Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1507 Rescue

"The sword is unparalleled, what position is you now?" Lei suddenly came to the news, and the sound was obviously anxious.

"I am in this place, what happened?" The sword was unbounded to pass his position to the Lei Dynasty.

"Fast, immediately in the northwest direction, Dragon teeth is in that direction, he is now chasing, you immediately rushed to save him." Lei chartered.

"Dragon teeth are chased?" The sword has no double.

This white fruit is competed, and the three disciples of the Stars have arrived.

But in the no harmonious house, they are all dispersed, and the sword is unparalleled, and the dragon teeth is also the same.

"Dragon Teeth are not a white fruit?" The sword asked.

"Yes, he grabbed a coincidence, but he was stared by many strong people. Now it is now showing the blood of the dragon and blood, but the blood of the dragon blood is crazy, he can't take a long time. Yixuan is now rushing, but you are closer to Dragon Teeth, I will notify Dragon Tooth to flee in your direction, perhaps still have to come. "Lei said.

"Well, I will start now."

The sword is not hesitant, and the speed broke out, and even himself also showed the first heavy dragon blood secret, rushed toward the Dragon teeth.

The vast void, hey!

A stream of light, crazy with amazing speed, fled, and not far behind him, it followed a black position, and the black position was equally unique.


There is a lot of blood in the body, and it seems that there is a long-awaited dragon tooth, and the face is getting angry, and the face is ugly.

He was good before, and a gantry in a competition in many contestants.

After getting it, he immediately applied the blood of the dragon and blood. He thought he thought that he had to get rid of those boundies, but he didn't think of it, he would encounter behind the way. That horror guy.

At this moment, the power of the body is burning in crazy.

Relying on the second heavy blood secret, his speed has increased a hundred times, but it is still unable to get rid of the black position behind him.

He is unlike the sword. There is a sword to recover, so that such a crazy power combustion is not long.

"My God has burned enough to be 70%, only 30% left, and the top more can support the time of the half quarter." Dragon Tooth is holding hands.

Half for half an hour, if it is in the usual fierce battle, it is very long, but now he is in the escape, but it is too short.


The dragon tooth look suddenly, he has received the news of Lei Dynasty, and the sword is unparalleled, and he also knows the sword unparalleled position.


A long tooth, I didn't hesitate to immediately flee a madness in the direction of the sword, and the black position was still dead.

Time passed, his power is also crazy.

It took more than 70% before, and it took 80% and consumes 90%.

When the power consumed 90%, the dragon teeth finally panicked.

"I haven't arrived yet, the sword is no longer?" The dragon teeth trembled, he already felt the exhausted exhausions of their own weakness.

"Can't help."

The heart is helpless, and the head is turned to drink: "The murderer is god, the white is giving you, don't chase again."

"Haha ~~~" The black in the black position came out of the magnificent laughter, and the sound was shocked. "If you put the white fruit to me, I will not be difficult for you, but now you It has already been soaked, this is too late. It's too late. Kill you, the white fruit is mine, and I can get your treasure, why not? Too big force. "

"Billing, I am a disciple of Star." Dragon tooth burst.

"Don't take the disciples of Xingchen Palace to scare me, my sky ax is not afraid of your star." The murdereck in the black position smiled.

Dragon teeth is more profound.

The power of the body has been a state of depletion, there is no sufficient power support, and the speed of the dragon teeth is reduced.

"Haha, dragon teeth, is dead!"

The rampant laugh is echoed to the sky, and the black lounge has already appeared behind the dragons.

Dragon's eyes are watching, slap, the white fruit appears in his hand, but he is not hesitant to throw Buffalic fruit.

"Whitefang fruit?"

It was originally killed to the murderer in the murderer, and then immediately turned the direction to the whitefritish fruit.

Soon the murderer chased the white fruit and grabbed it in the hands.

"Hey, can I escape my hand?"

After the fierce ax, the gods were in the Qiankun, and the cold scorpion locked the dragons that continued to escape, and the murder was once again chased again.

Obviously this murderer will truly kill the dragons.

However, at this time, in the front of the Dragon tooth, a black dot appeared in the air, and this black dot is still amazing in an amazing speed.

"Sword is unparalleled !!"

Dragon teeth is big, relying on the final power of the sword.

The two finally met.


The sword is unparalleled in front of the dragons, and the dragons have been completely unspeakable. His breath has also been weak.


The black position followed by the dragon tooth also paused, and the port was dissipated, showing a fierce man wearing a black armor.

This fierce man also held two hands in both hands. At this moment, it is a strong and interested in the sword.

"Dragon teeth, are you okay?" The sword watently glanced over the dragon tooth behind.

"You can't die, just the power consumption, in addition, the white inflammation has also fallen into the hand of this murderer." The dragon teeth is low, and it is full of anger.

"I have some medicinal herbs here, you have rushed to restore the imperial power." The sword will throw a few medicinal herbs to Dragon teeth. These Dan is a sword unparalleled. When the sword is prison, it is killed by him. Those who got it on the body, the drug effect is very good.

"Well." Dragon Tooth Zheng nodded, nor hesitated, put the few pieces, immediately started to restore the power.

The sword has no double scorpion, it is a fierce man wearing a black armor in front of him.

"The murderer!" The sword didn't smash.

The murderer, the world list, ranked ninth!

The best genius disciple in the Tiaxiah, the top ten monsters recognized by the chaotic world.

This is also a sword unparalleled so far, and the first boundary of the first world is ranked first!


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