Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1509, the murderer!


At the same time, the nine phantom was burst, and the sword was unparalleled.

The red robe is the strongest in these bounds. The combat power should have been barely comparable to the strong in the gods. It can be attacked by the sword unparalleled soul. His awareness has not been completely fixed, and the sword is unparalleled. The sword, the Jianfeng cuts the air, and then cut directly from the neck of the red robe.

The head of the red robes is flying.

Rock again with the sword, come back and forth in the crowd.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

On the way, a cold sword is also swaying, and every sword is swearing.

Just instantly, only one breathing time, the remaining more than 30 trends, once again be killed by the sword without double.

The rest of the 21st boundaries have long been frightened by this crazy kill.

"Escape, escape!"


"He is terrible, he is not a human, he is a devil!"

These horizons are crazy to escape, just in short moments, this world, except for swords, there is only a murderer, which is only a living person.

"Hey! Hey!"

The sound of the palm of the palm sounded, and the murderer shot the palm of the palm, and he was still moving in the sword.

"Wonderful, really wonderful!"

The murderer god smiled, "I didn't expect your sword to have a sense of consciousness, and the awareness attack means is still this, and I will make my eyes."

The sword is unparalleled, it is slightly whitening.

He is good at consciousness attacks. This matter has not been explained in the spiritual list, so there is not much people in this means, otherwise, just those who have just been afraid to come to him. After all, good at consciousness attack, the most reason is the quantity!

The intensity of the sword has reached the extreme, full of the blood of the blood, the soul attack, unless the sense of consciousness has reached the limit of the world, otherwise it will not be able to resist, just nearly 100 contests, The child was killed more than 60, only the consciousness intensity has reached the limit of the world, and it survived.

But only more than 30 trends, only the slaughtered part of the sword.

In addition, the five-must-control spirit, the blood, this trick, is the means of attacking, if it is in one-on-one situation, the soul attack of the sword is unparalleled, the strength of the ideology of the boundaries can not resist, Unless the intention of the other party has reached the realist level.

"The people who are in the event have been resolved, then you are here." The sword didn't have a double toward the murderer.

"I want to do it? It's just that the horse is coming." The murderer is not afraid.

"Dragon teeth, you will take it back." The sword has no double.

"Well." Dragon's teeth look back and immediately retreats.

On the big empty space, there is only two people who are unparalleled and the murderer.

"I have to see, the world will be the ninth, how strong it is!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the nine phantom instantly burst.

At the moment of the moving, the sword was unparalleled, and a strong blood light suddenly shouted.

This is like a bloody sun, scarlet glare, and it is incomparable.

The murderer is also can't help but attract this bloody sun.

Eighteen Monkey Hell, suddenly coming!


The fierce ax is a wrinkle, he has fallen into the illusion.

"Break me!"

I only heard a low drink, the murderer arrived from the illusion.

His sense of consciousness has long met the true God, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is difficult to affect him.

But he just broke away, but found that the sword is unparalleled in front of him. At the same time, a scarlet sword light is like a bloody lightning, and it is a true god of the sword.


The murderer is cold, and the right hand is louder, a huge ax is instantly driven the power around the world, and it is like it seems that it seems to be oppressed throughout the world.


A big sound, the huge power of the sword is unparalleled, and after connecting to the step.

"Haha ~~~"

The murderer smiled in the world, and he used his hands and waved the two hand of the giant ax. The two hand of the giant ax continued, and each ax contained an amazing power.

The sword is unparalleled. The secret of the blood cloud wheel will have urgent, and the power is also full of outbreak, and the long sword will fight against.

With the collision with the giant ax, the terrible power of the sword has a little stinging.

"Strong power, I have already urged bloody feather wheel back to the secret surgery, but I can't be more surprised by the power of power." The sword was unparalleled. "

He is self-reliant, with the secret of the blood cloud ring armor, even if it is more than the true God, it is not too much than that, it will not be more than this murderey.

"The sword is unparalleled, is your strength only?"

Then, the waving the giant ax is crazy to oppress the sword, the murderous ax, flashing, "" On this kind of strength, I dare to challenge me, I really don't work. "


I saw that the murdere axes became a bloody, his breath became more fierce, and the power contained in the giant ax was more powerful.

The murderer, with a fierce name, his ax law is the martial hegemony, fierce!

But at this time, the sword has no double eyes, the power of the slight time he feels, and has been directly played.

! !

Originally the sword is unparalleled by the body, I will send a nine phantom, but this moment will join the power of this ham, but the sword is unparalleled, but the eighteen phantom!

Flower motion, the third realm!

This lattice is secret, it is aimed at time and space. When the first focus on the second realm, there is no requirement on the time-space road, but it has to be able to master a slight time.

And this kind of time and space, the sword is unparalleled.

Just before, when he didn't have a sorrowful hole, he did not encounter too strong opponents. The strongest thing is that nine ugly, but it is only the thirty battle of the thirty world, can't force the sword. Take time and space.

Until now, with this murderer, the strength of the sword is no longer there, and the efforts have been made.

Time and space movement, foot, 18th phantom, his body, his instant, and directly upgraded to a new level at this moment.

"This speed!" The murderer was shocked.

He is also scared by the sword.

"The murderer is strong, are you strong? I don't compete with you, I will rely on the speed, kill you!" The sword was unparalleled.


PS: Today, six!

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