, and it is actually a huge black. Beast, the black immersion beast has three heads, and it is incomparable.

The eyes of the Great Palace have also become dark, and the long guns have a thrilling power, suddenly a thorn.

"Dark !"


It is completely dark all over the world.

I don't see a shining shining.

Then, the long guns, it became the only focus between the world, the power of the power, shocking.

"Haha, good!"

The sword is unparalleled, a laughter, the strong soul is swept away, and the golden gods of Baizhang high will rise.

This golden gods appeared, and the huge long sword in his hand came to sword at this moment.

The sword is unparalleled to create three true gods, the power is the strongest ... nine days of swords!

I have a sword that is unsatisfactory, I'm coming again.

The sword of the heavens and the swords of the heavens are in the dark, positive collision.


Tianshure crack.

All people around the battlefield couldn't help but echoing this horrible roaring.

And after the roar ...


The seven hysterists were issued a boring, and their mouth also overflowed a piece of blood, and the body is not comparable to the rush of wolf.

As for the sword and unparalleled, although it has also been a powerful impact, the impact of this shock and the weakening of the bloody wheel back, and it has not been able to bring any impact on him.

He still stands on the void, it is unpatched, and the breath is still the sky, and it is not weak.

This battle, the seven Palace owner, defeated!


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