On the empty, the cold wind whizes, the air is as if it is solidified.

The sword has no double eyes cold, staring at this murderey in front of him.

"There is no sorrowful hall, many of the world are crazy for Chinese characters, and they are killed in the battle, and they can only blame himself weak, no wonder others."

The sword is unparalleled, "The murderer will have a murderey, if it is a dragon tooth, it has been alleged, and you will be able to make him, I can understand, but now Dragon Teeth have given you the white. You are still chasing, I am going to die, this is not too much? "

"Exhaust?" The murderer is grinned and laughs: "In this world, there is nothing wrong with what is wrong. Some is the strength and weakness of strength. Since I have strength than him, then Even if you have, how can you? The sword is unparalleled, you should celebrate that you are not low in the kingdom of God, I have no absolute grasp you can kill you, otherwise, don't say this dragon tooth, you will have your body. That white inflammation, you have to die today. "

The murderer god is aware of the sword without having a white fruit.

However, the sword is unbearable, he is ranked ninth in the spiritual list, but there is no absolute grasp of the sword unparalleled thoroughly.

"This is true, I really got a big shot." The sword is unparalleled and cold, and the eyes are slow and cold. "However, I really want to know that you are ranked ninth in the world." Many energy is resistant. "

"Why, want to try?" The murderer's mouth is slightly tight, and he is a contempt in the sword.

He didn't absolutely grasp the sword unchanged, but the strength, he didn't put the sword in the eyes.

After all, the gang list is very huge in front of the top ten, the gap is very huge.

Just as the two swords were pulled out, the voids in front of the front, but they were more than a big movie.

These people are the many contexts that have been competed with Dragon tooth. It is just because the speed is not fast enough, now they come, including some of the bounds attracted by the chasing battle, add up There are nearly 100 people in foot.

Nearly 100 contests, although there is no world god list, but if it is united, it is still an extremely strong battle.

"The murderer, there is a sword, no parallel?"

These arrivals have a little mistaken, especially when they see the sword, most of these horizons are flashing.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is a white fruit.

Subsequently, they noticed that they were still behind the sword, and the breath was extremely weak.

"Dragon teeth, put Bai Yan fruit!"

"Don't die, or you will die!"

After a few burst of explosions, these horizons locked the dragons,

Dragon's teeth bite, whispered: "The white fruit I got, has fallen into this fierce world."


These horizons have seen the murderer.

"He said yes, I really have a white fruit in my hand." The murderous ax is a smile. "But there is a white fruit in the scene, there is a one, this sword is not double, there is a one. So you can think about it, it is a white fruit to be in my hand, or you have to be a sword. No longer, you can find a way to stay in our two. "

The words of the murderer will be obviously brought together.

The neighborhood of the surroundings will be sinked.

One-on-one, they are definitely not swords, the opponents of the fierce ax, inevitably want to join together, even if they join hands ... nearly 100 three days of the world, the battle force is strong, but want At the same time, the sword is not a double and the murderer is not a realistic.

Therefore, they can only choose to leave one.

The murderer is unparalleled with the sword, and a ride will be ranked ninth. One row is in the twentieth, and the fool knows how to choose.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the white fruit in your hands will be handed over." A breath is obviously the old saying more than other trends.

The other people are also brushing to the sword, and there is a bit cold.

The murderer looks at this scene, and there is no intention to intervene.

The sword has no double eyes.

"See it, how do they treat me as a soft persimmon?" The sword is unmainted, "it is also right, the murderer is ranked ninth in the world, but it is much higher than my rankings. Under normal circumstances, His strength should also be stronger than I. "

"The sword is unparalleled, put Bai Yan fruit, I will let you leave the dragon tooth, or you have to die with Dragon Tooth!" The old red robe continued.

"If you rely on you?" The sword didn't have a red robe.

"You are looking for death!" The red robe old is angry, and it is a bursting, "" Hand, kill him! "


The neighborhood of the nearly 100 contests also broke out amazing killings, and a road shape was moved simultaneously.

If it is usually, they have never touch the swords, and they are absolutely not daring to sword without a double breeze.

But now, they are not afraid.

After all, he has nearly 100 contexts, and it is the triple day of the top world. Although there is no strong in the world, it can be connected, even if it is the murdere of the world. When it is here, it is only the sovered copy, let alone the sword is unparalleled.

"Death!" These trendy gods kill.

But this moment of sword is unparalleled, and the face is also cold.

"I don't want to kill the ring, but this time, it is yourself to find it." The sword didn't have a bumper, and the power of a huge soul shifted.

The power of this soul directly formed a bloody phoenix.

The bloody phoenix felt wings, turned into a stream of flow, the feathers of this bloody phoenix in the way were turned into a bloody stream, and there was no hindrance to the body of this nearly 100 contests, and then it is like a The rooted sharp spice is directly pierced into the sea of ​​the world.

Nearly a hundred contest, just killed the sky, but now there is more than a large world of horror, and then their eyes are bleak.


Like rain, nearly 100 horizons, there is more than sixty bits directly to the ground.

There are more than 30 trends left, although forcibly resisting the soul attack, you can feel the sting of consciousness.

At this time, the blood peak sword has already appeared in the hands of the sword.

It is seen in front of the throne in front of the throne, and the sword is unblocked.

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