Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1502 First Buffalies

One of the black scales of the iron wing, the black scales of the table have lost spirituality, the defensive ability is reduced, and only the sword is unparalleled, and the power has broken the body of the iron wing.

However, after the iron wing beast is shocked, a hidden Qiankun in the body has been revealed.

"Qiankun ring?"

The sword has no double, even the Qiankun rings, the idea, see a white fruit that is quietly suspended in Qiankun.


The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes also burst into light. "My luck is really good, I have encountered the first iron wing, there are white fruits in the body."

The iron wing beast in the madroad, only part of the body has white fruit, and most of them are not.

This leads to some of the world's gods to find an iron wing, and the cost of killing it, but in the end, it is busy.

And now it seems that the luck of the sword is very good.

Just then ... !!!!

Digital shadows come simultaneously, appearing in the sword where there is no double, it is the seven contest.

"The iron wing beast was killed by him."

"Just, I have recently seen him, I see very clearly, he really took out a Qiankun ring from the iron wing beast!"

"That is, in his hand, there is a white fruit!"

This seven worldwear is watching the sword.

"Blood and Ramp, carrying the long sword, there is this model ... You are a sword!" One of the Blu-haired women have recognized the only one of the swords.

"The sword is unparalleled? The top of the top 20 in the world?"

"White incense, turned out into his hand?"

These gods are very ugly.

If it is an ordinary world, they have got a white fruit, and they will definitely snatch.

But now, has whitefritis, but the sword is unparalleled.

The top 20 of the world is ranked, the shadow of the people's famous trees, and this world will naturally have a scruple.

"Hey, what is the strong people in the world? It is a boundaries, I have never thinking that there are more people on the gods of these worlds. Isn't it possible to kill the three days of peaks? This is also possible To do it, let's more, we have seven people, what are you afraid? "A dark middle-aged man is low.

When I heard this, the other world gods came to face, and they were hesitant.

"You want to shoot the world of the world, that is your business, I don't participate." The blue-haired woman who recognized the sword was said, but his body shape was retired.

"It is better, so there is another person to compete with us." The dark middle-aged man is cold and smiled. "But a world of God list, and just the top ten, not true God, we Six people teamed up, I am afraid that he is not? "

The people who hesitatedly flashed a soft light, and he was told that he would take back.

"The sword is unparalleled, hand in white fruit, I can put you a way." The skin is dark middle-aged man.

"Exchange Bai Yan"! "

"Don't force us to shoot."

The remaining five world gods also stared at the swords and unparalleled, and they were forced to force.

See this, the sword has no double mouth angle, and it will take the Qiankun who will get from the iron beast body.

"Bai Yan fruit is here, if you have this, even though come." The sword is unparalleled.

Seeing the sword unparalleled Qiankun Ring, these six world gods flashed a fanaticism.

The skin is dark middle-aged man voice is cold. "Since he is looking for death, we will become all he, wait for him, we will compete for this white fruit again by his ability."

"Well." The other five worlds have nodded.

Tight, !

The six body shape and the sword are unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is moving. It has already appeared in front of the old-skinned middle-aged man, and then the blood peak sword.

Fast, too fast!

At least a middle-aged man is really unbelievable. He can't make any response, so it is already wearing throat by the sword unparalleled sword light.

"How can I become like this?"

Before the death, this middle-aged man also opened his eyes.

A sword killed this middle-aged man, and the sword has no double shape again.


The sword is unbounded in five positions, and it is the same sword after the appearance.

It seems that it is just a sword of Pu Tutong, but because of the relationship with a slight space, this sword is fast to make any reaction.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

The sound of the five Jian Feng in the body sounded, only one moment, this world is again quiet.

So because the sword is unparalleled in the hands of the white fruit, it will take the six boundaries of the light, and there is no double by the sword in the radumite.

After killing these six world gods, the sword was unparalleled back to the long sword. I gave a blush woman who had already retired to the distance. The blue-haired woman was frightened and shocked, and the sword was unparalleled. Watching immediately, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no difficult woman, the figure is moving, and it has left.

The blue robe woman stood in the void, looked at the sword, there was no parallel from the sword, which was relaxed, and then she looked at the six bodies scattered in the ground, flashing a little ridicule.

"These six idiots, don't look at themselves a few two, but they dare to rank the top twenty strong in the world. It is really stupid." The blue robe woman is admired, but she also knows, These six world gods inevitably belong to the excitement that is not seen, they have never seen the truly bounds.

On weekdays, the top can only hear some of the legendary people on the spirit of the world.

But the legend is seen with your own eyes, that is two things, the legendary thing, many of them don't believe it.

Naturally, their strength, there is a must question, and even think that he is more than the Shang Shen list, it should be too much.

Like the dark middle-aged man who has just been dark, it is estimated that it is thinking.

But she is from this Zhongxian Zongmen, which is from this Red Dragon, I used to see the truth of the gods, the ranking of the world is only in the seventieth, but the strength is strong. It is desperate, and it can't lift the idea of ​​the slightest.

And just appearing in front of them, but the top 20 super existence.

These existence of even the god can be resistant to the defeat, and is it possible to compete for these three gods?

This blue robe woman is also glad that he did not shot, or she must also be like the six people.

I have secretly emotionally, this blue robe woman has taken out anorge.

"The main owner, I have a white fruit here."


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