Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1501 Iron Wing Beast

The island where there is no sad hall is located.


A beautiful red robe girl came.

This red robe girl is back with a huge black sickle. I looked at the entrance to the cave, and I was directly plundered into the cave.

In the island, many strong people see this red robes, they are overcast.

"That is the demon girl!"

"is her."

"She didn't come?"

These strong people are immediately communicating with the commandments in the Dongfu.

The sword is unparalleled, and the first time is first connected to the message of Lei Dynasty.

"The demon woman is the third monster?" The third monster of the world is there. "The sword flashed in a double eye.

None of the neighborhood, many of the gods came, even if it was the ten monsters of the top ten, they were also attracted.

As of now, the top ten people ranked in the world have arrived, and this demon girl is temporarily ranked.

"The third of the ranked third, the first two monsters, I don't know if I will come?" The sword was unparalleled, and I also had a look at the bottom.

Just in the fourth day of the sword unparalleled into the non-hardened hall.


The sword is unparalleled. It is stocked in a void. The power of the soul that is covered is, it has been in the existence of iron wings outside his front.

"After I entered this cave, I have been searching for the power of the soul. Three days, the scope of searching has exceeded hundreds of millions, I finally discovered an iron wing beast." The sword is unparalleled, his soul It has completely locked the iron wing, while continuing to penetrate the iron wing beast, I want to find out whether there is a Qiankun ring in the body of the iron wing.

Results His strength has not been infiltrated, and it has been completely isolated by a homeric power.

"I can't find it." The sword was unparalleled.

It is impossible to penetrate the iron wing of the beast, and he cannot judge whether there is white fruit in the body of the iron wing.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the surrounding area of ​​this area, except him, there is also a seven contest.

These seven trends are far more than 30,000 miles away, but only less than five thousand miles away from him, so close to the distance, once he is moving on the iron wing, this seven contest can be perceived immediately. And it is very fast.

"Although it is very troubles, there is no way, you must do it."

The sword is unblocked, the sorrow, the next moment, his figure is already in the iron wing beast that is locked by his soul.

Iron wing beast, named after the whole body is dark, like a iron-like scaly, this scales covers its whole body, just like a layer of iron warfare, but there is no wings.

The body of the iron wing beast is small, there are four ho ho ho, at this moment, there is a piece of iron wing beast to slow down.

The sword is unparalleled with his own breath. It also quietly appeared in the jungle. Looking at the iron wing beast from him, only hundreds of meters away, the sword is unparalleled, and the body shape is quietly drifting. In the past.

A few meters from the distance, there is no double for the sword, naturally passed.

However, when the sword is unparalleled in the iron wing beast, the iron wing beast is being scattered, but it is a surprise, and the moment is alert.


The sword is no longer hidden. I saw a shocking sword, and the sword was suddenly turned into a blood shinch rock.

His power has also ever burst out.

Really gentle school, blood light!


The iron wing beast issued a gangs and roared, turning moment, and turned to a front paw while it is also swaying between electric light.

The precipox is also made of lacquer scales, but it is extremely sharp, it is like a war knife, sharpness.


A metal impact sound rang, the black scales on the front paws of the iron wing beast were cut off, and the blood color light on the sword was unparalleled, which was bombarded in the iron wing of the beast. The body is above the body.


A fierce snoring is issued from the mouth of the iron wing. This sound is very different, and the delicate body of the iron wing beast is immediately fell back.

"It's not dead?" The sword did not have a double eyeliner.

He got a message before, and also knew that these iron wing beast defensive ability is very strong, and the speed is so fast, and the general three-day peak is God, even if you encounter it, you can't.

The sword is unparalleled, and the defense capability of this iron wing will be strong.

His power has completely burst out, it is rubbed with the power of the reincarnation, and the blood light is displayed, but this iron wing can not be killed.

call out!

A black stream is instantly exploding, it is the iron wing of the iron.

"Want to escape?"

The sword is not double-finished, and the speed is instantly burst, and the large amount of parasites is also swept away, and the beginning of hindering that the iron wing is escaping.

"This iron wing beast, the speed is also far more than the ordinary three heavens," swords are unparalleled, the first heavy dragon blood secrets have come.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled toward the wing of the beast, his shocking sword, and more pounds of powerful explosions immediately passed.

In the row of tens of thousands of miles around the sword, the seven contests have also induced this movement at the same time.

"Good swords, someone is fighting, just nearby, where!"

"It is the two cultivators who are fighting, or say ... Someone finds the iron wing beast?"

"No matter what is the reason, I will go now!"

This seven contests did not hesitate, and they came over to this jungle.


Two figures were blooming from the jungle, but the distance between each other was closer at an amazing speed.

"Is the iron wing beast!"

"Haha, I finally encountered a head!"

"Just a person actually force the iron wing beast crazy escape?"

The seven contests have also perceive the existence of the wing of the wing.

Before the iron wing, the iron wing was in the jungle. If they didn't pass the bus, did not carefully exploited, it did not find the existence of the iron wing, but now the iron wing beast rushed out of the jungle, escaped, they immediately found it.

"I don't know if this iron wing is in the body. Is there a white fruit?"

"I hope there is."

This seven world is hot, and it is close to the beast with amazing speed.

At this time, the first heavy blood of the dragon blood, and the sword of more than ten times the speed broke out, but the iron wing beast was caught up.


This time, the sword is unparalleled, and the same bloody sword is burst, the reincarnation is filled, and the sword is unparalleled is also the secrets of the bloody reincarnation.


The sword light broke out, only once bombarded, and crushed the black scales of the iron wing beast table, and the iron beast had a blood cavulation, and then it was a sword. The body is running.

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