"A contest, the feelings of the heavens can pass the second level of the Taoist Palace?"

When the sword is unparalleled to see the information that destroys God, it is secretly ignorant.

He has a certain understanding of the Taoist, and he is very clear, the more it is, the more difficult it is.

Even if it is true God, there is only a few, standing in the top part is eligible to pass the second floor of the Taoine.

And a world, can pass the first floor of the Taoine, it is already super monster, as for the second level ... almost impossible.

But this destruction God is that terrible.

"The Zidong King, the second Zi Dong Wang with the third, is full of thrilling, and if I encounter this destruction of God, I am afraid only the wolf." Admire.

He has a self-knowledge of his strength. Now he, if you encounter Zi Dong Wang with the silk, you can try a fight, but if you touch the destruction of God, there is absolutely no residual.

However, there is no harder, and he meets the probability of destroying the gods, and it is not high.

The sword is unparalleled in the non-grief, relying on his own soul to search for the existence of those iron wings, but maybe because this is not the relationship between the iron wing of the house, he finds it. The efficiency is not before, and even if you find the iron wing beast, there is no white fruit in the body of the iron wing.

Time lapse ... until this no sad hole has already opened a foot and three months, the sword is unparalleled against the strength of his soul, and once again kills an iron wing, so it has got the third white fruit, Of course, in the process of getting this white fruit, it is inevitable that I have experienced a killing.

Many eye-catching contests, Tu Fede together to kill swords, unparalleled, seized whitefritis, but eventually encountered sword unparalleled ruthless slaughter.

Killing everywhere, many of the neighborhoods compete for the noise of the white fruit.

Rumble ~~~ The whole passover began to shake.

This vibration frequency is getting bigger and bigger.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

"Is it difficult to do this?"

The many people in the Dongfu are full of stunning.

Under this stunned, the most empty voids in the Dongfu, but the vain is slowly condensed.

This is not tall, but it is as if it exists in the corner of the cave.

Many of the gods in the Dongfu, they can see this inexhaust, but they can't see the true appearance of this .

Even can't induce the breath of this championship.

After this faint shadow appeared, there was no more than zoom, and the voice with a trace of evil came into this cave.

"Numerous contests from the euchao chaotic world, welcome to my Cave."

The sound sounded in all directions, and the many contest in the Dongfu, no matter which corner of the cave, you can listen clearly.

After listening to clear, many of the people are sudden.

Welcome to my Dongfu?

As we all know, this Dongfu is the no sadness, then the person who speaks, is it none?

"No sad!"

"That madman, it is already dead, but I still have a consciousness in my own Dongfu!"

"I guessed that this cave is not so simple."

In the main hall of the island, many of the large energy people know that there is a change in the hardend, and the Temple is noisy.

"That madman, what do you want to do?"

These big energy people are obviously not a little bit of the neighborhood.

In the Dongfu, the voice of the vivid shadow continued to spread, "I have been opened for three months, three months, I have left the fifteen white fruit in the first floor of this cave, already In your hands, then, you should enter the second floor of the Dongfu, the white fruit will be more, the foot is fifty! "

As soon as this is, there is no sadness of all corners of the hall, immediately excited.

"This cave, there is a second layer?"

"The first floor has fifteen white inflammation, and the second floor, there is a feet of 50?"


Numerous contests have excited.

Especially those who have never been gone before.

Even many of the big energy people in the big temple, and the true God of the alliances, the expression of the gods, and the expressions have become unusually wonderful.

"The second floor has a foot fifty white fruit?"

"real or fake?"

"How can it be so much?"

These big energy people are incredible.

Insightly, in the history of the chaotic world, a single white fruit is extremely precious, enough to make the energy yours.

The previous three months came down, and the fifteen white inflammation in this no grief has been surprised.

Now, the consciousness that has no sad leave tells them that the second floor of the cave is still 50 whitening fruit?


The eyes of these energy in the hall become enthusiastic.

Of course, even if it is fanatics, these energy can maintain absolute sense.

Inner cave.

"I will have a break in a month, or prepare it, after a month, the second floor of the Dongfu will open, first remind you, the second floor of the Dongfu is so huge, while white The fruit is so much, so it is more crazy, saying that it will be more crazy? Haha ~~~ "

The laughter of the evil is echoating in the world, accompanied by laughter, but the vain is slowly dissipated.

However, the many of the gods in the Dongfu, but it is hard to calm.

After a month, the second floor of the Dongfu opened and the competition will be more intense!

On the mountain, the sword is unparalleled, but the brow is slightly frowned.

"King, you said that this is not the sorrowful god, is it true and false? The second floor of the Dongfu is really so many white inflammation?" The sword is unparalleled.

"I don't know, just under normal circumstances, a single white fruit tree, even if the accumulation of so many years, then it can't accumulate so many whitefrites." King said, "And, this no border God is A unrelated madman, what he has made, so you must be cautious. "

"Whether it is true, no matter how the sorrowful god is crazy, the second floor I must also go, even if it is not whitefan fruit, I have to retrieve the practice of the practice." The sword is unparalleled with hands, Zheng Guan Road .

"This is." The king is also, "he gave you a time for you, you are ready."

The sword was unparalleled, and then sat down immediately.

In the Dongfu, many people have temporarily stopped competition and began to prepare.


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