Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1510 Guard


Football 18th Phantom, every way is fast, the sword is unparalleled in front of the murderer, and a scarlet sword is straight to the latter's head.

Fast, this speed is too fast.

Strive to the murderer, I only watched the Huang's giant ax at this moment.


A great sound, the 18th phantom once again, the sword is unparalleled, and there is still a sword that is lightning after the murderer.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is completely broke out, and it is straightforward to the wealth of the murderer.

The murderer is almost the strength of the strong, but it can face the speed of such a strange body. It can only be able to block the sword without double sword attack, and it is abnormally wolf.


A flaming, the fierce ax, there was a burning, and I saw that he was surprised, and the whole person is like a live-ranking beast. , Time two hips are simultaneously waved, and the surrounding void is completely covered within the ax.

Purely want to press the person!


There is no double eyeliner, the blood peak sword suddenly waved, and the two axes collided with the two axes. Under the hindrance of the power, he retired after his body shape, but one stopped and stabilized. .

"If you want to crush me alone, you are dreaming!" The sword was cold.

He used time and space forces, and the body law completely burst into it. This murderer couldn't keep up with his speed. Therefore, the murderer world wants to rely on the stretchable power, a force dropped ten will, forcibly hit him Retreat, and even seriously injured.

However, the murderer is not known, and the omniso, the sword is not more than him, but the gap is not too big, just this kind of power gap, he wants to crush the sword is unparalleled, do not do it, and the sword If there is no double shape, even if you are hit, you can immediately rush.

"Your body method, speed, even the ability to smash, all are not as good as me, just a power than me, is still mad in front of me? Let me live!" The sword is unparalleled, The shape is strange, and there is another side of the murderer, the blood peaks in the hand are the chest of the stream of arrogance.

Such a strange body law, the angle of such a drilled, the murderer god can't sway the giant ax, but the black war armor wearing him covered his whole body, the black armor released the charm The blood peak sword stab is on the black armor, only leaving a white mark on the black armor, and this white mark will soon dissipate.

"The true gods of the chaotic odorant?" The sword is not a double eyebrows.

He is a disciple of Stars, and completed the ultimate disciple mission and got an additional reward of bloody ring.

And this murderer is the best disciple of Tianx, the nature of the Tiaxia, the Niaax, the godberg, can be weak in the stars, and he has the true God of Chaos, which is also normal.

However, even if there is a native of the true god-level black armor, the strikes contained in the sword in the sword have been partially passed to the body of the fierce world, and some harm will bring some harm to the murderer.


The murderer is in the sword, and the rushing of his rumored scorpion is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I am a little bit, you have already have the battle force in front of the world, it is enough to be enough." The murderer is low, "" You have a lot of strength, then I don't want to fight, I don't have it. "

The voice falls, this murderer is already in order to leave a black position, ready to leave.

He has not moved, but he saw a lot of paralysis of paralysis, and the field formed is not large, but his speed has been affected.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you have to waste time?" The murderer circle gods.

"Waste time? I can't think so." The sword is unparalleled.

"It's so biliary, I am afraid that you are not!"

The murderer god broke a flash, his figure was shaken, and suddenly he had a high three meters, and he saw the pound of the power of the madness. The handle is holding both hands while holding up.

At the moment he lifted, he also immediately appeared on a black ax with a horizon.

This black ax is then a one, and it seems that there is a full foot.

Hundreds of black ax is suspended, with the murderer boundary, the hundred black ax is simultaneously gathered together.



A ax suddenly waved.

At that moment, the whole void is trembled, and the ground below has a rogue, it is like a spider web spread.

The sword is unparalleled, and it doesn't dare to pay attention to this ax.

"Nine Days!"

The same is the strongest power outbreak, and the sword is unparalleled. It is the strongest nine-day sword in the three real gods he created.

There is no sword to rise, and a sword from the nine-day penalty appears, with the fierce black ax, positive bombardment.


A loud sound, like a ceiling.

The terrorist force contained in the black ax, obviously more stronger than the swords of the sword unparalleled, and the sword of the penalty is under the black ax, support the moment, suddenly the knot, then the black ax is resurgent. It is thoroughly covered the sword.

"Hey, can die under my strongest recruit, you should also be proud." The murderer is a little pale, obviously to show this trick is not easy.

But just here ... ! The black power storm was suddenly opened by the cave. I saw a ghost-like body shape, and I kill it again in front of the murderer.

"How can it be?"

The murderer is surprising.

He has seen this ghost, is a sword, but he didn't expect that the sword was unparalleled under his ax, but even the breath did not weakened.

"He didn't be injured?" "The magical ax of the murderer is incredible.

He didn't know that the sword was the same as the true god-level chaotic specialty body.

Just behind the ax, after the 'nine-day sword', this has already consumed a lot of power, the remaining power shocks to the sword without double, and after the bloody feather wheel is greatly weakened, the remaining is just a silk. The power, the sword is unparalleled, and it is easy to resist.

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