Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1514, the new ranking of the world

Within the Hong Kong, many of the large energy people are talking freely.

"That's no sadness, it is dead, it's not lonely, I really don't know what he wants?"

"Hey, unfortunately there is that the ban is too high, even if I wait, I can't forced to break, otherwise, which is the master?"

"I don't know if his banned, who helped him arrange, I have a certain attainment in the array, and it is a big energy. I haven't had a point in this ban, and I have a top ten cultivation holy land. It is estimated that Only that the existence of the level is likely to break this ban? "

"That level? The top ten cultivation of the whole top ten cultivation is only a few, they are high, and how are you free?"

In this casual conversation, the time slowly passed.

Ten days later, there were many major people in the main hall, and the slap in the Vientiane Tower suddenly opened.

"All, I have a new world list rankings, and you have set up a new world list.

A vice owner waved, and immediately opened a huge list.

The complete world god list is still recorded a hundred strengths, but only a huge change in the previous list.

At the top of the list, there is a ten-eye-catching name. This is the top ten monsters of the ranking of the gods.

"The first life of the world, destroy God."

"The second, Zi Dong Wang."

"The third, white robe knife."

"The fourth, demon girl, the fourth, the demon girl."

"The fifth, sword is unparalleled."

"The sixth and heart of the world."

"The seventh world of the world, the shadow of the shadow."

"The eighth, the Ice Feather Magi."

"The king of the world", the seven kings! "

The Tenth, the Devil's Hand of the Book. "

This is a new rankings of the top ten monsters.

Looking at this list, many strong people on the hall have discuss it.

If you talk about it, there is also a secret, but most of them agree with this list.

"The third place in the world, because he did not report his name when he defeated the silk, I didn't know his true name for the time being, so I used a white robe knife to replace it. If you are all If you agree, then the list is passed. "Qian Qian is laughing.

Immediately, this list is spread with amazing speed. In just less than half a day, it spreads throughout the whole without sadness.

Nothing to have a lot of trends in the house, knowing the existence of this list.

"This is the latest boundary list, I am ranked fifth?" The sword is quite quite quite quite.

His real strength, in fact, there is not much better than the ninth murder, but he is terrible!

This is an introduction to him on this latest commander, but said his body is the first in the world, just because he will be ranked fifth.

"This new boundary list is really big, and the new power of the new, there are many strong, except for me, this world is in front of the top ten, there is no good name before three people. "The sword is unparalleled."

In the top ten of the world, the white robe knife, the ice feather magic, the seven kings, there is no name before, it is in the three months of competing for this without sadness, showing amazing power.

Among them, the mysterious white robe knife is the strongest, and the front is defeated, and the third is ranked.

The Ice Feather Maguer and the seven kings were also defeated the magic hand, and they will be ranked to the first and ninth position.

In addition to the top ten, the ranks behind the same change is not small, like Dragon teeth, the previous row is in the fifty-first, but now it is seventy, as for the Xuan one, it has been more than 90, the stars The three people in the top of the pulse is also ranked more forward.

"This is the first floor of the Dongfu. If the second floor of the Dongfu is really like the no sadness, there is a feet of 50 white fruit, it will inevitably cause a bloody rain, and this ranking will It's a big change again. "The sword is unparalleled, and there is not too much for this list. It has quickly closed his eyes again.

There is no sorrowful hall, and the many contest is because of this brand new list.

Within a vast wasteland, a cold purple man is sitting here, he faces the evil, with a cold.

He is the Zidong King, the second place in the world, and at this moment he is also paying attention to the new world list.

"Or, before it, the destruction of God, high, no one can look back, even I can't do it."

"This destroys God, it is a monster."

Zi Dongwang shake his head, and he didn't want to compete for a meditation.

"Si Luo, actually lost to a mysterious knife who did not have a famous gas, this is some accident." Zi Dong Wang frowned, "According to the list, this mysterious white robe knife Guest, at the same time, I feel that dark roads and killing roads. I feel very high. The knife method is even more terrible. The Si Lu has been going out. Even the strongest means will show it, or defeated! "

"This mysterious white robe knife, the strength is a bit strong, and he does not seem to be too interesting to the white fruit, he went to this cave, purely for challenge, now he has defeated Sileble, then I should be me! "

"Hey, come, come on, the whole trend of the chaotic world, in addition to destroying God, there is absolutely no more people are the opponent of my Zidong."

Zi Dongwang confidence is full.


On the treetops of a giant tree, a black robes are sitting quietly, this black robes are thin and thin, and the face is handsome and cold, and the body is scattered. The most important thing is his eyes. Pupil, a pair of black and fragrant eyes, this is like the eyes containing endless magic.

"The sword is unparalleled, the fifth?"

"Oh, I didn't make a pair of enthusiasts with me. I used him to kill the murderer, I will be exclusive to the fifth, Vientiane Tower."

This is cold, such as the monster, the man is flashing.

He, it is the world's heart!

You must know that this is the fourth of the world.

Just because the white robe knife and swords were unparalleled, he was in the sixth.

And the white robe knife, but the front is defeated, his strength is unquestionable, and the heart is naturally unable to question, and there is no complaint.

The sword is unparalleled ... just kill a murderer, just in the fifth, the ranking is still in front of him, which makes the heart naturally not convinced.

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